
Joined January 15, 2016

Submitted Stories

How Can Landlords Deal With Noise Complaints?

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Your position can feel demanding at times, especially when tenants are causing issues. On top of your other responsibilities, you have to ensure your renters are acting responsibly, treating neighbors with respect and conforming to the rules. It’s a lot to balance when you have more pressing obligations. Unfortunately, a tenant-tenant conflict will rarely go […]
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Introducing Rentec Direct Insider Program

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Are you interested in trying out new features before everybody else gets them? Rentec Direct has an exclusive new program which gives you the opportunity to test out the newest features and settings before they are released publicly! Should I Join? Insiders will get early access to features and settings before the general public and […]
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How to Plan the Perfect 4th of July Resident Event

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Thinking about planning a 4th of July bash for your residents? There are few things more quintessential to “summer fun” than an independence day BBQ, and every seasoned property manager or landlord knows the benefits of hosting a resident event. However, while the 4th of July can be an excellent backdrop for an easy-to-plan event, […]
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New Feature- New Manager Types

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Manage communication and specific property tasks better than ever before with the new features within your Rentec Direct software that allows property managers to assign management tasks to managers who have dedicated roles. You can now ensure that your communication for various distinct activities is directed to the right individuals within your existing business structure.  […]
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Disaster Preparedness for Rental Properties

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - While driving cross-country on vacation very unusual weather patterns caught us off-guard: a fluke snowfall in Nevada, early tornado season in the midwest, and a hail storm in the high desert. Although unexpected, the many years of handling the unexpected as a property manager the instinctive reaction was calm and caution. Although calm and caution […]
The post Disaster Preparedness for Rental Properties appeared first on Rentec Direct.

5 Fun Ways to Declutter with Fellow Residents: Infographic

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Renters, particularly those in small apartments may find themselves looking for ways to downsize items that don’t truly fit in their smaller spaces. Summer is the perfect time to truly delve into the decluttering process by taking advantage of conveniences the warm weather offers. Decluttering will not only add to the aesthetic beauty of your […]
The post 5 Fun Ways to Declutter with Fellow Residents: Infographic appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Rent an Apartment with Troubled Credit

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - If you plan on renting an apartment, bad credit is one of the things that may get in your way. Most renters have no idea that troubled credit can be a major problem. Even with a perfect rental history, bad credit may make it difficult for you to find the apartment of your dreams. The […]
The post How to Rent an Apartment with Troubled Credit appeared first on Rentec Direct.

What Design Choices Matter Most to Potential Tenants?

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Designing a rental property can be tough. For one thing, it’s not your home, so you don’t want to invest a ton of money into a dream space that you rent out to others. After all, tenants might not treat the property as well as they would their own since they only plan to be […]
The post What Design Choices Matter Most to Potential Tenants? appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Webinar Recap: Discover Your Free Website and Marketing Tools

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Access the webinar recording here: Tracking Maintenance on Your Rentals Managing a property is not for the faint of heart, and with so many tasks on your plate, marketing your rentals shouldn’t take all your time. That is why your Rentec Direct account provides you a free website that includes details and photos of all your […]
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Webinar Schedule for Rentec Direct Success Series | Summer 2019

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - You are invited to join us for bi-monthly educational webinars with Rentec Direct, where you will learn tips and tricks about your property management software, all designed to make your job in rental management easier. Webinars are hosted by Janell Kittleson from Rentec Direct’s Client Experience Team and she is often joined by one of […]
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Rentec Direct Product Development Update: Made Live in May 2019

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - We think our clients are amazing, and one of the values we love providing you is continuously improving the software so your job in rental management is easier. While your Development Team is steadily working on major feature updates and rollouts, it’s equally important to address smaller issues and software updates. The developers work closely […]
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Congratulations to the 2019 Rentec Direct Tech Mastery Scholarship Winners

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Rentec Direct is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 Rentec Direct Tech Mastery Scholarship. The Tech Mastery Scholarship program from Rentec Direct provides assistance to undergraduate and graduate students by helping them achieve their academic dreams and future goals in technology. “Technology is constantly changing and adapting thanks to new ideas and innovations from […]
The post Congratulations to the 2019 Rentec Direct Tech Mastery Scholarship Winners appeared first on Rentec Direct.

 How To Be Sure That Your Home Is Safe Place for Your Renters

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - How safe is your property? As a landlord or property owner, you already know about local safety laws related to your rental. However, are you making sure your tenants are actually secure in your space? This isn’t just about protecting your tenants, it’s about protecting your property. While, of course, you want your renters to […]
The post  How To Be Sure That Your Home Is Safe Place for Your Renters appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Summer Maintenance Tasks for Your Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Summer sunshine is on everyone’s mind. It’s no surprise that your tenants will want to spend more time outside enjoying your property’s outdoor amenities. This means there will be some preparation involved for landlords and property managers. As every landlord knows, the change of the seasons brings with it new property maintenance tasks. And while […]
The post Summer Maintenance Tasks for Your Rental Property appeared first on Rentec Direct.

6 Questions Savvy Renters Should Ask Their Landlord

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - You’ve probably spent a lot of time choosing a place to live, and you’ve examined it top to bottom. You know what features it has, what neighborhood it’s in and where you can fit your sofa, bed, and dresser. Still, these aren’t all the facts to know before you sign the lease. Every renter — […]
The post 6 Questions Savvy Renters Should Ask Their Landlord appeared first on Rentec Direct.

New Feature- Export CSV Data for Properties, Tenants & Owners

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Manage your data better than ever before with a new feature from Rentec Direct that provides landlords and property managers with an easy way to download spreadsheets containing relevant information for their properties, tenants, and owners. Your Rentec Direct software gives you convenient ways to store relevant information about your properties, tenants, and owners, beyond […]
The post New Feature- Export CSV Data for Properties, Tenants & Owners appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Website Security for Property Managers and Landlords

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com -   Maintaining a presence online with a professional website for your rental business is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a leading property manager or landlord. A website allows your current and future renters to learn more about your properties and the way you manage them. Property managers and landlords are able […]
The post Website Security for Property Managers and Landlords appeared first on Rentec Direct.

10 Ways to Modernize Your Outdated Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - With renters paying more for housing last year than they ever have before—that’s around $504 billion, for the curious—now’s high time to be a landlord. Renting is on the rise due to a wide range of factors, from the ever-climbing cost of home ownership to the fact that younger people want more flexibility in terms […]
The post 10 Ways to Modernize Your Outdated Rental Property appeared first on Rentec Direct.

The Best Rental Listing Syndication Network from Rentec Direct

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - One of the best ways to end rental vacancy quickly is to advertise your property to as many people as possible.  Your chances of finding your next qualified tenant increase when you devote some time to creating a perfect rental ad that can be placed at key locations online. This idea is further supported by […]
The post The Best Rental Listing Syndication Network from Rentec Direct appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Enhance Landlord-Tenant Relationships with Renter Resources on Apartment Guide

Posted By loculogic on Property

https://www.rentecdirect.com - Navigating life as a renter can sometimes be tricky. There are many things to consider, from finding the perfect place all the way to making that place feel like your own. You also need to have a basic understanding of how leases work and what your rights are in order to make sure you are […]
The post Enhance Landlord-Tenant Relationships with Renter Resources on Apartment Guide appeared first on Rentec Direct.