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The Difference Between Selling Hard Goods vs Digital Goods and SaaS in WordPress

Posted By wpnewsify 51 days ago on all - In this post, we’ll discuss the difference between selling hard goods vs digital goods and SaaS. We also provide examples of WordPress payment plugins you can use to sell your products.

Olympic Competitive Intelligence Lessons from Michael Johnson: Why Businesses Must Stop Bimbling

Posted By OctopusIntell 51 days ago on all -
The Importance of Knowing Your Competitors
He said this after Great Britain’s Keely Hodgkinson won the Olympic Gold.

“Understand your competitors. She would know what her competitors are capable of. What sort of tactics do they usually use? And then you think about those things before your race. You’re thinking about those things in the moments leading up to that call room, like, “if this happens, what should I do? What will I do?” Just visualise those different scenarios in your mind. So that in the real situation, in the race, when it happens, you can make that decision.“

Review: Hundreds of Beavers

Posted By BlazingMinds 52 days ago on Movies - Hundreds of Beavers is the movie you never knew you needed but now can’t live without! It’s one of those films that is so bonkers it’s brilliant with its unique style and slapstick comedy it will have you laughing loudly.

Revolutionizing Campaigns: The Top AI-Driven Digital Marketing Tools of 2024

Posted By supermonitoring 46 days ago on all - In this article, we will discuss how AI has transformed our digital marketing campaigns over the years. And what more is there in store for us to grab?

Top 10 Free and Paid Upsell Plugins for WooCommerce Web Stores

Posted By supermonitoring 39 days ago on all - Utilizing effective upsell plugins can significantly enhance your store's profitability by offering relevant additional products or upgrades to customers.

Trustmary: Elevating Digital Credibility with Customer Reviews

Posted By supermonitoring 41 days ago on all - Trustmary review: A comprehensive platform for collecting, displaying, and leveraging customer reviews to enhance online credibility and drive conversions.

Maya: Treasurer to Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Posted By eBrandMe 42 days ago on all - In this week's Notable People in History newsletter, we’ll take a look at the life of Maya, Overseer of the Treasury during reigns of Pharaohs Tutankhamun, Ay, and Horemheb in ancient Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.

What to Do When Your Car Suddenly Loses Power

Posted By a2v 43 days ago on all - hen a car suddenly loses power, it’s a sign that something is wrong, and ignoring the problem can lead to more severe issues. By understanding the potential causes, knowing how to diagnose the problem, and taking preventive measures, you can ensure your car remains reliable and safe on the road. If you experience a sudden power loss, don’t hesitate to consult a professional mechanic to identify and fix the issue promptly.