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6 Tips for Healthy Living

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Enerhealth Botanicals is a company that offers a variety of health and wellness products, including herbal supplements, teas, and superfoods. While taking supplements and other products can be a helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle, it's important to remember that true health starts with healthy habits.
Here are some tips for healthy living at Enerhealth Botanicals:
1. Eat a balanced diet: The food you eat plays a critical role in your health. Make sure you are getting enough protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates from whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and other unhealthy options. 

2. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for optimal health. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, and consider adding herbal teas or other hydrating beverages to your routine. 

3. Exercise regularly: Exercise is critical for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and improving overall health. Find an exercise routine that works for you, whether it's yoga, running, or strength training.

4. Prioritize sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and establish a relaxing bedtime routine to help you fall asleep more easily.

5. Manage stress: Stress can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.

6. Supplement wisely: If you choose to take supplements, make sure to do so under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage and always choose high-quality, reputable brands like Enerhealth Botanicals.

By following these tips, you can improve your overall health and well-being and enjoy the benefits of Enerhealth Botanicals products even more.

Adrenal Gland Function & Fatigue

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - While doing the google search rounds to figure out what’s causing your body to be sore all the time and why you can’t fall asleep at night, you stumble upon an article that brings up “Adrenal Fatigue”. What is this, and why is it so hard to find substantial information about it? This is a rather controversial term that has been used for quite some time in herbalist, naturopathic and integrative health communities, though it is more readily being spotted in mainstream media these days. 

Before unpacking the concept of adrenal fatigue, we have to make sure we have a good understanding of the adrenal glands and how they work. The adrenal glands are two small glands that are part of the endocrine system, and there is one located above each kidney. They produce a number of hormones that are essential to our everyday function, including aldosterone, epinephrine, and the steroid we’re going to focus on – cortisol.

Cortisol is the main stress hormone present in our bodies. When we experience something stressful, our brain sends a signal to the pituitary gland that gets relayed to the adrenal gland, which in turn produces cortisol that is released into the bloodstream to circulate. This pathway is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or HPA axis. The cortisol that is excreted is a sign to the rest of our body that we’re in trouble, and it initiates several physiological changes that prepare the body to deal with that stressful event. You’ve probably heard this referred to as the “fight or flight” response. 
The fight or flight response is integral in life-or-death situations. This was especially useful to our ancestors – maybe a predator was encountered while hunting for food and that terrified hunter needed a burst of energy to either fight it off or run to safety. Interestingly, our bodies respond in a similar way to perceived threats (i.e. preparing for a public speech). Giving a presentation isn’t going to be the death of us, but It’s all the same to our hypothalamus. This presents some issues, as unlike our neanderthal predecessors that only ran into a bear every once and a while, many of us are surrounded by stressful situations daily, and our bodies weren’t designed to be in the fight or flight response for extended periods of time.
This is where the idea of “adrenal fatigue” comes in. Coined by chiropractor James Wilson in 1998, the theory is that when the adrenal system is overworked due to excessive/chronic stress, it stops functioning properly and causes an over- or under- release of cortisol. The symptoms typically include brain fog, general fatigue, issues with falling asleep and waking up in the morning, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, body aches, hair loss etc. It is generally treated by holistic health practitioners with adjustments to lifestyle and diet, cutting out alcohol and other drugs, and herbal supplementation.

Allopathic medicine takes issue with using adrenal fatigue as a diagnosis, as the symptoms are vague and far-reaching. Western practitioners claim that a lot of these symptoms can be caused by a number of conditions, which can in turn lead to the misdiagnosis of a patient. Additionally, there hasn’t been any formal research conducted that verifies that the adrenal gland starts malfunctioning when overused. The closest recognized disease to adrenal fatigue is Addison’s Disease, or primary adrenal sufficiency. That being said, there are many studies that show the correlation between prolonged/excess cortisol levels in the bloodstream and a number of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue. Other conditions associated with cortisol dysregulation include osteoporosis and increased risk of stroke, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Whether you want to call it adrenal fatigue, cortisol dysregulation or just straight up being too stressed out, it’s important to recognize the potential damage that our bodies are subject to with our busy lifestyles. Eating healthy foods, taking time for self-care, stepping back when you have to, meditation and herbal supplementation some of the ways to counteract excess cortisol release. Adaptogenic herbs such as tulsi holy basil, ashwagandha, eleuthero and most medicinal mushrooms are well known for their protective action on the adrenal system.

