Voted News

How to Write a Pet Resume For Your Rental Application

Posted By loculogic on Property - Finding a pet-friendly rental can be a huge challenge for renters, especially when you’re living in an already competitive market. A pet resume may prove to be the answer to landing that coveted pet-friendly rental. With many landlords and property managers making the decision to place restrictions on pets (or disallow pets altogether), your choices […]
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How to Convince Your Tenants to Get Renters Insurance

Posted By loculogic on Property - Did you know that over 90 percent of homeowners carry a homeowner’s insurance policy, but less than 50 percent of renters have renters insurance? Renters insurance is an amazing tool for your tenants because it gives them protection for their personal belongings against liability charges, against medical charges, and it helps them cover the cost […]
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Relaxed Loving Vibe ~ Pham’s Maui Family Portraits

Posted By karmahill on Photography - Taking Maui Family Portraits never gets old. It is seriously one of the best parts of our day when we get to meet up with a crew for some fun pics! And we loved getting to know the Pham Family. Michelle and her husband were originally planning to come to Maui last year for their 10-year […]The post Relaxed Loving Vibe ~ Pham’s Maui Family Portraits appeared first on .

Money-Saving Remodeling Tips for the DIY Landlord

Posted By loculogic on Property - As a real estate investor and a landlord, you will not only have to maintain your property regularly, but there may come a time for you to remodel or renovate the property. In some cases these renovations will be absolutely necessary, despite the expensive price tag attached to the property update. Thankfully, you can take […]
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All Fun, No Fuss ~ Beth & Chad’s Maui Destination Wedding Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We loved every aspect of this couple’s wedding day! And are stoked that they chose us to capture their Maui Destination Wedding Photography! From sharing in the excitement as Beth got ready to their beautiful beach ceremony and festive celebratory reception at Gannon’s, this was a day to remember. The best part was noticing how […]The post All Fun, No Fuss ~ Beth & Chad’s Maui Destination Wedding Photography appeared first on .

The Rest is History ~ Sharron & Mark’s Maui Elopement Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening or couple to capture in this Maui Elopement Photography. Sharron and Mark were so excited to get married. They wanted something relaxed and simple with just the two of them to celebrate their love and excitement for the future! They chose Maui because they were already […]The post The Rest is History ~ Sharron & Mark’s Maui Elopement Photography appeared first on .

Love Interest ~ Candice & Ken’s Maui Destination Wedding Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We were honored to take Candice and Ken’s Maui Destination Wedding Photography! They were so sweet together and had the best time celebrating their love. And what a wonderful love story they have! It all started 10 years ago when Candice was visiting a friend at a construction site Ken owned. Her friend asked if […]The post Love Interest ~ Candice & Ken’s Maui Destination Wedding Photography appeared first on .

Introducing Coffee Break Webinars with Rentec Direct

Posted By loculogic on Property - Looking for a more relaxing and causal learning experience? That’s exactly what we have in store for you, with the new Coffee Break Webinars from Rentec Direct. The Coffee Break Webinars are a casual forum for you to chat with your Success Team and Client Experience Team to discover answers to some of your burning questions. […]
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What you Need to Know about Homeowners Insurance and Natural Disasters

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate - It’s been a challenging summer. Hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, mudslides. Almost all portions of America have been affected by a natural disaster at some point this year.

Any natural disaster is a scary thing for homeowners, who worry about losing one of the largest investments of their lifetime. Of course, your safety is paramount, items can be replaced but lives cannot.

While all of that is certainly true, replacing those things isn’t as easy as it may sound when it comes to insurance coverage and natural disasters. In this case, what you don’t know about your insurance policy may certainly hurt you or, at the least, leave you disappointed.

Coverage with a Standard Policy


Most people in the U.S., unless they’ve made other provisions, have a standard homeowners insura

Bright Smiles, Bright Future ~ Desiree & Abby’s Maui Senior Portraits

Posted By karmahill on Photography - Desiree and Abby were so much fun during their Maui Senior Portraits! We especially love that these friends decided to share a session. They even took some best friend photos together! It’s easy to see that they had the best time with each other, and we loved getting to witness and capture such an exciting […]The post Bright Smiles, Bright Future ~ Desiree & Abby’s Maui Senior Portraits appeared first on .

