When it comes to blogging, some tips and ideas are utilized more and the same tips are repeated and rehashed over and over by most bloggers. On the other hand, certain ideas for blog growth and monetization aren’t talked much, hence those tips goes un-used. People will obviously use tips that they read, if the … Continue reading "11 Under Used Blogging Tips to try out in 2023" -
A startup can be many things, for example: a niche product, a blog, an online eCommerce platform, a service based business, etc. The only thing common between all startups is that it still needs to be promoted and worked on. There are several ways to promote a startup and make it popular. However, we are … Continue reading "16 Ways to Promote your Startup Online" -
Start up has become a huge buzzword lately. Everyone wants to build their startup today and grow it to form a successful company some day. If you are someone who is already running a startup and looking for tips to make it successful then your choices are limited. Surely, you can still utilize the tips … Continue reading "15 Tips to Make a Successful Startup in 2023" -
Email marketing is one of the best online marketing tools available to digital marketers. This is one medium of marketing which isn’t controlled by 3rd party sites. If you compare it with social media then you will notice that your twitter profile isn’t truly yours, after all Twitter is the owner of your profile and … Continue reading "13 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023" -
Health is a serious niche where content has to be flawless and preferably written by someone who has an education background on the exact topic he is writing on. This qualification can be on topics like dietician, yoga certification, General Practitioner or even pediatrician or orthopedic, depending on the niche of the content. However, not … Continue reading "12 Health Sub Niches to Start a Blog in 2023" -
When you start out as a new blogger, you are always charged up, fully motivated with plenty of ideas and thoughts flowing through your system. You have several posts schedules, many outlines and drafts pending and there’s always so much to do. For months, you don’t have to worry about content as there’s something always … Continue reading "17 Tips to Stay Motivated as a Blogger" -
As a blogger, the success to your blogging activities lies in the amount of content you create. Agreed that everything still has to be done, from link building to promotions, but the biggest factor for the blogging success remains with the content. When you create more content, your posting schedule improves, that is rather than … Continue reading "11 Tips for Bloggers to write more Content" -
Email marketing is perhaps one of the strongest sources of online marketing. If you compare most other marketing methods, like Social Media, you will find that the amount of control anyone has over their followers on social sites like Twitter, Facebook etc. are almost none. The entire following you create on a social media site … Continue reading "15 Tips to Get Started with Email Marketing" -
Every business grows with time and sooner or later the various stats like leads, sales, profits etc. starts to grow in numbers. But this growth takes time as organic and natural growth, without any specific and planned influence, happens in its own time. On the other hand, when it comes to an exponential growth where … Continue reading "Top 11 Tips to Scale your Online Business Quickly" -
If you have been blogging for some time, then you might have noticed that some of your articles have more visits than others. When you check through your analytics you will find that some articles get daily visits, these are the articles that ranks on the search engines. Search engines are the main source of … Continue reading "Top 11 SEO Content Writing Tips for Bloggers" -
Not all days are the same, sometimes you feel just good. Ready to write articles, outreach and post guest posts, add comments and share stuff on the social media. On some other days, you are unwell, you have an emergency tour or some other unforeseen event comes up that renders you incapable of working on … Continue reading "Top 9 Tips to prepare your content in advance for the Rainy Day" -
Social media is huge. When you combine the traffic of sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc. you pretty much get access to every single person that ever breathes in this world. This traffic, thanks to the social sites, are pretty much sorted by age, gender, interests etc. and served on a platter to the … Continue reading "12 Easy to Implement Social Media Management Tips" -
One thing that is common with all bloggers is that they all start from scratch. This skill, known as blogging, isn’t taught in school, people learn it somehow on the internet. There is no documented path and as bloggers, we learn from our own experience and do more of the things that have worked in … Continue reading "Top 12 Lessons learnt from Massively Successful Bloggers" -
YouTube is nearly an unrivaled user generated video content provider at this moment. It is the only video host that truly pays for video content. With the power of Google, this is one site that gets more than fourteen billion visits a month. To get a taste of that traffic all you need to do … Continue reading "14 YouTube SEO Tips for 2023 and Beyond" -
Getting your customer’s email address is one of the best ways to start a long term business relation. If you have their email ids, you can send them auto-responders, occasional promotional or sales email, educational or blog content, there are simply so many things that can be done. The first step here is still about … Continue reading "16 Lead Magnet ideas to try right now" -
Just like any other profession, bloggers, webmasters and online marketers too have their birthdays and other special days where they expect to get gifts that are relevant to their interests. There are always general purpose gifts that work pretty much with any interest group but if you want to be specific with gifts, then it … Continue reading "18 Amazing and Useful Gifts for Bloggers" -
Blogging is a peaceful profession. You get to add value to the internet, share ideas and get feedback on it. Your knowledge in the field of your specialization gets a medium to share and thus others that are your readers and followers gets to benefit from it. There are so much good things about blogging, … Continue reading "18 Tips to Become a Productive Blogger" -
Search engine optimization has been one of the easiest and free ways to gain traffic for a website. From ages, webmasters have been utilizing this free source of traffic for their own benefits. In the process, the search engines have been getting optimized for generating better results. This relation of mutual benefits kept growing and … Continue reading "13 New SEO Tips for 2023 and Beyond" -
Blogging is a self employed job where a professional blogger does not really have a boss that carries out orders and sets deadlines. Even the quality of a blogger’s work is often subjected to self evaluation as there isn’t anyone to report. This situation is excellent for people who are disciplined and love to deliver … Continue reading "14 Everyday Blogging Things a Professional Blogger needs to do" -
Content is king. If you have good content then it will become the base for setting up your marketing strategy. However, today, as more and more good content is added to the internet, even with quality content, it is almost impossible to stand out. With each passing day, more good content will flood the internet … Continue reading "Top 15 Content Amplification Tips for 2023"