
Joined October 24, 2022

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Published Blogs

Hiking for Seniors: Easy Trails and Health Benefits

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - There are tremendous benefits of hiking for seniors: exercise, fresh air, and mental stimulation are just a few. Learn more about these benefits, some safety tips, and essential gear needed for hiking. Then, check with your doctor, and "take a hike!"

Best Beach Cruiser Bikes for Seniors: Top Picks for a Comfortable Ride

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Our senior safety specialist and product expert rates, reviews, and recommends the top beach cruising bikes for senior and elderly riders. Learn more about choosing and operating a bike safely for beach riding!

What is the Best Computer Mouse for Arthritic Hands?

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Here are my recommended mice and mouse alternatives for helping with wrist pain, finger pain, and thumb pain from arthritis. Or, read on for a buying guide with advice on how to shop for a computer mouse for arthritis sufferers.

The Best MP3 Players for Seniors and the Elderly: (Simple, Easy to Use With Large Buttons)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Seniors enjoy music as much as the rest of us but small buttons and difficult to use players may keep them from it. The best MP3 players for seniors have big tactile buttons, large clear screens, and headphones that are bright and clear.

Safe, Easy to Use Toenail Clippers For Diabetics

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Diabetics have to be especially careful when trimming their toenails because small cuts can turn into large problems. Here are some safe and easy to use toenail clippers for diabetics who choose to cut their own toenails.

The Best Wine Opener For Arthritic Hands

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - If you are a wine enthusiast, then you know just how relaxing it is to take a glass of your favorite wine at the end of a tiring day. However, for those who suffer from arthritic hands, the thought of opening a wine bottle might not be as appealing!

6 Blankets for Nursing Homes that Are the Right Size and Easy to Care For

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - A senior's favorite home blanket may not be the best choice for a nursing home because of a difference in bed sizes, the laundering process, and different temperature needs. Here are the best blankets for nursing home residents that address these issues.

The Best Scissors for Arthritic Hands: Easy to Grip & Squeeze

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - You may be pleased to learn that there are scissors that can help people with arthritis cut without straining your hands, fingers and thumbs. Cutting for home, school, work, or hobbies becomes so much easier when you use the right scissors for arthritic hands. Here are my top recommendations.

13 Gifts For Grandchildren That Live Far Away

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - When your grandchildren live far away, choosing the perfect gift for them is a difficult task. It is hard to know their interests and wants when you are miles apart. So, here are some great gifts for grandchildren who live far away that any grandchild will love and appreciate.

Best Shoes for Swollen Feet: Comfort & Support for Seniors & Elderly

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - The best shoes for swollen feet have velcro straps or other devices that allow you to adjust the size and fit of the shoe. Shoes with wide mouths and soft, stretch fabrics help also.

10 Simple and Effective Tips for Preventing Falls in the Kitchen

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Falls can happen in the kitchen too - from slips on wet surface to trips over cords. Learn how to prevent falls in the kitchen with these 10 simple but effective strategies.

Cooking Tips for Seniors with Dementia: Safe and Easy Techniques

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - In addition to providing food and nutrition, the act of cooking also provides physical activity and mental stimulation. The following tips will help people with dementia cook more safely - so that they can continue doing the activity they love!

Best Sandals for Seniors & Elderly: Step Safely in Comfort

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Our senior product expert explores his top-rated picks for the best sandals for seniors, designed to offer maximum comfort, support, and safety. His recommendations and helpful tips help you choose the perfect pair for your unique needs and enjoy worry-free walking.

Shower Safety Tips for Elderly: Essential Guidelines

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - The bathroom is a dangerous place for elders - especially the shower. Use these shower safety tips to make the shower a safer place to keep your independence - and privacy!

Best Foot Spas for Seniors: Make Aging Feet Say Ahhhh!

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Our senior product expert explores the best foot spas for seniors, featuring adjustable heating and massage functions, user-friendly controls, and safety features, ensuring a relaxing and therapeutic experience for aging feet.

Best Bed Rails for Seniors & Elderly: A Secure Sleep Solution

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Based on my extensive experience, here are my top 3 recommended bed rails for older adults: With the risk of falls and injuries increasing, seniors ... Read more

Your Guide To Choosing The Best Heart Rate Monitor Watch For Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Monitoring your heart rate is a good idea for anyone of any age but it is extremely important for seniors. In this guide, learn how to choose a heart rate monitor watch for seniors and which are the best.

The Best Toys for a Grandparent’s House for Hours of Fun and Years of Memories!

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Entertaining the grandkids is easier when you have a supply of their favorite toys on hand. Look for toys that are entertaining, educational, and that you can play with together. Here is my list of the best toys for a grandparent's house.

Most Common Causes of Falls in the Elderly: A Close Look

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - As you age, your risk of experiencing a fall increases due to various factors, such as age-related changes, inappropriate footwear, environmental hazards, dehydration, malnutrition, and medical conditions. Falls in the elderly can lead to serious injuries, and understanding the most common causes can be crucial for prevention.

Kitchen Organization for Seniors: Efficient and Safe Designs

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Our certified Senior Home Safety Specialist (SHSS) leverages his 20 years of experience serving seniors to address senior's kitchen organization challenges with tailored solutions.