
015: SoraRabbit Plays: Marvel Champions

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1645 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to The SoraRabbit Hole-- a pop culture positivity blog, now spanning two decades! This is the first installment of my new series, SoraRabbit Plays. In this series I will take a look at tabletop games that I enjoy. I'll talk about rules, mechanics, comparisons to other games, and review the game and any expansions I may have collected. (I'm big on expansions.) Keep in mind that I am by no means an expert. All my observations will be painted by my personal taste and personal gaming experiences. (Not that that's a bad thing. You may be able to benefit from my point of view.) For the first edition of this feature, I will be looking at one of the newest games in our ever-growing collection, the living card game from Fantasy Flight released in late 2019, Marvel Champions The Card

Boost Your Productivity With Timer: 6 Reasons Why

Posted By inscmag 1645 days ago on Sports - Your alarm clock is beginning to ring at your bedside, so you set it on snooze to extend a little more sleep. And there goes the alarm again and pushes you to get up, leave, and enter the gym. You’ll get on the treadmill, set your timer to 25 minutes, and enjoy your cardio workout. […]
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016: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 1

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1645 days ago on Entertainment - As should be evident by my internet handle, I really love Kingdom Hearts. How much do I love it? Well, I'll just say this: I wore Sora socks at my wedding and walked into our reception wielding a homemade Keyblade that Cocoashade and I worked on together. Instead of a wedding cake we had cookies in the shape of Paopu Fruit. All that should tell you what you need to know. I have several posts planned about some of the individual games in the series, but I know the best way to tackle something like this is to start with an overview post. So this entry will be explaining the Kingdom Hearts series, my history with it, and discussing the (admittedly) overly complex story line that has unfolded over the past 18 years. This is a pretty big undertaking. Kingdom Hearts started out very simple, th

Choose to be Happy Quotes

Posted By JoniKinney 1645 days ago on Marketing - While we can’t choose the events that surround us, the things that happen in life, we can choose positivity. One thing that has helped me through tough times is quotes. This is a collection of choose to be happy quotes. Happiness Quotes Learning to be happy despite what is going on can be hard. However, […]

Lifestyle: What Affect Does CBD Have On Your Libido

Posted By inscmag 1645 days ago on Sports - CBD from cannabidiol is a compound that can be found in the cannabis plant and it is working wonders, helping with a lot of diseases and ailments. One of the best things is that it doesn’t cause you to be high like THC does. It has a multitude of different uses. Manufacturers have been isolating […]
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4 Things Should Consider When Doing Contract Work

Posted By inscmag 1645 days ago on Sports - Signing a lucrative contract is an immense joy, especially if it is our first time or we have been unemployed for a long time. However, before “planting” our rubric, there is information that we must know. Firstly, because it is important to check that all the data is correct and coincide with what we had […]
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017: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 2

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1645 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to my three part overview of the Kingdom Hearts series. In the first installment I explained some of the characters, terms, and concepts. In this one, I'll get into the individual games a bit. Each of these games deserve their own posts (I'm working on posts for Part III and Dream Drop Distance now) but we'll see where I go with this down the road. As I said last time there's so much going on in the Kingdom Hearts series that it would take more than three posts, but I'm going to get into as much as I can.

Stupid wizards. (Credit: Square Enix, Disney)

In these posts, I'll do a quick summary, not going too in depth on the gameplay mechanics and differences between the games. I

How to Disagree Politely Using This Unique Collection of Tips

Posted By AceyG 1645 days ago on all - Disagreement Serves a Purpose

Disagreement sparks ideas and allows us to keep things in check while viewing things from a different perspective.

So, disagreements can be a good thing, right? Then why, at times, do they turn into heated arguments?

018: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 3

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1646 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to my massive overview of the Kingdom Hearts series. In Part 1 I went over the characters and concepts. In Part 2 I went over the first three games, two of which were numbered installments. This will be the rest of the games to this point. Just bear in mind that I will be very sparse in my details on Dream Drop Distance and Part III because those will be later posts.

This is wildly unsafe. (Credit: Square Enix, Disney)

After Kingdom Hearts II we had several side games while we waited for the next numbered installment. Although these were side games, they were incredibly important and vital to the plot. (They were also fun games in their own right.)

Personal Finance: How to Save For Your Future

Posted By inscmag 1646 days ago on Sports - No one knows what the future will hold, so it’s a good idea to save money when you can. If you do, you will always have something to fall back on if you need it in an emergency. Not only that, but you can save up for essential purchases without getting into debt. The more […]
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Get more in Moreton Bay

Posted By inscmag 1646 days ago on Sports - Australia’s coastline is dotted with world-class harbors and bays. From Eden to Moreton Bay, beautiful waterside towns and cities are enchanting places to live and work and attract a premium in real estate. Be tempted by bay living with a cheap home loan; your dream house isn’t as far away as you might think. Moving […]
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019: The Crazy Phenomenon of Gwenpool

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1646 days ago on Entertainment - Gwenpool is a real oddity in comicdom. She's a gender-swapped homage to a composite character... a parody of a parody... meta being meta about meta. Gwenpool is hard to explain unless she's been experienced, but I'm going to attempt to explain her in this post.

Wooden furniture for lasting comfort

Posted By inscmag 1646 days ago on Sports - What is it about wood that makes it such an amazing product? Wood has been used for millennia in our homes, and it continues to be just as popular today. In a space-aged world of high-tech composite materials, wood stands the test of time and remains strong.  Wood is used not just in the construction […]
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56+ Of The Best Cheap Hobbies To Pick Up

Posted By jronc23 1646 days ago on Body and Mind - What comes to mind when someone asks you, “So, do you have any hobbies?” This question could come up in any social situation where someone is trying to figure you out.  Have you figured yourself out? No judging if you’re still working on that. Most of us are. Check out our list of cheap hobbies, […]
The post 56+ Of The Best Cheap Hobbies To Pick Up appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.

Why I switched to Windows

Posted By inscmag 1646 days ago on Sports - Apple vs. Microsoft, the age-old battle of the operating systems, has softened as of late. With Apple adopting Intel architecture and Windows entering the smartphone market, we see collaboration instead of competition. For no-nonsense, affordable computing, you chose Microsoft. For premium products with a creative bent, you chose Apple, until now. Microsoft changed the computing […]
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Things to Consider When Planning to Get a New House

Posted By harleenas 1646 days ago on Home - Are you planning to build your own house? It's great to get a new house but the decision to buy one depends on many crucial factors. Here are things to consider when you plan to buy a new house.

More on the blog.

10 Major Ingredients for Your Fashion Marketing Strategy

Posted By Fashionedits 1648 days ago on Fashion -   Have you ever thought about what goes into creating a successful fashion marketing strategy? For every brand that does things right and manages to catch the public’s attention, there are dozens who fail at this. Thankfully, we’ve put together a list of the ten major ingredients that you need to include in your fashion … 10 Major Ingredients for Your Fashion Marketing Strategy Read More »The post 10 Major Ingredients for Your Fashion Marketing Strategy appeared first on FashionEdits.No related posts.