Moving averages are a popular indicator used by many active investors in the stock market. This article explains what a moving average is and why they can be helpful to investors. -
When it comes to active trading in the stock market, one of the most common terms you'll hear is "resistance level". This article explains what a resistance level is and shows an example of one. -
When it comes to active trading in the stock market, one of the most common terms you'll hear is "support level". This article explains what a support level is and shows an example of one. -
The term "pullback" is mentioned a lot when describing the price activity of stocks. This article explains what a pullback is and gives an example of how it looks on a stock chart. -
The Keltner Channel in the stock market is one that is commonly used as the basis for making trades. This article offers a Keltner Channel trading strategy. -
The RSI indicator in the stock market is one that is commonly used as the basis for making trades. This article offers a RSI trading strategy. -
This guide will explain how the RSI indicator works and give examples of how traders use it. -
A key aspect of any stock option is its strike price. This article explains what a strike price is and gives an example of how it works. -
This article describes the difference between in the money and out of the money options in the stock market. -
This article describes what at the money options are and gives an example of how they work. -
This article describes what out of the money options are and gives an example of how they work. -
This article describes what in the money options are and gives an example of how they work. -
Learn the difference between extrinsic value and intrinsic value for options and see how each is calculated. -
Learn the definition of the term extrinsic value for options and see an example of how a the extrinsic value is calculated. -
Learn the definition of the term intrinsic value for options and see an example of how a the intrinsic value is calculated. -
Learn the difference between call options and put options and see an example of how each one works. -
When it comes to buying and selling stock and options, position sizing can play a major role in how much your account grows or shrinks. This article describes different position sizing approaches. -
Drawdown is a term that is sometimes used in stock market trading. This guide will explain what it is and given an example of how it works. -
We provide stock picks and options picks here at Stock Market Guides. This article explains the statistical process we use to do our research for making those picks. -
A lot of brokerages offer a paper trading feature. It's a good way to practice trading or investing. This article explains how it works.