Cocoa Mojo Recipes

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Cocoa Mojo Recipes 
Cocoa Mojo Super Chocolate Chip Cookies 


1 Cup Organic Spelt Flour
1 Cup Organic Oat Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Mojo
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Double-Strength Vanilla
3 Tablespoons of Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Agave Syrup
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil (Room Temp)
1 Cup Grain-Sweetened Chocolate Chips


Preheat oven to 350°F
Do NOT grease cookie sheet (use a stainless steel cookie sheet). You can put parchment paper on it if you like.
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass or stainless steel bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.  Then place cookie dough in refrigerator for 15 minutes.  (It should partly solidify).
Spoon refrigerated dough, about 1 tablespoon size onto cookie sheet leaving enough room between spoonfuls, as the cookies will spread.
Replace cookie dough in refrigerator to wait for next batch.
Bake for 12 minutes - remove from oven but leave on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack.
Then enjoy these delicious, healthy, and super chocolate chip COCOA MOJO cookies!

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Cocoa Mojo Frappuccino

Adult “Wake Me Up” Version

4 oz. Brewed NutriCafe Coffee (Immune or Performance)
4 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk

 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo

2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder
Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups Crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 

Healthy “I’m Already Awake” Version

8 oz.  Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Handful of Spinach
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo
2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder
Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 



1 Cup Milk
1 Medium Frozen Banana cut into about 6 pieces
1 Capful of Vanilla Extract  
1 Tablespoon of Coconut oil  

1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Mojo (Add more if you want a stronger chocolate taste) 


Place all ingredients in a blender.  Blend until smooth - this will be very thick.  If you want it thinner add a little bit more milk.   



1 Cup Unbleached White Flour
1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1/8 Teaspoon Sea Salt 
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda 
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar 
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder 
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil (must be room temperature!) 
1 Cup Coconut Milk (must be room temperature!)


Preheat oven to 350°F
Generously grease one round 8-inch baking pan with coconut spread (do not flour).
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.
Pour mixture into baking pan. 
Bake for 25 minutes.

Cocoa Mojo Chia Pudding

For one serving:
(all measurements approximate)

1 cup almond milk
2 Tbs organic chia seed
1-2 tsp Cocoa Mojo
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
3-4 drops Medicine Flower* Vanilla extract


Put all ingredients in a bowl, stir together. Cover.

Re-stir after about 45 minutes to blend the chia "clumps".

Refrigerate for at least a few hours.
Stir again before serving.

Sometimes I add hemp hearts just before eating it. (Optional)

Healthy Non-Gluten Cocoa Mojo Cookie


2 cups of well cooked quinoa, cooled (rinsed 4 times prior to cooking)
1/3 cup nut butter  
4 tbs maple syrup or brown sugar.
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup old fashioned organic rolled oats
1/3 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup coco mojo
1/2 cup buttermilk or nut milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/2 tsp soda .

Note:  egg can be substituted by using 1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 2 Tablespoons water for 10 minutes.

Mix together quinoa, nut butter, maple syrup, salt, rolled oats, coconut, and chocolate chips.
Whisk coco mojo and soda together. Add egg and stir in buttermilk.  
Next,  stir the liquid mixture  into dry ingredients.
If too dry, add a bit more liquid.  Batter  should be  very thick.
Place on baking sheet using small ice cream scoop.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes

Five-Minute Chocolate Frosting


2 cups Cocoa Mojo

2 cups Coconut Milk Powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
About 2/3 cup (add slowly to achieve desired consistency) of your favorite nut or seed milk, even Rice Dream from a box


Blend in a high-speed blender until creamy.
Let it sit on a counter at room temperature for about 30 minutes, so it gets a bit firmer 
Spread on your treats and enjoy!



