
Joined January 19, 2020

Submitted Stories

Why is Time Management Important?

Posted By JoniKinney 1579 days ago on Marketing - Balancing work, kids, significant others and every other mundane thing that comes up is at times super overwhelming. So why is time management important? Because it gives us control over things we otherwise feel helpless about. Learning how to balance time isn’t easy, but it is a skill everyone can learn. Once you feel like […]

March Social Media Calendar

Posted By JoniKinney 1588 days ago on Marketing - Many of the business owners I know spend to much time trying to organize their Social Media posts, creating graphics, and planning content. That is exactly why I created this March Social Media Calendar for you! This calendar has a daily prompt to help you quickly and easily create a topic that can translate to […]

Accept Your Priorities in Life to Manage Time Guilt-Free

Posted By JoniKinney 1591 days ago on Marketing - I am in a bunch of Facebook groups for businesses. One of the overwhelming themes I see in these groups is people apologizing for their priorities in life. I get so frustrated reading these posts that I really want to just shake the person writing them. Your priorities should not make you feel guilty, and […]

The Truth About How to Use Pinterest for Business in 5 Steps

Posted By JoniKinney 1599 days ago on Marketing - Are you interested in learning how to use Pinterest for Business? Do you even know what that means? Using Pinterest to find home decor, birthday party ideas, and gardening tips is great. However, using Pinterest to drive traffic to your door is even better! Are you a small business owner? Maybe you have a blog? […]

Identify your Word of the Year so that you can Flourish in 15 Minutes

Posted By JoniKinney 1602 days ago on Marketing - Have you picked your Word of the Year? If you haven’t, you need to get on that ASAP! I have found that having a centralized theme that guides, directs, and in a nutshell, simplifies my yearly goals to be super helpful. I am sure you will find, like I have, that having a word really […]

Use Our 7 Newsletter for Business Strategies to Engage Your Email List

Posted By JoniKinney 1603 days ago on Marketing - Writing a newsletter for business is an important marketing tool. I am sure you have heard that you need an email list and that you should send out newsletters. Ok fine, but if you are like me the next thought is – what the heck do I put in this magical newsletter? I get asked […]

January 2020 Content Calendar for Social Media

Posted By JoniKinney 1604 days ago on Marketing - Do you spend hours of time per week looking for things to post on Social Media? Are you a small business owner who wants help saving time? I get it! Enter your email below to get our DONE for you January 2020 Content Calendar and FREE January Content Calendar Trello Board! Get the January 2020 […]

What Does Manifest Mean? #1 Lifechanging Belief

Posted By JoniKinney 1605 days ago on Marketing - Manifest has definitely become a buzzword of epic proportions. I’ve heard this word thrown around as if you can just decide to manifest a new life, new family, new future. Well newsflash, it’s not quite that easy. So what does manifest mean? Most of the time it’s referring to the ability to speak to the […]

5 Effective and Easy Ways to use Trello for Business

Posted By JoniKinney 1606 days ago on Marketing - I recently found some easy and effective ways to use Trello for Business that I want to share with you. Do you wish you had a way to stay organized? Find yourself asking what you need to get done? Have 1,000’s of post-it notes or lists laying around? If you said yes then you work […]

20 Affirmations for Business to Kickstart your Mindset

Posted By JoniKinney 1607 days ago on Marketing - If you are using the Law of Attraction to empower and fulfill your entrepreneur goals, is to have a great list of affirmations for business. Equally important, Manifesting solutions and maintaining a positive attitude as part of the journey. According to the Law of Attraction, you can control your destiny by the ways you think, […]

5 Strategies You Can Implement Today for Dealing with Negative People

Posted By JoniKinney 1608 days ago on Marketing - People have more power over us than they really should so I’ve put together 5 strategies you can implement immediately for dealing with negative people. In a perfect world, how other people perceive you and your foundational beliefs really should not matter. Unfortunately, I don’t live in that perfect world, and I’m guessing you don’t […]

February 2020 Social Media Content Calendar

Posted By JoniKinney 1609 days ago on Marketing - Do you spend too much time coming up with Social Media content? Do you just wish someone could help you get it all done? That is exactly why we created the February 2020 Social Media Content Calendar for you. Use the daily prompts to help you create your content strategies and produce more sales. If […]

Ideas for Newsletter Content to Strengthen Engagement

Posted By JoniKinney 1610 days ago on Marketing - Everyone tells us that we should have a newsletter for our businesses, but they don’t give you ideas for newsletter content. If you are like me, I started a newsletter and then had to navigate my way through figuring out what to send. No problem, I will share with you what I’ve found to work […]