
Joined February 25, 2022

Submitted Stories

Improving Your Relationship With Money

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - It might seem strange to think about having a relationship with money. But it makes sense when you consider that everyone has feelings about money and those feelings can deeply impact our financial behavior. Your parents, friends, and life experiences have likely helped you develop different perceptions and biases about money. Those attitudes can influence...

The Trust Test: Boyfriend Demands Access Code to Girlfriend’s Private Jewelry Collection

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares that her boyfriend of two years moved into her house. However, he asked for the access code to gem safe and said she could trust him since they were living together. She Owns A Large And Valuable Collection Of Jewelry The original poster (OP) is a Gemologist and has an extensive...

The Party Politics: Teacher Accuses Student of Bullying for Small Birthday Celebration

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user plans a small get-together for her daughter and four friends in her class. However, other students in her classroom heard about a “so-called” and are complaining about why they weren’t invited and call it “bullying.” The Mom Has Always Held Small Get-Togethers For Her Birthday The original poster (OP) said ever since...

The Best Friend Betrayal: Father Misses Child’s Birth Because of Friend’s Lies

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user is nine months pregnant and got into an argument with her fiance. After separating for the night, she began to go into labor and tried calling her fiance, but he kept ignoring her calls because he was angry. Her Fiance’s Best Friend Never Liked her The original poster (OP) said her fiance’s...

Your Ultimate Guide To Personal Assistant Jobs

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - From the outside, personal assistants may seem like a secondary role, but they are often highly valued professionals in the workplace. What does this job really entail? Are you looking at different positions and wondering how to hone your skills to stand out? Personal assistant jobs can be rewarding and reasonably well-paid, especially if you...

Using Hard Money Lenders as a Real Estate Investor

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Navigating the world of financing in the real estate market can be a daunting task, especially for real estate investors. But thanks to hard money lenders, you can get credit for your next property or project without dealing with a bank. With flexible terms and quick funding times, hard money loan programs have a lot...

5 Reasons Why Mid-Term Rentals Are Better Options Than The Oversaturated Short-Term Rental Market

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Paul De Mesa (29) and Jaina Pallasigui (36), founders of Premier Host Management, share the five reasons mid-term rentals are better options than the oversaturated short-term rental market. De Mesa and Pallasigui were originally acquaintances through their church. But, their passion for real estate and desire to start their own business brought them together. Initially,...

12 Side Hustles for Women To Make Money

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Whether you are looking for a full-time income or ways to earn extra income to make a down payment on your dream house, take that trip, or save up for emergencies, there are many options for you. However, if you run a quick search on Google, you will find be overwhelmed with information. This post...

How to Buy a Starter Home: Pros, Cons, and Tips

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Buying your first house is a major move, even if the home itself is tiny. Becoming a homeowner can be a great way to start putting down some roots and building equity. And just because it’s called a “starter home” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re twenty-something when you go shopping for one. For many people, the...

22 Toddler Breakfast Ideas and Tips That Will Make Your Mornings Easier

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Breakfast is often the most overlooked meal – especially for picky eaters like toddlers. But it’s essential for little ones to get a healthy start to their day, and making sure they have fun, tasty breakfast options can help keep them energized even on those days when getting out of bed seems impossible. Since I...

Average Cost of Raising a Child to 18 Per Year

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Children bring a lot of light into a family’s life, but they also bring a lot of expenses. It’s no secret that the cost of raising a child is steep. But just how high is the average cost of raising a child to 18? Being prepared is always a good idea. Let’s take a closer...

The Trading Playbook: 10 Valuable Lessons for Maximizing Your Profits

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Investing and trading can be a challenging and risky game, especially for those new to the field. Many people have learned valuable lessons the hard way, but thankfully, some have shared their experiences and advice on an online forum to benefit others. So here are some of today’s most valuable investing and trading lessons. 1....

4 Reasons Leaving My Job Was The Hardest Decision

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - After working for eight years for the same company, I decided it was time for a new chapter in my career. And although I’m very excited about what the future may have in store, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the relationships I’ve built over time.  We’ve become a family that I’ve...

10 Obvious Signs That You’re A Selfish Person

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Selfishness is a behavior that can have a detrimental effect on our relationships with others. It can cause feelings of resentment, mistrust, and isolation, ultimately leading to the breakdown of friendships, romantic relationships, and even family ties. But how can you tell if someone is selfish? While the signs may not always be obvious, there...

10 Examples of Bad Parenting That Will Make You Want to Call CPS

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and no one is born knowing how to do it perfectly. However, some parenting behaviors go beyond the occasional mistake or lapse in judgment and become truly egregious. These behaviors can cause long-lasting harm to children and can even be considered neglectful or abusive....

Get Your Little Scientist Excited: 19 Science Projects That Kids Can Enjoy at Home

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - The world always needs more scientists, so it’s essential to help children develop a love for science at a young age. One way you can help kids gain interest in science is to help them perform experiments or projects that are fun and exciting. Use this list of science experiments for kids to help your...

10 Big Falsehoods That People Believe Today as 100% Truth

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Have you ever heard a classmate, friend, or family member say something that seems bizarre, yet they live by that belief? For example, do people eat x amount of spiders a night, or does chocolate milk come from brown cows? One user on a popular social media site asked, “What is something many people believe...

Her Mom Called Her Greedy For Accepting Financial Aid When She Has Money To Use

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares she will be receiving financial aid to attend college. However, her mother calls it “unfair” and “greedy” when she has a trust fund. When Does She Plan To Use The Trust Fund? When the original poster (OP) was very younger, she got into a car accident. As a result, OP didn’t...

10 Surprising Life Hacks That Have Been Exploited So Much They Don’t Work Anymore

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Life hacks have become a popular way to simplify our daily routines and save time and money. From organizing our homes to hacking our food, the internet is flooded with tips and tricks that claim to make our lives easier. However, with so many people sharing and using these hacks, some have been exploited so...

Pregnant Wife Keeps Baby’s Gender A Secret From Spouse, Because He Keeps Doing This

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user and her husband are expecting their first child. However, the original poster (OP) says her husband makes excuses and always misses their doctor appointment.  On the day of the gender reveal at the doctor’s office, the husband found another reason to miss this special day. OP was furious but decided to keep...