2 cups almonds
water to soak almonds & 4 cups for blending
6 dates pitted
6 tablespoons enerhealth cocoa mojo
4 tablespoons enerhealth coconut milk powder
milk bag or cheese cloth

1)  Soak almonds overnight or 8 hrs.
2)  In a high-speed large blender add soaked almonds, 4 cups water, dates, mojo, and coconut milk.
3)  Blend on high until smooth and turned into liquid about 2 min.
4)  Run liquid through milk bag or cheese cloth squeezing out all liquids.
5)  Poor over ice and serve:)  Refrigerate leftovers. 
Morning MOJO! 


2 tbsp of Cocoa Mojo
1 tbsp Coconut Milk Powder
1 tbsp Dry Milk or Powdered Milk
1 tbsp Palm Sugar
A pinch of Cinnamon.


 I put all the ingredients in a thermos in the morning and at work I add hot water, shake well and it's Hot Cocoa Time!

Benefits of Enerfood

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Enerfood is a super green drink that contains a variety of nutrient-dense ingredients, including organic spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass, and more. Here are some potential benefits of consuming Enerfood:

Provides an Abundance of Nutrients: Enerfood contains a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support overall health and wellness. These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, magnesium, and more.

Boosts Energy Levels: Enerfood can provide a natural energy boost without the use of caffeine or other stimulants. The combination of nutrient-dense ingredients can help support healthy metabolism and energy production.

Supports Immune System Function: Many of the ingredients in Enerfood have immune-boosting properties, including spirulina, chlorella, and barley grass. These ingredients can help support immune system function and may help prevent illness and infection.

Aids in Digestion: Enerfood contains digestive enzymes and probiotics that can help support healthy digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

Supports Detoxification: Enerfood contains ingredients such as chlorella and wheatgrass that are known for their detoxifying properties. These ingredients can help support the body's natural detoxification processes and eliminate toxins from the body.

It's important to note that while Enerfood may offer many potential benefits, it is not a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or supplement routine.

Women's Daily Vitality Interview

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  

Don't feel like reading? Watch here: Women's Daily Vitality: What is it & How to Use it

For the past few months, we have been developing a new herbal extract product, the Women's Daily Vitality Blend. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Aubrey, the lab manager at Enerhealth Botanicals and the creator of this blend to learn all the ins and outs about this wonderful new product. 
A: Hi Aubrey, it is great to speak with you. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
AM: Hey Ashley, thanks for taking the time to chat with me! My name is Aubrey Maryniak and I am a biochemist and certified Ayurvedic health counselor. I’m currently training in western herbalism and I’m a lifetime lover of herbs and holistic health.

A: Before we get into the details, I must know, with a selection of over 100 herbal blends, what’s the significance of introducing the Women's Daily Vitality Blend? 
AM: Great question, I’m really excited to introduce this product for a number of reasons.
       First, I realized we have a daily tonic for men and not women. When I was creating this blend, I spent a lot of time thinking about women and what their lifestyles look like. We're busy. Whether were running our own businesses, taking care of home life, or just straight running the world, were all putting our bodies through a whole lot every day- which is a great thing! However, it's common for women to put everyone ahead of ourselves. It can be a struggle to take time to care for our own needs. 
       Secondly, we want to make a shift in the perspective of health being from reactive to proactive. We are used to taking medicine as a cure for an ailment. However, traditional herbalism views wellness a bit different than western medicine. It says that just because you’re not sick, it doesn’t mean that you’re well. Sometimes we’re feeling burned out, have minor digestive issues or feel unmotivated and we just chalk it up to our busy lifestyles. Working with herbs on a daily basis can help to turn these “meh” feelings into making us feel our best, because we all deserve to feel excited to take on the day.
 A: So, what is the Womens Daily Vitality Blend exactly?
AM: It is a daily restorative blended tincture that focuses on the adrenal glands, nervous system, and reproductive system to aid in fighting fatigue and prompting overall wellness. 
A: That sounds incredible... how is it able to do that?
AM: Plants naturally produce a lot of compounds that are intended to help the plant thrive. They may have to do with warding off predators, providing nutrition, protecting against microbial infections, attracting pollinators, and so on. Interestingly, a lot of these constituents have a positive effect on humans as well. The herbs in this blend are extracted with lots of intention and attention to detail to make the final product concentrated in active plant metabolites, as well as many vitamins and minerals.
A: How did you decide what herbs to use, and which herbs make up this blend?
AM: I utilized both traditional knowledge and current scientific findings to develop this blend. I’ve hand selected a number of powerful plant allies and made sure to include therapeutic doses of each herb while also taking into account synergistic effects. For example, tulsi holy basil helps the nettle leaf target the endocrine system to help remedy excess stress and overworking. Besides Tulsi Holy Basil and Nettle Leaf, this blend also features Spagyric Oat Tops, Shatavari Root, Damiana Leaf, Cinnamon and Ginger.

