Published Blogs Blogging

Unleashing Innovation: How My Delphi Clone Transforms Web App Development for Founders

Posted By zirkels on Blogging - In the bustling world of tech startups, the journey from concept to launch can be daunting, especially for founders without coding skills. This is where my new clone steps in.

From Bedroom Revelations to Courtroom Frustrations: A Whirlwind Tour of America's Latest Political Dramedy

Posted By zirkels on Blogging - In the latest episode of America's ongoing political dramedy, we're treated to a smorgasbord of eyebrow-raising narratives that could make the most seasoned scriptwriters blush.

2nd World Wonder of Web3: DAOs or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations...

Posted By zirkels on Blogging - In this edition of the Chain Gang Newsletter I dive a little deeper into the term DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization as part of the 2nd World Wonder of Web3.