
Joined June 15, 2021

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Trade Routes: Indian Ocean Trade Route

Posted By eBrandMe 202 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Three powerful empires ringed the Indian Ocean. The Ottoman Empire in the west, in the center was the Safavid Dynasty, in the East was the Mughal Empire. Today, the Indian Ocean Trade route remains critical.

Empress Taytu Beytul: 1896 Battle of Adwa

Posted By eBrandMe 120 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - This week's beYOUteous blog features Taytu Betul who became Empress of Ethiopia in 1889. She prevented the country from being colonized, and founded its capital city Addis Ababa. http://tinyurl.com/34vkzx3b

What is the DJIA: Dow Jones Industrial Average

Posted By eBrandMe 119 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - Created in 1896, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of the major U.S. market indexes. Price-weighted, the DJIA measures 30 U.S. "blue chip" publicly-owned companies trading on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq.

Ancient Egyptian Metalwork: Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron

Posted By eBrandMe 118 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Egyptians had the means and knowledge to explore for needed mineral ores, establish mining processes, and transport heavy loads for long distances by land and sea.

Pharaoh Piye: 1st of the Black Pharaohs Ruling 25th Dynasty Egypt

Posted By eBrandMe 43 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Pharaoh Piye was an ancient Kushite king and founder of the 25th Dynasty of Egypt, who ruled Egypt from 744–714 B.C. He created an empire that stretched from the 6th cataract to the Mediterranean Sea.