A: Can you tell me more about the benefits of these herbs together?
AM: This blend is potent in adaptogens that help chill out your body’s natural stress response – really, who isn’t stretched too thin these days? Herbs such as milky oats and damiana leaf act as nervine tonics and help to improve your mood. Our friends stinging nettle and tulsi holy basil are packed with lots of vitamins that many women are deficient in, including iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and B vitamins. Shatavari root has been used since ancient times to regulate the female reproductive system. To top it all off, warming cinnamon and ginger add a beautiful flavor profile and give a little extra boost to round out the blend and make it more effective.
A: Sounds amazing, how do I take it?
AM: You can take your tincture however you like - straight from the dropper, as a shot diluted in juice or added to your morning tea or smoothie. Take 1-2 full droppers, 1-3 times daily.
You deserve to feel your best every day and now you can. Try the Women's Daily Vitality Blend for 20% OFF for a limited time. Order today!!

Vegan Holiday Desserts (Even Non-Vegans Will Love)

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Vegan desserts are probably the best way to introduce plant-based food to people who eat a typical unhealthy diet. There are so many amazing plant-based ingredients that can go into a vegan dessert: coconut oil, almond flour, dates, maple syrup, berries, dark chocolate, almonds and other nuts (to name a few!).
We’ve collected two vegan holiday desserts and two wintery beverages that will impress anyone. Enjoy these desserts with the added benefit of knowing that you are actually nourishing your body with healthy fats and antioxidants.
In addition to being egg and dairy free, the following desserts are also all gluten-free and made with natural sweeteners (instead of white sugar). No guilt!
Decadent Chocolate Torte with Coconut Cream

This is the perfect dessert to make when you want to impress someone, especially someone who is skeptical of vegan food. It’s simple and easy to make, but the ingredients are expensive, so it is best to save it for a special occasion. This torte is rich, fudgy, and indulgent, and packs in tons of antioxidants from the raw cacao (unheated cocoa powder) and healthy fat from the coconut oil.

½ cup raw cacao
1 ½ cups almond flour
¼ cup pure maple syrup
¼ cup melted coconut oil
pinch of sea salt

Ganache filling:

2 ¼ cups raw cacao
2 ¼ cups pure maple syrup
1 cup melted coconut oil

Coconut cream:

1 can of full-fat coconut milk, chilled overnight in the refrigerator
Maple syrup to taste

To make the crust:

 Mix all ingredients well in a standing mixer, or by hand with a wooden spoon.
 Press the dough evenly into a 9-inch pie dish.
Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator or freezer to chill for at least 1 hour.

To make the filling:

Blend the filling ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Test to make sure the ganache is not grainy; if it is, continue to blend until smooth.
Pour into the chilled crust.
Place in the refrigerator to chill and set for at least 3 hours.

To make the coconut cream:

Open the chilled can of coconut milk, and scrape off the solid top layer. This is coconut cream. You will have coconut water left at the bottom; you can discard or save this for another purpose.
Put the coconut cream in a dish, and whisk in maple syrup to taste.
Slice the torte and serve with a dollop of coconut cream. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator (this will melt fairly quickly).

Adapted from Raw Food Real World by Sarma Melngailis and Matthew Kenney.

