Submitted Stories

Biblical Fasting: Why and How a Christian Should Fast

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Fasting in the bible has been a common religious practice that started before the coming of Christ. Even after Jesus's death, Christians have continued to fast. Biblical fasting involves abstaining from food and drinks. Some of the reasons why the ancient people, including priests, prophets, and teachers of the Word, fasted include seeking help from … Biblical Fasting: Why and How a Christian Should Fast Read More »

3 Day Cleanse: What, How, Why, & Recipes To Help You Detox

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Finally, the weekend, party, or holiday is over. It was fun, but there’s a problem: you overate junk that you need to flash it all out before it causes a health problem. A 3 day cleanse flashes out all toxins effectively.  Consisting of veggies and fruits, a 3-day cleanse is good as it also helps … 3 Day Cleanse: What, How, Why, & Recipes To Help You Detox Read More »

Fasting in the Bible: How & Why To Do an Esther Fast

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Also known as Ta’anit Esther or the Fast of Esther, Esther Fast was a fast that Queen Esther proclaimed due to the decree made regarding the Jewish community. The Queen and the Jewish community fasted for three days so that she could find favor before the king and plead for her life and that of … Fasting in the Bible: How & Why To Do an Esther Fast Read More »

Natural Parasite Cleanse: Gently Purge Worms From Your Body

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Have you been experiencing stomach pains, cramps, fever, gas, or constipation? Likely, you haven’t done a natural parasite cleanse lately!  About 3.5 billion people globally suffer from parasitic diseases, and only 450 million have clinical symptoms. This shows parasites can invade our bodies and continue to damage the organs before we realize it. That’s deadly!  … Natural Parasite Cleanse: Gently Purge Worms From Your Body Read More »