A life verse — some people call it a “life motto” or “words to live by”. For Christians, a life verse is one or two... -
Get ready to put a chore chart system in place that will teach your kids responsibility, fight entitlement and allow them to get a taste of how the real world works! -
While Jesus never commanded his followers to live a minimalistic lifestyle per se, His teachings actually convicted and inspired me to start my own journey... -
Are you looking for a daily devotional to help you dive deeper into God’s word but you’re not sure where to start? With thousands of... -
Most people think the perfect time of year to talk about gratitude is the month of November when we celebrate Thanksgiving, but I’m here to... -
Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation all the way through? I know it can sound like a daunting... -
Do you have a special woman in your life who lives for Jesus, like your mom, grandma, aunt, daughter, or teacher? Honor her with a... -
Recently, I’ve had a few friends tell me that they get a subscription box called Faithbox delivered to their house every month. I’ve heard of... -
Amplify Your Purpose (AYP) is a Christian faith-based personal development online course that equips women with strategies rooted in psychology and scripture to help them... -
Coupons have been around for as long as most of us can remember. How many times have you purchased an item and went, “Oh! I... -
I love going to the gym, but I’ve always struggled to find a clean playlist to listen to while lifting weights or running on the... -
Do you ever feel like your life isn't working? Have you been wondering what God’s purpose is for your life? Sister, you need to know about intentional living... -
Every month my husband and I use a budgeting app called You Need a Budget to manage our personal finances and household budget. We’ve tried... -
If I had to guess, you’re here for one of three reasons. You want to get control of your food and grocery budget to: Pay... -
If you’re a work at home mom (WAHM) who adores coffee, you know it’s time to invest in a good coffee maker, but which one... -
Understanding how to get out of debt always seemed overwhelming and complicated until I read about the debt snowball in Dave Ramsey’s book, The Total Money... -
Short of clipping coupons (which I did not have time for), I thought I was doing everything possible to save on groceries. Then I found out about a free app that pays you cash back on items that you already purchase from stores that you regularly visit. Sounds too good to be true, right? -
It was 2:00 PM on a Saturday and we were all bored. My husband and kids craved adventure and I just wanted to be out... -
In September 2017, at the age of 29, I left the comfort of my full-time job (which paid a fair salary and included fringe benefits)... -
Achieving balance is an unrealistic ideal that leaves us in a perpetual state of guilt and shame. We feel like we’re failing at motherhood, building...