Raw vegan cheesecake is one of the most magical desserts, because it’s almost impossible to figure out what it’s made from if you don’t know. Cashews are the secret ingredient, blended up with a little lemon juice to add the characteristic tangy flavor of cheesecake. This is a simple, easy recipe for no-bake vegan cheesecake:
Raw Crust: 

1 cup pitted dates
2 cups raw almonds
1/16 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp water


2 1/2 cups raw cashews or macadamia nuts (for nut free, try this Vegan Cheesecake)

1 tbsp vanilla bean paste or 2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup raw agave or honey (pure maple syrup also works)

1/4 cup + 1 tbsp melted virgin coconut oil

1/2 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup water, plus more for soaking cashews

1/8 tsp salt

optional: Blend strawberries with a little sweetener of choice for a sauce

optional crust of choice (the crust recipe I used is above)

To make Raw Crust:  

 Line a round 9 inch springform pan with parchment paper
Combine 1 cup pitted dates, 2 cups raw almonds, 1/16 tsp salt, and 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract in a food processor until fine crumbles form. If the mixture is too dry, add up to 1 tbsp water. (I recommend a food processor because I found that using a blender instead yielded a very sticky crust.)

 To Make Cheesecake:

 In a cereal bowl, cover the cashews with water and let soak 8 hours or overnight. (If using the raw crust recipe listed earlier in this post, you can make that while you wait.)
Drain nuts and pat completely dry.
Combine all ingredients (including the 1/4 cup water) in a high-quality food processor and process for 6-7 minutes or until completely smooth, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides.
Pour into a prepared crust-Store the raw cheesecake in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, and thaw 15-20 minutes before serving.

Recipe from

Vegan Holiday Beverages
Vegan Hot Cocoa 

Enerhealth’s Cocoa Mojo is perfect for making vegan hot cocoa. This mix is sweetened with organic coconut palm sugar, and infused with medicinal mushrooms (which can’t be tasted in the cocoa). It can be made with almond or coconut milk, or any other non-dairy milk you like.


1-2 tbs Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo Powder
1 cup non-dairy milk of choice
1 tbs Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder (optional) 


Bring non-dairy milk of choice to a boil (this can be done with the stove or microwave)
Stir in 1-2 tbs Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo Powder

Add in 1 tbs Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder for a delicious coconut chocolate taste

Vegan Eggnog

If you like eggnog, it’s essential to enjoy at least one cup during the holidays. Try this vegan version, using dates as a sweetener and topped with freshly grated nutmeg.


2 cups Enerfood Coconut Milk Powder or other non-dairy milk of choice
½ cup full fat coconut milk
⅓ cup raw cashews, soaked overnight or for at least 30 minutes (optional)*
4-6 Medjool dates
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
pinch of ground cinnamon
pinch of ground cloves
pinch of sea salt


Add all of the ingredients to your high speed blender and process until smooth and creamy.
Serve immediately, as is or add spiced rum, bourbon, brandy or whiskey, for a spirited version.
Add a pinch of freshly ground nutmeg on top

*Recipe from
You’ll feel great about indulging in these delicious vegan drinks and desserts. Enjoy! Send your creations of these recipes to [email protected] or tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals! 

