
Joined June 15, 2021

Submitted Stories

Growth Stocks: Industry Disruptors That Generally Do Not Pay Dividends

Posted By eBrandMe 202 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - In order to stay ahead of competitors, growth companies reinvest profits to develop even newer technologies and patents to ensure long term growth.

Commodities Trading 101: Investing in Silver, Gold or Water

Posted By eBrandMe 229 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com -

Significantly more volatile than stocks or bonds, commodities offer diversification to a portfolio since they usually have a negative correlation with equities. https://bit.ly/3r2TJKI

Kind regards,
Lawrence Jean-Louis

How To Start Investing: Goals, Risk Tolerance, and Investment Securities

Posted By eBrandMe 230 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - Before you start investing, make sure you have a manageable budget, a reliable emergency fund and that you've eliminated high-interest credit card debt.

Stock Market Indexes 101: Tracking Public Companies

Posted By eBrandMe 257 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Market indexes make it easier to know how the market is performing without having to follow the ups and downs of every individual stock. Learn more about some of the top US stock market indexes.

Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Way to Beat Market Returns?

Posted By eBrandMe 264 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that share prices reflect all existing available information, making them fairly valued as they are. The biggest piece of evidence to refute the efficient market hypothesis is the existence of market bubbles and crashe

Plato: Philosopher, Mathematician, Slave, Founder

Posted By eBrandMe 266 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - This week's Notable People in History features Plato, born at Athens, Greece to a distinguished Athenian family, he was sold as a slave, and founded the Academy, a community of philosophers gathered to engage in research and discussion.

How Joseph Lister Inspired Listerine and Louis Pasteur the Term Pasteurization

Posted By eBrandMe 277 days ago on all

https://lawrencejeanlouis.medium.com - Louis Pasteur is best known for his explanation on how heat treatment made foods safer… from which the term pasteurization is derived.