There was once a time when a page used to load. The days of the dial-up internet connection when people knew that they had to wait before an internet page will load on their browsers. That was before the broadband and the fiber connections came into the picture. With the 5G on the rise, page … Continue reading "12 Tips to Speed up your Blog in 2023" -
For ages, LinkedIn has been considered as a place to get a new job. Some even now, thinks along the same lines. However, one should take into account that LinkedIn has over 900 Million users. This number is fairly huge, which makes this social site, a top-tier site and even without a niche focus, this … Continue reading "14 Tips to get started with LinkedIn Content Marketing for 2023" -
Every online business, no matter what niche they are in, always has this one fundamental common question. It is to have a blog or not. There are plenty of benefits to run a blog alongside the rest of your business. While there are costs to run and maintain a blog, it has its own benefits … Continue reading "13 Reasons why an Online Business Needs a Blog" -
Writer’s block is a terrible condition. It is a feeling of being stuck, like nothing can come out of your pen, no matter how hard you try. The blank document will keep starring at you until you give up and get yourself occupied with something else. This condition might last for months and sometimes even … Continue reading "18 Tips to Get Rid of Writers Block" -
In the past, there has been plenty of high quality blogs that grew with the help of just one marketing channel, which is blog commenting. This strategy was very powerful and it was alone enough to get a new blog established in absolutely no time. The times have changed and blog commenting might not be … Continue reading "The Blog Commenting Guide for 2023 and Beyond" -
For an online business, backlinks are the greatest assets. If there’s enough quality and authority sites linking to your domain then your online presence will get a boost in the rankings, else there’s plenty of new and useless sites out there that no one visits as they aren’t visible in the search engines. There are … Continue reading "21 Easy Link Building Tips for your Website" -
The profit is in the niche. But that only rises as many question as it answers. How niche is too niche? Should we start a micro niche blog with 4 long tail keywords in our domain, or look for a secret niche that none knows about. The best approach, if you aren’t in the mood … Continue reading "20 LifeStyle Sub Niches to Start a Blog in 2023" -
Pinterest is a graphic targeted social media site that has more than 445 Million active people online on a monthly basis. This number is pretty huge for any social site, but this one is different because it is a niche site and can be categorized by several factors. This greatly makes this site targeted for … Continue reading "Top 14 Pinterest Marketing Tips for 2023" -
When a business, product or service is good, people start to recommend it freely to others because they have themselves benefited from it. This sort of marketing does not cost anything and since people selflessly and without asking for it, recommend it to their connections, this becomes the ultimate form of marketing. However, just like … Continue reading "Top 11 Easy to Implement Word of Mouth Marketing Tips" -
There’s plenty of tools on the internet which are available to the bloggers for free. Several of those have a free version available with limited features and a more comprehensive version which requires a paid upgrade. Either way, as long as the free features are worth using, bloggers will continue to use such tools for … Continue reading "23 Free Blogging Tools to try out in 2023" -
Blogging is getting competitive. These days, with every passing moment, many new bloggers enters the blogosphere. Most people start blogging the same way which means they aren’t any different from the next blogger. In a situation like this, it is important to set yourself apart from other bloggers who are working on your niche. If … Continue reading "15 Tips on How to set yourself apart from other Bloggers" -
Trust is important for any business to retain its customers and gain new buyers by increasing sales and conversions. There are no short cuts to gain this trust overnight; one has to work their way in order to earn customer trust. There are however several ways to lose this trust in an instant, so while … Continue reading "17 Tips to Boost Customer Trust in 2023" -
Writing a good blog post will attract more traffic to a blog. It will make sure that your visitors don’t bounce back, rather they will end up consuming the full article and leave thoughtful comments or exit with an outgoing, hopefully affiliate link. All this is easily possible if your blog post has several good … Continue reading "Top 12 Elements of a Good Blog Post" -
Guest blogging was perhaps one of those holy grails of blogging that was pretty much kept secret for a very long time, till the message got out and the blogosphere got flooded by guest posts. The best part about guest blogging is that you don’t need to have a blog, or build a readership or … Continue reading "Step by Step Guide on How to Get your Guest Posts Published" -
Existing and repeat customers are a gold mine for any business. If a business has a lower churn rate then it is able to retain a good portion of its existing customers. This way, when the business adds new customers, the growth rate increases by a lot, as the existing customers are already retained. This … Continue reading "9 Ways to Utilize the Power of Existing Customers" -
It is again that time of the year when everyone starts to set their goals and targets for the upcoming year 2023. Every year we make several such goals but never really follow through on them. The biggest reasons why our goal making process fails is that we aim for too high and ultimately it … Continue reading "7 Types of Blogging Goals to Setup for 2023" -
A business needs to sell. It needs to build a customer base, a recurring income and ultimately make money from the various activities it does. But there is a personal side to every business. A side that connects well with the customers on an emotional level. It works because a business is raw and robot … Continue reading "Top 12 Tips to Build a Personal Brand Online" -
As a blogger your work will mostly revolve around writing content, making it more readable and search engine friendly and once you are done with your content, you will have to start outreach and networking for getting yourself heard and your content consumed. On the face of it, everything seems easy but once you start … Continue reading "Top 12 Must Have Skills for Blogging Success" -
Blogging can be done for fun; it can be your hobby. One can blog without really expecting anything to gain out of it. If you are blogging without any purpose of gain then CTAs aren’t a big concern for you. However, most people and businesses blog to get some sort of benefit out of it. … Continue reading "15 CTA – Call to Action – Buttons to Include in your Blog" -
There was a time when starting a blog was enough to get the traffic flowing. All you had to do was to make it and the audience came searching on their own. Unfortunately, those days are long gone and now making a blog isn’t enough to capture the audience, one need to work hard to … Continue reading "How to Build a Gardening blog in 2023"