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How Competitive Intelligence Questions Should Be Structured For Maximum Success

Posted By OctopusIntell 695 days ago on all - Any decent competitive intelligence project starts with excellent questions. The quality of the questions influences the quality of the answers received.

Defining questions is crucial to ensure that you get the information you need. Here are ten quick ways to express and structure excellent questions:

Competitive Intelligence Within Business Development

Posted By OctopusIntell 694 days ago on all - The Role Of Business Development
On our minds today is the role of business development. And its ability to be aided by insight, specifically competitive intelligence services. What’s happening now is that we’re seeing the first evolutions of what might be loosely considered a regressive business landscape for at least the foreseeable future. And irrespective of what central banks do with their interest rates, there’s already a shock wave regarding investment markets and appetite for growth. Also and with governmental aspirations and attitudes towards international business development, all of which lead people in business to challenge their uncertainty about what they’re going to do. And invariably, that permeates across to the business development function.

How To Use LinkedIn To Find Your Competitor’s Key Customers

Posted By OctopusIntell 693 days ago on all - LinkedIn is a powerful tool for businesses seeking an edge over their competitors. With the right approach, it can be used to identify and connect with a competitor’s key customers

Is Competitive Intelligence Without Key Assumption Analysis Just Lots Of Words?

Posted By OctopusIntell 692 days ago on all - We have mentioned this once or twice. But in case you haven’t read one of our articles before, we will repeat it. Great Competitive Intelligence is about asking great questions. And spending time doing excellent analysis of the information you find is the cherry on the cake.

The Impact Of Rapidly Lower IQ And Its Effect On Your Business

Posted By OctopusIntell 688 days ago on all - There are increasing concerns about the significant reduction in improved rates of IQ. This is essentially a global phenomenon and has been changing for some time, the situation should now be considered seriously by employers as part of the long-range, and to be frank, the not-so-long term represents a worry too.

Why SWOT Analysis Fails And How To Do Something About It

Posted By OctopusIntell 686 days ago on all - SWOT analysis is one of those popular tools many use but rarely get the most out of. As you will likely know, it systematically evaluates strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. And then identifies potential areas of improvement.

Competitive Intelligence, Deep Fake Technology, And Joe Biden On A Skateboard

Posted By OctopusIntell 685 days ago on all - As the internet and technology become more pervasive, deepfake technology is increasingly prevalent. This situation makes the job of competitive intelligence and OSINT professionals much harder. It’s becoming more difficult to distinguish between real and fake news. Deepfake combines AI with machine learning to produce realistic images and videos.

List Of Competitive Intelligence OSINT Image Tools To Analyse Images

Posted By OctopusIntell 680 days ago on all - Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is important for gathering and analysing information in today’s digital age. Here we provide a list of competitive intelligence OSINT image tools to analyse images.

What About Remote Viewing And Its Use In Competitive Intelligence?

Posted By OctopusIntell 677 days ago on all - Remote viewing and its link to competitive intelligence is not a subject you expect to see every day. Remote viewing is an intriguing, interesting and very controversial technique of collecting information from a distant target or location using extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychic abilities.

How To Take Your Competitor Analysis To The Next Level

Posted By OctopusIntell 672 days ago on all - Competitor analysis is essential to any business plan, be it a startup, an established business or a global brand. It provides business owners and entrepreneurs with crucial insights and a detailed analysis of how competitors’ organisations operate in different market scenarios and what strategies they use to perform effectively in their target market.

Unleashing The Power Of Competitive Intelligence: Benefits, Drawbacks, And How To Use It Ethically

Posted By OctopusIntell 671 days ago on all - Competitive intelligence is a crucial aspect of modern business strategy, as it enables you to understand the market better, anticipate the actions of competitors, and stay ahead of trends. However, as with any tool, there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with competitive intelligence.

Master The Art Of Competitive Positioning: Gain An Edge In Today’s Crowded Markets

Posted By OctopusIntell 670 days ago on all - You must have a solid competitive positioning strategy in today’s crowded, competitive markets. The art of competitive positioning involves the following:

Identifying your company’s unique value proposition
Mapping your competitive landscape

How To Develop World-Class Value Propositions With Competitive Intelligence

Posted By OctopusIntell 664 days ago on all - Anyone seeking long-term, sustainable growth must be customer focused. They must connect deeply with the customer. Creating clear, actionable strategies to deliver value propositions is a crucial element of this. Supported by our competitive intelligence, we have assisted many organisations in creating value propositions for various customer segments over the years and developing clear strategies to implement them.

Are We Doing Competitive Intelligence Or VUCA Or BANI?

Posted By OctopusIntell 661 days ago on all - The first gladiatorial games recorded in Rome took place in 264 BC when the sons of Decimus Junius Brutus organized an event for their recently deceased father. Today, we have a modern version:

Case Study On Unleashing The Power Of Competitor Analysis By Gaining The Strategic Edge

Posted By OctopusIntell 660 days ago on all - There’s an abundance of too much historical competitor data and assumptions in business, and this, combined with little insight into their competitors’ future actions, is dangerous. The power of competitor analysis is to acquire valuable insights to enhance competitive advantage

Why Context Is Critical In Competitive Intelligence Analysis Of Innovation

Posted By OctopusIntell 654 days ago on all - A novelty product can be tomorrow’s disruptor, especially if ignored in its context. You will have heard the story about the demise of Kodak. This article asks why context is critical in competitive intelligence analysis of innovation.

Why Are The Effects Of Disruption So Tricky To Spot?

Posted By OctopusIntell 654 days ago on all - Disruption is often hard to see until it is too late. And there are many examples of this. Consider the demise of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Kodak, Woolworths, ToysRus and Borders books.

Competitive Intelligence Thinking On Why Established Incumbents Cannot React To New Players In Their Market

Posted By OctopusIntell 649 days ago on all - Whenever you hear about a major company going into administration, you often think about why this happened and why didn’t they respond to the situation.