
Joined March 21, 2022

Submitted Stories

High Functioning Depression: Best Natural Treatments

Posted By holisticmomma 1087 days ago on all

https://holistic-momma.com - This article explains what high functioning depression is compared to "regular depression". It covers natural ways to deal with it including therapy and other methods that may be helpful to you if this is something you struggle with

10 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Get Relief Now

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine

https://holistic-momma.com - Writing is a mental health therapy that has been proven to relieve anxiety and mental stress. In this article, you will find 10 journal prompts that have been designed for people who suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety. Whether you’re an experienced journaler or just starting out, these tips will help you improve your...

Serotonin vs. Dopamine: Why do we need them & what are they?

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine

https://holistic-momma.com - Serotonin and dopamine are both neurotransmitters (chemical signals in the brain) that cause us to “feel good”. Everything we do is essentially based on how it makes us feel. We eat tasty foods because it makes us happy, we date the person that makes us happy, etc. Serotonin and dopamine are what motivate us and...