Submitted Stories

The Wild Rose and The Sea Raven By Jennifer Ivy Walker – Goddess Fish Promotions

Posted By Sybrina 902 days ago on Writing - The Wild Rose and The Sea Raven By Jennifer Ivy Walker - Goddess Fish Promotions. GENRE: Paranormal fantasy medieval romance. This dark fairy tale adaptation of a medieval French legend is a retelling of the medieval French romance of "Tristan et Yseult", interwoven with Arthurian myth, dark fairy tales from the enchanted Forest of Brocéliande, and otherworldy elements such as Avalonian Elves, Druids, forest fairies and magic. Read excerpt and enter giveaway.

The Messy Room Book Toy and Tool Store – Wet Brush Hair Brush Kids Detangler (Narwhal) Detachable Plush Toy, Multi

Posted By Sybrina 903 days ago on Writing - The Messy Room Toy and Tool Store – Wet Brush Hair Brush Kids Detangler (Narwhal) Detachable Plush Toy, Multi

Introducing Piper’s Career Day Decision by Linden Grim

Posted By Sybrina 903 days ago on Writing - Introducing Piper's Career Day Decision (Piper's Stories Book 1) by Linden Grim. Genre: Children's Books.
Piper is a young girl with many different interests. She likes to draw, bake, and garden. She must choose one of these interests for Career Day—but she can’t decide which one to be! Which one will she choose and what will she decide to be when she grows up?