How To Fight Holiday Stress

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  
Stress is something that can creep up at any time throughout the year. The holiday season tends to be one of the more stressful periods for many people and there are many different factors that play into making you feel the way that you do during this special season. Any stress you’re feeling could be because you’re being overworked at your job or even worried about your finances. Stress also has a unique way of affecting you in many different forms. 
The good news is there are many different ways you can adapt to fighting your stressors. While it may take some time to find a strategy that works for you, we ensure it’s possible to win the battle you’re facing.
 Below we’ve listed a few of our favorite ways to fight off holiday stress. Whether you incorporate all of them or just a few, they’re sure to help get you back on your feet to enjoy all this season has to offer.
Build Herbal Extracts Into Your Daily Routine
Extracts are becoming more and more popular, not only because of their benefits but also because of how versatile they can be. Especially during the busy holiday season when you’re on the go, having a versatile extract that can keep up with your lifestyle is a great option to have. With uses such as daily immunity, the benefits of using extracts go beyond just keeping your stress at bay.
Your immune system weakens when you experience high levels of stress, so having the added boost will only make you feel that much better. In addition to revitalizing your body, extracts can be incorporated into any lifestyle. Because they’re drops, you can include them in any drink of your preference – from a morning cup of coffee to a late-night cup of tea. Extracts are a great and easy way to shield yourself from stress while also benefiting other specific focus areas.
Eat The Right Helpful Foods
It’s no surprise to anyone that the food we put in our bodies has a direct relation to the way we feel. But, did you know there are specific foods to help combat stress? For starters, Omega-3 fatty acids can be great during this time of year. Found in foods like avocados and fatty pieces of fish, these crucial building blocks have been found to improve your mood while also fighting stress.

Secondly, is dark chocolate. Due to the high amounts of antioxidants found in this food, you can experience lower levels of stress from eating just one ounce a day. The important thing to remember is the higher percentage of cocoa, the better. Just do your best not to overindulge in this tasty stress fighter. Avoiding empty foods with no beneficial effects on your body is crucial during this time of heightened tension.
Exercise The Stress Away

When you’re constantly wrapped up in the chaotic whirlwind of the holidays, it can be hard to make time for yourself. While this is the time of year known for selflessness and giving to others, you could also be doing harm to your own body by neglecting it. Taking a small portion of the day to put your health first and exercise could be the best solution to your trouble.
The benefit of the holiday season is that getting in your workout can happen in many different ways. If you live where the climate drops and snow falls, shoveling your driveway or sidewalks can be all the movement you need. Due to this being such a strenuous task, it’s important you prepare yourself beforehand to avoid injury. Warming up for a few moments prior by stretching and getting your body moving is a great place to start. In addition, if you wear glasses or some form of eyewear, learning how to stop glasses from fogging will ensure the least amount of injuries while keeping your vision clear. If you live in an area where you don’t get snow, you can still get your exercise in by walking places you would normally drive to, or simply by stopping by the gym before/after work. The feeling you’re sure to achieve after a little movement will put an end to your stress almost immediately.
It’s vital to understand first, you’re not an exception to feeling tension this time of year. With an uptick in triggers, it’s very easy to find yourself feeling out of the norm. Whether you can only incorporate one of these strategies or all of the above, putting your best foot forward to better health will have you staying on top of all the stress life throws at you. Especially when trying to survive the holiday season.

20 Natural Tips for Supporting Your Immune System

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells and proteins that defends the body against infection, while protecting the body's own cells. If your immune system is weakened, your body has a harder and longer time protecting and healing itself from viruses, bacteria, and germs. It is important to maintain a healthy and strong immune system, especially in a post pandemic world.

Why Do You Have a Weak Immune System? 

There are many reasons why our immune system may buffer and some just may be stronger than others. Before looking at ways to strengthen your immune system, it may be helpful to understand why it is weak in the first place. 

According to a report by the American Psychological Association, long term stress weakens the responses of your immune system. In addition, things like not getting enough sleep or exercise or even simply washing your hands enough, can deter your immune health. 

There are also bigger causes of weak immune systems such as genetics and other medical disorders that may contribute. In fact there are more than 300 types of primary immunodeficiency disorders. These problems in the genetic code act as a blueprint for producing the cells of the body (DNA) that cause many of these immune system defects.

How Do You Know if You Have a Weak Immune System?
The best way to know if you have a weak immune system is getting checked by your healthcare provider. In addition, it is important to pay attention to signs and symptoms to know when you should go and get checked. 

One sign to look out for is how being sick affects your body. For example, it is very common to get sick with a cold but if you're frequently getting sick and you take longer than average to recover you may have a weak immune system. 

Luckily there are several ways humans can naturally build up their immune systems. We've collected our top 20 ways to help you kick your immune system into high gear. 

