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The charm of glass doors in interior design

Posted By businessadvice 1081 days ago on all - The design process of residential properties can be challenging due to obstacles that designers and architects face regarding open plans. From a practical point of view, subdividing the interior with a solid wall makes the room darker and smaller. However, glass doors will help to create a more spacious ambiance yet getting more natural light.

5 Reasons for Making a Career in Pharmacy

Posted By businessadvice 1081 days ago on all - Studying in Turkey brings along world-class career opportunities to students. Generally, students who apply to a university in Turkey choose to have information about the living and working conditions of the country. As much as education today, the most important reason for students to go to Turkey is whether they will find a job after graduation. While most of us are worried about being unemployed after graduation due to the increasing population and the decrease in employment opportunities, these days, where even graduation from a graduate and second university is not enough, we attach more importance to research about foreign education and career opportunities.

Modern Farmhouse Design - Feeling at Home

Posted By businessadvice 1075 days ago on all - Modern and farmhouse terms might seem opposite since we used to see more classic and traditional elements. But recent trends show that a combination of both can create a timeless look that’s bursting with character.

Who is a Visual Communication Specialist?

Posted By businessadvice 1071 days ago on all - Working in visual media agencies as well as communication, people who have a good command of the art discipline and are skilled in digital media, who use computer-based communication technologies depth-in-knowledge, who perform video, photography, sound, graphic, writing, three-dimensional design, animation design are known as "Visual Communication Specialists".

What is the Cartoon and Animation Department?

Posted By businessadvice 1071 days ago on all - Animation is a moving image obtained by displaying several images in quick succession. The first animations were made by drawing the desired pictures on a few sheets of paper and quickly passing the sheets or putting them in a circle and turning them.

أحدث الإبداعات لتصاميم الحمامات مقدمة من مجموعة الكيدرا

Posted By businessadvice 1056 days ago on all - يتمتع مصمموا الكيدرا للتصميم الداخلي في دبي وأبوظبي بقدرة لامحدودة على تصميم أكثر المساحات فخامة وإلهاماً لتعزيز التفاصيل التي تحتاج إلى أقصى درجات الاهتمام بوجهات نظر إبداعية. نسعى بمجموعة الكيدرا جاهدين لخلق مساحات ديناميكية ودافئة وجذابة من الناحية الجمالية ترضي كافة العملاء.

What is Zen Style in Interior Design?

Posted By businessadvice 1048 days ago on all - Zenshūyo or ‘Zen Style’ is a Japanese design style that originated from a Japanese Buddhist architectural style and is named after the Zen sect of Buddhism. Zen is derived from the Chinese Song Dynasty Architecture and was brought to Japan somewhere around the 12th century.

Different Types of kitchen layouts in interior design

Posted By businessadvice 1024 days ago on all - Open kitchens are one of the most attractive options in modern designs, especially in residential apartments and modern villas, which mostly contain two kitchens: the first is for the actual cooking tasks, and the second is an aesthetic kitchen ignoring its functional purpose; kitchens here are aesthetic only and not functional, used only for making coffee or tea.


Posted By businessadvice 1024 days ago on all - Perceiving the world as it is seen from different angles compose abstract feelings through decorative art for modern homes, where removing the real world in order to tranquil mind and help to relax to escape the busy and noise of urban life. Non-objective homes that are adorned to an interior interact with the brain through accents and colour choices to promote communication and liveliness to catch effectiveness via home decor which can be called as decorative arts for modern life.

Design and Architecture for Our Planet - Green Architecture by ALGEDRA

Posted By businessadvice 1024 days ago on all - Before starting to talk about this interesting topic, we must be fully aware that all our work and efforts on the land of our planet, whether good or not, will always return to us, even if later, with its results that may be useful if we provide what suits our land or it will have negative effects on us, and it may cost us everything that is precious and beautiful on the surface of this planet.

Ways to catch interior design excellence

Posted By businessadvice 1197 days ago on all - Interior design is an art and science of enhancing a building beautiness and layout; it is far beyond meaning that a home just has two rooms into one place with simple adorned zone, which it should be considered all space is a whole by knowing that two rooms are never truly the same.

Traditional Japanese Houses and Interior Design

Posted By businessadvice 1154 days ago on all - Japanese architecture and interior design is known with its lean and distinctive simplicity. Let's deep dive to the structure of these houses where you will catch the tranquility with the splendor of serenity and comfortable interiors, free of surpluses.

Hollywood Glam Style - Perfect For Homeowners

Posted By businessadvice 1053 days ago on all - Hollywood glam is also referred to as the Hollywood Regency. It is a design style that is luxurious, over-the-top, and opulent, and is known by its users as a “perfect dramatic style”. It incorporates some aspects of Victorian design, Art Deco and mid-century modern, including plush, velvet furnishings, tufting, and antiques. The color palettes are particularly dark, with shade of reds and turquoise tones predominating.

نمط هوليوود جلام في التصميم الداخلي – الأسلوب المثالي لأصحاب المنازل الفاخرة

Posted By businessadvice 1052 days ago on all - يشار إلى هوليوود جلام أيضا بإسم هوليوود ريجنسي. وهو ستايل يميل إلى الفخامة الزائدة والجاذبية، ومعروف من قبل مستخدميه بأنه "أسلوب درامي مثالي".

يمكن أن يكون مشابهاً للتصميم الفيكتوري وآرت ديكو والتصميم الحديث في منتصف القرن، فيتميز بالمفروشات الفخمة المخملية والقطع الفريدة (الانتيك). واللوحات عادةً ما تكون بألوان معتمة مع ظلال من درجات اللون الأحمر والفيروز.

يعود هذا النمط إلى العصر الذهبي لهوليوود القديمة، الموافقة لثلاثينيات القرن بخطوطه النظيفة و بتحقيق توازنه بين الجمال والوظيفة مع جمال التفاصيل الزخرفية.

Gritty Vibe of Urban-Style Interiors

Posted By businessadvice 1041 days ago on all - Urban style living space in interior design is perfect for cosmopolit dwellers. It is a nod to the ultimate living of industrial influences, contemporary interiors and modern style. This elevated style stands out on its own. This unique style in interior design, which is always trending thanks to its coveted emphasis on comfort and its glamorous urban life, also creates an insightful route to design your own oasis in the city.

Professional advice on how to order and mix mural painting in house décor

Posted By businessadvice 1038 days ago on all - Small details, but wall paintings certainly add an extraordinary difference and attractiveness to any home. Walls are one of the most important elements in any house, we must take care of its decor to add beauty and style. When decorating walls, we must pay attention to the selection and details of tables and paintings.