1st Apartment Necessities (That You May Have Forgotten)

Posted By loculogic on Property - Moving into your first apartment is an exciting step. However, when those moving-day jitters combine with forgetfulness or poor planning, it can lead to unneeded frustration. Make certain you have everything you need by reviewing these 5 first apartment necessities that you may have forgotten. Shower Curtain: You’ve purchased all the toiletries that the stores […]
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Pondering a Vacation Home Purchase?

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate - Most Americans love going on vacation. As a matter of fact, some of us start planning the next one as soon as the previous one is complete. And these days, with the internet, it’s easy   

Many travelers enjoy going to a different destination every time they plan a trip, but many of us have favorite destinations that have become like our second home.  

Perhaps that’s you and maybe you’re tired of trying to find that ideal rental in your favorite spot (or spots) and have begun to think seriously about buying a second home in that locale, especially if you tend to visit for several months at a time. A purchase such as that is a big step and not a decision to be taken lightly. There’s lots to think about before you make that decision to buy.  

Can you really afford it?

While the nu

So.... You Want to Be a Real Estate Agent?

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate - The kids are out of the house and you’re looking for a “part-time” job. Or perhaps you’re simply seeking a career change. Or maybe you just love houses and architecture, and you want to “share your love” with the general public.

Those are all lines frequently repeated by those who’ve decided it’s time for them to “dabble” in real estate. These enthusiastic individuals are ready to sign up for their licensing courses, choose an office, and take the real estate profession by storm. No doubt, before long, they’ll be the top-selling agent in their office. First, they might want to read some of the top selling books for Realtors.

Well, sometimes things work out as planned, but more often than not, budding agents truly don’t understand the complexities of being in this profession. It takes

Buying Residential Land? Things You Should Know Before You Shop

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate - Perhaps you’ve been shopping for your first home and just can’t find what you want. Because of that, maybe you’re considering buying a lot and building a home to your specifications, including all the beautiful things you’ve been hoping for in a new home of your own.

That's an excellent idea, and many buyers find that it’s the way to go. However, there are a lot of pitfalls and plenty of rules, regulations and red tape that you’ll need to be aware of before you buy. So, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for you before you head out in search of that perfect piece of land.

Zoning and restrictions – The last thing you’d want to do are buy what appears to be a good residential lot and then find out that the zoning in the area allows commercial buildings or something else unsightly

A Special Secret ~ Kim & Ron’s Maui Beach Elopement Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We were honored to be invited to witness and capture the beauty of Kim and Ron’s special day in this Maui Beach Elopement Photography! We love that since they both were previously married, and have been together for 7 years, Kim and Ron decided to keep their marriage intimate with an Elopement! They visit Maui […]The post A Special Secret ~ Kim & Ron’s Maui Beach Elopement Photography appeared first on .

Props and Poses ~ Emma & David’s Maui Elopement Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We are so happy we were able to be part of Emma and David’s wedding day by taking their Maui Elopement Photography! They were so sweet and cute together. We especially love that they came with props and sent us a list of poses they wanted to try! It’s always fun when our couples get […]The post Props and Poses ~ Emma & David’s Maui Elopement Photography appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

Website Security for Property Managers and Landlords

Posted By loculogic on Property -   Maintaining a presence online with a professional website for your rental business is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a leading property manager or landlord. A website allows your current and future renters to learn more about your properties and the way you manage them. Property managers and landlords are able […]
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Summer Maintenance Tasks for Your Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property - Summer sunshine is on everyone’s mind. It’s no surprise that your tenants will want to spend more time outside enjoying your property’s outdoor amenities. This means there will be some preparation involved for landlords and property managers. As every landlord knows, the change of the seasons brings with it new property maintenance tasks. And while […]
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Smile Forever ~ Jamie & Daniel’s Oahu Destination Wedding Photography

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We had the best time being part of Jamie and Daniel’s special day by taking their Oahu Destination Wedding Photography. And how could we not?! These two were so in love and had so much fun together! After meeting almost exactly 3 years ago, they were more than ready to say, “I do”. And they […]The post Smile Forever ~ Jamie & Daniel’s Oahu Destination Wedding Photography appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

 How To Be Sure That Your Home Is Safe Place for Your Renters

Posted By loculogic on Property - How safe is your property? As a landlord or property owner, you already know about local safety laws related to your rental. However, are you making sure your tenants are actually secure in your space? This isn’t just about protecting your tenants, it’s about protecting your property. While, of course, you want your renters to […]
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