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How Does C60 Help Improve Digestion and Overall Body Health

Posted By harleenas 1087 days ago on all - Your health is important to you. To improve it further, know about C60. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps detoxify the body. It also helps improve gut health and the metabolism of oxygen. Here are the numerous C60 health benefits.

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How to Improve Customer Satisfaction and Gain Customer Loyalty

Posted By harleenas 1085 days ago on all - If you've a business, then you know that customer satisfaction is one of the keys to a company’s success. Do all it takes to keep your customer happy from facilitating feedback to product or service improvement and much more. Here's all that you need to do to keep your customers satisfied.

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Top Technologies for Business in the 2020s

Posted By harleenas 1083 days ago on all - Can you do business without technology? Almost all businesses use technology. New technologies increase the ease of doing business. Here are a few technologies that businesses can't live without.

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Facts You Should Know Before You Use Plastic

Posted By harleenas 1080 days ago on all - Do you know that more than helping us, plastic is harming the environment and life? It's killing millions of birds and animals besides making hundreds go extinct. This post will give you an idea of the scale of damage and plastic burden that we create. The world needs your contribution.
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Telemedicine Services You Might Like to Use

Posted By harleenas 1073 days ago on all - The pandemic has given a boost to telehealth. Modern health tech has made it possible to receive health services while being at home. If you haven't started out using telemedicine services, don't be left out. Read to learn, adapt to, and use these services.

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Steam Deck: You Mean a Gaming Tablet?

Posted By dragonblogger 1072 days ago on Technology - To be completely honest, when I first saw the Steam Deck, I thought it was quite a rip-off, or at least a mini low-end gaming computer that has the price, portability, and size of an expensive tablet (but with gaming controls). Apparently I was partially right. AMD makes absolutely wonderful processors that can make you shout “what in blazes” at the speed. And you can imagine what happens when they combine that with Steam, using ... Read more
Author information

Roxie Revonae

So… I’m Roxie. To be fair, I’m just some person… girl… thing… on the internet who likes to shout my opinion as loud as I can while also doing it respectfully and trying to come from a place of good intents. I’m an extremely spiritual individual (the legit logic-based para-psychological stuff, not the “woo-woo”

3D Printed Housing: An Iconic Revolution

Posted By dragonblogger 1070 days ago on Technology - I’ve always been interested in things that could save the environment: things that are much more cost-effective and noteworthy in comparison to other modern-day or tried-and-true solutions. Many people say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But I tend to disagree – because that mindset can limit you from discovering wonderful, new ideas that could revolutionize a whole industry. In fact, the industry in question is architecture itself. Humans have been building buildings since ... Read more
Author information

Roxie Revonae

So… I’m Roxie. To be fair, I’m just some person… girl… thing… on the internet who likes to shout my opinion as loud as I can while also doing it respectfully and trying to come from a place of good intents. I’m an extremely spiritual individual (the legit l

5 Things I Struggle With As An Adult (and How I Deal With Them)

Posted By harleenas 1064 days ago on all - So, you've become an adult. As a young adult, I'm sure you have a lot of challenges and responsibilities. You might feel the pressure of adulting. Don't get overwhelmed; you can sail through smoothly. Read these strategies if you're struggling with adulting.

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7 Innovative and Useful EdTech Startup Ideas in 2021 and How It Can Improve the Education

Posted By dragonblogger 1063 days ago on Technology - Education keeps developing along with all the technologies. More and more universities use futuristic hardware and software to improve the learning process. All of these induced us to discover EdTech startups. What are they and how do they improve our life? Education improvements are in the air People keep wondering nowadays what is EdTech. Let’s mention several associations for the word “education”. We think of school, college, diploma, department, certificate, graduate, and other common words. ... Read more
Author information

Oscar Mitchall

Oscar Mitchall is an avid blogger, based in LA. With specialization and a real passion for technologies, Oscar is constantly sharing his insights and innovative ideas with a wide audience, so don’t miss the chance to expand

Get Gadgets at Incredible Prices Over at Bluewill

Posted By dragonblogger 1060 days ago on Technology - First let me disclose that Bluewill contacted me and asked me to review their shopping website and specifically share feedback about their group buy feature which is a unique concept that allows people who have a group of friends or a large social circle to gain some fantastic deals on curated gadgets.  What Bluewill does is find some of the top and most popular products on other sites like Amazon and then works out their ... Read more
Author information

Justin Germino
Owner at

I have been obsessed with computers, tech, gadgets and games since the early 1980's having grown up on the Commodore 64 and Amiga computers.
By day I work in the IT Security Industry and have been in IT for over 20 years. On my spare time I am a Vlogger, Blogger, Streamer, Gadget Reviewe

The Ultimate [SUPER EASY] Prorated Rent Calculator

Posted By parentportfolio 1060 days ago on Finance - Landlords always want to fill their rental property with a tenant. However, tenants don’t want to pay a full month’s rent if they are not moving in at the start of the billing day. Prorated rent allows the landlord and tenant to meet in the middle. It’s a win for both sides! What is Prorated …
The Ultimate [SUPER EASY] Prorated Rent Calculator Read More »
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How To Customize Your Home And Give It A Flare

Posted By harleenas 1041 days ago on all - Do you want to make your home enjoyable? You can do it within your budget. Here are some tips you can use to customize and upgrade your home to a more comfortable place.

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What are the Pros of Owning a Medical Marijuana Card

Posted By harleenas 1035 days ago on all - If you live in the United States and if you depend on marijuana as an integral part of your health, then a medical marijuana card might be beneficial for you. Know the medical marijuana card benefits.
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How You Can Connect with Your Creative Side

Posted By harleenas 1031 days ago on all - Are you looking for ways to unleash your creativity? Creativity is fun and rewarding. You can embrace it even in your adulthood. There are plenty of ways to get in touch with your creative side. Here are a few.

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How Tiktok Influencers Took Down Anti-Abortion Site

Posted By urbanwomanmag 1018 days ago on News - Tiktok influencers have crashed an abortion website by asking people to send fake tips, thereby clogging the site and eventually causing it to shut down. The website, prolifewhistleblowerdotcom was put up to collect information about offenders, and it is run by Texas Right to Life.  This came after the Texas law banning abortion from as […]
Urban Woman Magazine