20 Natural Tips For Supporting Your Immune System 

Keep well hydrated. When you are dehydrated, your cells do not function as well, your circulation becomes more sluggish and your blood pressure tends to rise.
Eat raw fruits and veggies daily, preferably half of your food intake. Try to make as many of those fruits and vegetables bright and colorful. Colorful fruits and vegetables have a high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help to assist your immune system and prevent you from getting sick.
Avoid all dairy, especially during an outbreak but also when congested. Raw dairy is much better but also best avoided when congested. 
Avoid processed meats and any meat from animals raised with hormones and antibiotics. These antibiotic residues weaken our guts by killing off beneficial gut flora. We should replace and maintain normal gut flora by making probiotics an essential part of our daily regimen.
Avoid all processed foods. This includes artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, refined carbohydrates, high fructose corn syrup, food colorings, MSG etc. These deplete your immune system and make you susceptible to illness. 
Take apple cider vinegar in water daily. (1 tbsp in 4oz water) and or the juice of ½ a lemon in 4oz water.
Take a high quality greens formula daily. Eat more greens in your diet such as kale, collards, beet greens etc…
Use only extra virgin coconut oil to cook with. Use cold pressed olive or flax seed oil on salads. Especially avoid all hydrogenated and denatured fats, which upset your hormonal balance. This in turn causes stress and weakens your immune system.
Take a high quality Vitamin D supplement during winter months or if you do not get sufficient sun exposure. When the sun is out, try to expose as much of your body as you can to the sun between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sun exposure. Sun exposure should vary depending upon your skin pigment. The lighter the skin the less sun exposure.
Get daily exercise and maintain an upright posture. Upright posture helps maintain optimal respiratory and lymphatic function.
Avoid public places during any outbreak.
Wash your hands thoroughly with natural vegetable based soap. Avoid using antibacterial soaps, which kill the good bacteria on your skin. Washing off dirt and perspiration is all you need to do where hand washing is concerned. Use the same practice on your body.
Eliminate fluoride from your water supply with a good water filtration system. Also filter chlorine out of the water you use to shower with. Both chlorine and fluoride depress your immune system.
Use only natural, non-chemical personal care products such as shampoos, soaps, creams etc. If you would not put it in your mouth, do not put it on your skin.
Wear natural fiber clothing.  This in itself has an effect on your body’s electro-magnetic field. Synthetic clothing weakens that field. A weakened magnetic field lowers immune activity.
Keep your living space free from clutter. Keep your kitchen and bathroom surfaces clean. Use grapefruit seed extract to disinfect, mixed with water. Use 7 to 10 drops for a quart spray bottle. This is also a great gargle (2 drops to 2 oz warm water) for sore throats.
Use essential oils. In times of an outbreak use a quart spray bottle with the following essential oils in it; eucalyptus, pine, grapefruit, orange and lemon. Use 12-15 drops of each oil.
Watch your emotions. Keep your stress levels low with deep breathing, good communication and a healthy lifestyle. Stress weakens the immune system.
Take immune building herbs such as astragulus, ashwagandha, echinacea, osha root, shatavari, siberian ginseng, reishi, maitake, cordyceps, agaricus, shitake and coriolus. These herbs and mushrooms all work to help prevent you from getting sick.
Adopt a healthy sleep regimen. Lack of sleep weakens your immune system and in many studies has been repeatedly demonstrated to have effects ranging from immune system suppression to increased blood pressure and poor sugar metabolism.

Hemp Extraction Process

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  
Hemp is a part of the Cannabis sativa species and is often used to describe cannabis containing less that 0.3 percent of THC content by dry weight. Hemp is a fast growing crop that has been idolized for centuries for its sustainability and usefulness. Hemp is used to make paper, clothing, textiles, and even food due to its high fiber content. However, there is much more to this plant, as it can also be used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular ways is through hemp products derived from the cannabinoid, CBD.

