
Joined November 03, 2020

Submitted Stories

Can you cure a hangover with an IV drip?

Posted By Wyoming on Health

https://rallymate.com - Vitamin IV drip treatments have been growing in popularity with pictures of hungover partiers hooked up to an IV bag with a needle in their arm. What was once a treatment limited to the doctor’s office you can now find being administered in spas, buses, and even directly delivered to your home or hotel. But how effective are these treatments when it comes to curing hangovers..More

Can You Drink Vodka on a Diet?

Posted By Wyoming on Health

https://rallymate.com - Can you drink vodka on a diet? Most people believe that drinking alcohol is absolutely inappropriate when struggling to lose weight. In fact, it’s not exactly true. You can still enjoy alcoholic beverages if you do it in the right way...More

Why Can You Drink More Beer Than Water?

Posted By Wyoming on Health

https://rallymate.com - We all know that life is impossible without water. Drinking water on a daily basis is a must. Did you ever think it was strange that you are able to drink more beer than water? Even though beer is made of water...More

The First Area of the Brain Alcohol Affects

Posted By Wyoming on Health

https://rallymate.com - Once alcohol is consumed it is quickly absorbed by the body. Doctors say that alcohol gets to the brain within 5 minutes after you drink it. Have you ever thought about how alcohol can influence your brain?...More