Everyone has the same twenty four hours in a day and yet some people manage to get more work done, manage to spare some time for life and finally even manages to get some rest and sleep. It might sound like some insane calculations but it is ultimately all about time management. There are no … Continue reading "8 Blogging Productivity Tips to Get More Work Done" -
Blogging is more fun if you blog on things that interests you. That way, you will post your blog entries like an expert who live the same niche life 24 by 7. If you try to learn your niche and research your way through then at some point of time you will run out of … Continue reading "11 Activity Hobby sub niches to start a Blog in 2023" -
There are two types of blogs on the internet. One is self hosted where you have all the controls and the blog is hosted on a web hosting account owned by you and the other is a free blogging method where the actual blog is hosted on some one else’s host. There are both pros … Continue reading "12 Places to Start a Blog Online for Free" -
Social media has slowly become the main marketing channel for several businesses. Depending on the nature of their business, they are choosing their primary social media platform and spending most part of their time and resources to market heavily on their preferred platform. The ultimate target for most businesses is to sell or generate leads. … Continue reading "Top 13 Tips to Sell on the Social Media" -
As a blogger, one of your constant worry is to come up with new and fresh content. The blog posts you write are the actual heart and soul of your blog, if you fail to deliver a new and interesting post on the next deadline, your blog will stagnate and you will lose instant readership. … Continue reading "11 Tips to write more Blog Posts and Boost Content on your Blog" -
One thing that a blogger has in abundance is existing content. Any blogger who is blogging for some time must have hundred’s if not thousands of blog posts in his blog archives. This huge content resource is mostly unused, unless some of it is ranking on the search engines. Some of the best ways to … Continue reading "14 Tips to Promote your eBook for Free" -
As an online blogger or a marketer, you must have explored several ways to market your business for free. The basic free ways might include SEO, blog commenting, forum posting, guest posting, article marketing, press release etc. There are simply no limits to free marketing options. However, the only issue with free marketing methods is … Continue reading "Top 15 Pay Per Click Platforms for 2023" -
If you have ever faced that cross road, where you weren’t sure if you should go niche or make a wider audience blog, sort of like a general blog? Those bloggers who have chosen niche and especially a niche that is focused and deep with plenty of options to come up with enough content everyday … Continue reading "7 Unique Niche Blogging Tips for 2023" -
Ages ago, search engines were easy target for content and digital marketers. Basic content with lower end link building was just enough to rank products and content pages on the SERPs. Long tails weren’t really needed as ranking competitive keywords was not as difficult. With links from weaker domains, directory pages, web 2.0 sites, article … Continue reading "13 Benefits of Social Media for Small Business" -
Niche blogging is truly effective when you start a blog on a focused niche. If your niche is too big, then it is almost equal to a general purpose blog where you can write a variety of content but you can’t set aside yourself as an expert on your field. Having a very specific niche … Continue reading "12 Technology Sub Niches to Start a Blog in 2023" -
Blogging is often seen as an individual’s journey where he documents either life activities or talks about a specific category where he is an expert. There is nothing wrong with that concept and it works great for personal brands or making money from niche blogs. However, blogging is much more than just that. For most … Continue reading "14 Benefits of Business Blogging for your Brand" -
The social media space is getting competitive with more and more brands trying to tap into the social audience for their business promotions. While the social space is huge, it too isn’t infinite. Every brand needs to understand the various social media networks, trends, and audience requirements etc. to make the most out of social … Continue reading "13 Social Media Marketing Tips for 2023" -
There’s no limit to blogging tips online, every blog on the internet, even those that have a different niche, once in a while write about blogging tips. However, not all tips are made equal. The blogging tips that are truly helpful are the ones that are actionable. If you come across an exciting and new … Continue reading "12 Actionable Blogging Tips for 2023" -
Viral content does not really need to be accidental; they can be created on purpose. Over the years, with the rise of social media, going viral is rather rampant. There are algorithms to make sure what type of content goes viral, what content is promoted and what needs to be buried. However, everything ultimately depends … Continue reading "12 Tips to Make your Content go Viral" -
As a new blogger, setting traffic goals and growing it slowly day by day is an exciting journey. Just like any other blog, yours too will start from zero. The process of reaching your first daily thousand visitors is often difficult for most new bloggers. However, with regular and consistent hard work, one can slowly … Continue reading "How to Get 1000 Visitors to Your New Blog Every Day" -
Digital products are perhaps some of the easiest assets to create and sell online. For bloggers and marketers, such products have always been an option to increase and supplement their income over the years. With very little time and effort and perhaps a small budget one can easily create and market such products. However, digital … Continue reading "21 Places to Promote and Sell your Digital Products Online" -
Digital products have always been the most favorite thing for online marketers. You can create a digital product and send it to your customers when they pay for it. Your customers will receive the product as a download link in their email and you will have the money in the bank right away. Imagine shopping … Continue reading "9 Tips for Creating Digital Products Online" -
As a full time professional blogger, most of your time and effort goes into blogging. This sets up a time limitation where you are unable to focus on other things. However, if you plan your day properly then you will find that there’s plenty of time still left in the day, after completing your everyday … Continue reading "17 Ways to Boost your Income on the Side – Along with Blogging" -
Bloggers come in many shapes and sizes. Not everyone blogs for the same reasons. There are niche bloggers who keep searching for the long tails, there’s brand blogs that wants to rank for premium keywords, there’s news bloggers who are keeping an eye out for trending topics and yet there are some bloggers who are … Continue reading "12 Tips to Blog away in the fun way" -
There are several ways by which a blogger can monetize his blog. The popular options include affiliates, contextual ads, sponsored posts and paid guest posts. When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are many ways to approach it. Almost every site on the internet that sells something has a built in affiliate marketing option. All … Continue reading "12 Affiliate Networks to Monetize your Blog in 2023"