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Joined February 25, 2022

Submitted Stories

10 Epic Ways To Stop Chasing Status And Simplify Your Life

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Have you ever wondered why so many people buy so much stuff and don’t practice minimalist living? Most people don’t even need even half of the things they buy! Instead, they think that accumulating material possessions will make them happy. For others, buying expensive items is a way to acquire status, which they believe will make...

Are You Struggling to Parent Your Kids? These 10 Bible Verses Will Help!

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - It can be overwhelming to comb through the Scriptures to find the specific verses you’re looking for. Fortunately, here’s a list of the 10 bible verses about children. Sometimes training pays off, and you get to see the fruits of your labor in parenting! I recommend posting these verses somewhere in your house, using them as...

Top 10 Personal Finance Tips According to Reddit

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you searching for the best financial tips for making this year your year? You’ve got company. Someone recently asked Reddit for their top finance tips. These are the top-voted responses. 1. Review Your Mortgage Before Refinancing For new homeowners, someone suggested reviewing your mortgage at least a year before refinancing your home because you don’t want...

10 Sneaky Places To Stuff Your Clutter Before Guests Come Over

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - You will likely find Legos in your house at some point in your parenting journey. Whether you purchased them for your kids yourself, or they were gifted them, or they just magically ended up in your child’s bedroom. While they are a super fun toy, they can be frustrating to store. The following are Lego...

10 Surprising Times Spending Money Actually Saves Money

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Spending your money on some activities and stuff doesn’t always have to mean that you will lose it. On the contrary, following intelligent and wise steps can even get you into a position where spending also means saving. Here are a few helpful tips from an online frugal community. 1. Preventative Maintenance The number-one-voted response...

She Wants Her Parent’s Entire Estate If She Does This For Them

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user says her parents expect her to care for her sister if anything happens to them. Her sister has some disabilities and receives some government, but not complete.  The original poster (OP) says she has two older brothers married with established careers. OP feels they are better suited financially to care for their...

He’s Jealous His Partner Makes More Money Than Him, So He Keeps Doing This

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user says her fiance has been job hunting and has been offered three different jobs but turned them all down because they don’t pay as well as hers. The last offer he received was considerably high for its role type. However, he turned it down cause it didn’t meet her significant salary. They...

High School Dropout Demands Her College Fund From Her Parents To Pay For a Wedding

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user says she and her husband started contributing to college funds each time they learned they were pregnant. Their eldest child got pregnant and ended up dropping out of high school. However, the eldest kid learned about the college fund and wants to use it for a wedding. Mom Hopes Her Daugther Would...

How Big is an Acre? Here Are 10 Real-Life Stunning Comparisons

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you curious how big is an acre? Here are interesting facts that can help visualize how big or small an acre is. Farmers and real estate agents are very familiar with the size of an acre since a lot of their business revolves around this spacing. One acre is equivalent to 43,560 square feet, but what does that amount of...

He Can’t Pay His Mortgage, But His Parents Want “$2,000 A Month” From Him

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares that her in-laws argue that her husband should send them $1,500 to $2,000 a month despite them struggling to pay their own mortgage. Her Husband Needed Financial Help Early On The original poster (OP) said her husband needed help paying for college. So, her fiance’s parents sold some stock and sold...

10 Birthday Party Places Kids Love And Keep You Within Budget

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Birthday celebrations are always so much fun! However, they can sometimes be stressful to execute. Between budgeting for the party, planning, and making it happen, it can be a lot of work. If you find yourself searching for “birthday party places near me,” this list might help you find the perfect venue for the party! This...

10 Effective Ways Parents Can Help Their Kid’s Cope With “Big Feelings”

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - As a parent, we have the unique opportunity to help children express and cope with life healthily and appropriately. Children are not born knowing coping skills. Fortunately, caregivers and parents can teach healthy coping skills for kids through practice and reinforcement. The more seamlessly they can use them, the more resilient they become. The following...

11 Big Things From 100 Years Ago That Are Completely Unacceptable Today

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Hold on to your hats and buckle up because we’re taking a trip back in time to explore some of the wackiest things that were once considered normal. We’ll cover everything from indoor toilets being a luxury to the infamous radium craze of the 1920s. So better get ready to scratch your head when you...

How to Make Real Estate Investing More Lucrative

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - If you are uncertain about your decision to invest in real estate, lending programs for property tax payments give you many incentives. Regardless of your financial situation, or whether you are a private individual or a business, you may find this financial solution extremely helpful. Here are some tips on how to make real estate...

How to Become a Multi-Millionaire in Real Estate | 5 Steps You Don’t Know

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A real estate investor can become a multi-millionaire by acquiring the necessary skills and developing a successful investment plan. Real estate has diversified in recent years, giving rise to a plethora of fascinating investment options. You may flip homes, engage in exotic property investment, or diversify your portfolio with residential units, ready-made assets, or other...

Avoid Raising Terrible Kids By Doing These 10 Things

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Becoming a mom is the most rewarding yet stressful part of a woman’s life. Nothing will make you question yourself more than raising kids. Many women will find themselves trying to figure out how to be a good mother at some point during their parenting journey. Whether you’re a new mom, you have adult children,...

10 Significant Things That People Are Not Taking Seriously Enough

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Apparently, there’s so much stuff that people don’t take seriously.  And before you even ask, no, we’re not just talking about dad jokes and bad puns here. Today, we’re looking at the world of climate change, mental health, love, and more! Here are 10 pretty serious things you just can’t ignore: 1. Climate Crisis As...

10 Epic Ways Teens Can Start Building Financial Independence

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Starting a business as a teenager can be a great way to gain valuable experience and earn some extra income. Whether you’re looking for a small business to start on the side or one that can grow into a full-time business, there are plenty of small business ideas for teens that can be a great...

One Man’s Warning Over ‘Too Good to be True’ Promise of Real Estate Investment

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - It’s easy to think that someone’s success can be duplicated and grant you a stellar passive income. But, unfortunately, that is rarely true, and one man has a cautionary tale about why real estate investment can be risky. Real Estate is Anything But Passive While there’s no doubt that you can make money by investing...

Tangible Assets That Pay Off: The Best Investments for Your Net Worth

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Most individuals invest in securing a good financial future. As the coronavirus epidemic revealed, a steady economy may instantly turn upside down, leaving individuals unprepared for difficult times grasping for money. Choosing tangible investments that will operate as a buffer against market inflation and safeguard your money during periods of inflation is a great way...