With the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Hemp has been talked about quite a bit over the past several years. The subject has ranged from legal issues, most states now allow some form of CBD to be offered, to the various conditions and uses ascribed to the plant. Unfortunately, there have been too many companies offering hemp in some form or another that have promoted uses that are not allowed by the FDA, i.e. any use that contains the words: cure, treatment, a specific medical condition, etc. The result has created a lot of confusion in the marketplace from the consumer perspective.
Added to this is the confusion over the type of extraction process that is professed to be the ‘best’ and which cannabinoid, CBG, CBC, CBD etc., is the best for whatever ailment claimed. There are so many processes of extraction, many use only ethanol, either organic or non-organic, some use butane (which we think is not conducive to health goals of any kind), others use CO2 extraction which most claim is the apex of extraction.

Here at Enerhealth Botanicals, we have been extracting industrial hemp for years now and consider it another effective herb for many of the health issues you might see on google. We have extracted 100s of herbs over the past two decades using a solution of water and organic alcohol. Hemp is a recent addition having added it about five years ago. 

We developed a specific process for hemp and have now extended that to other herbs termed Spagyric's. The process itself is post extraction where we take the previously extracted plant and then further purify the plant to obtain the mineral salts (the life blood of the plant) and then combine those salts with the original extraction. We also never expose the hemp to direct heat and always 100 degrees Fahrenheit thus making it a ‘raw’ extract.
This process is time and resource consuming but yields a very distinct extract, at least according to the bench chemical analysis. According to one of the chemists, the ‘salts’ appear to explode many of the Cannabinoid molecules into a ‘nano’ size as the proliferation of the spagyric tests vs the non-spagyric results show an increase in the presence of the molecules 5-10x. Nano sized particles combined with the mineral salt component are thought by many to increase the bioavailability of the product. 

Thus, our spagyric products have seen multiple customers reorder time and again from Enerhealth after trying many alternatives that just didn’t work! We take pride in our processes and their effectiveness proven over two decades of many happy customers that we are pleased with the results. One must realize that there is no ‘magic bullet’ out there for anything. When choosing the alternative herbal pathway to health, one must use these products several times a day over a longer period of time to feel/see results, that is the nature of herbs. 


Understanding Enerhealth Botanical's Herbal Extraction Process

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  

There are many techniques for the extraction of herbs, including hemp. Here at Enerhealth Botanicals with several decades of extraction experience and positive customer outcomes, we follow a philosophy espoused by the ‘Eclectic School of Herbalism’ that was in existence from the mid 1800’s to 1940.  At their core they espoused the use of whole plants with little exposure to direct heat and of the formulation of herbal remedies based on historical knowledge about herbs and their actions as well as consumer feedback to effectiveness if specific formulas. Those processes implemented by those teachers in the school were furthered by, among others, Michael Moore. Our formulations were designed by a student of Michael’s, Linda Whitedove, and our hemp + herb formulations were created by a student of Moore’s and Linda’s, Diana Dummer. Thus, the tradition lives on here at Enerhealth Botanicals.
We have taken many of the processes for herbal extraction created by John Uri Lloyd in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and have updated them to modern equipment and chemistry principles while maintaining the core of the eclectic’s approach. We don’t use any direct heat on our extraction processes and the majority, over 95%, of our herbs are extracted below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which is normally considered ‘raw’. We extract in a menstruum of water and organic cane alcohol in various proportions depending on the herb being processed. Many roots require somewhat more intensive extraction temperatures but the results using our processes are impressive.

About five years ago we added an additional step in our herbal processing, Spagyric Method. This process takes the remaining herb after the liquid extraction and further refines the plant to extract the mineral salts. We then reintroduce these salts into the liquid extraction. Our third party lab analyzed the results and even though he initially stated that nothing would occur by reintroducing the salts, he had to change his opinion. It appears that adding the salts exploded the molecules into nano particles. The smaller the particle size the better your body can assimilate the compound and with the addition of the salts we believe that the bioavailability is even further enhanced.

Thus, our spagyric products have seen multiple customers reorder time and again from Enerhealth Botanicals after trying many alternatives that just didn’t work! We take pride in our processes and their effectiveness proven over two decades of many happy customers that were pleased with the results. One must realize that there is no ‘magic bullet’ out there for anything. When choosing the alternative herbal pathway to health, one must use these products several times a day over a longer period of time feel/see results. That is the nature of herbs.