This Johnny Harris video has a point. It might seem counterintuitive but its' true, liberals are fueling income inequality.
The post Liberals are at Fault for Income Inequality appeared first on The Cameron Journal. -
Celebrities are everywhere! It’s amazing how they can capture our attention and become the center of our pop culture universe. One minute, they’re regular people, ... Read More -
Do You Know About This Epic Little $10 Million Tax Benefit? As something of a personal finance enthusiast, I was absolutely gobsmacked (does anyone actually use that word?) by this one. Imagine you get a multi-million-dollar windfall, and when it’s time to pay tax on it, Uncle Sam says... -
Each generation has its preferences and interests, and it sometimes can be beneficial for us to get out of our comfort zones and explore different activities from other generations. Boomers, which refers to people born between 1946-1964 are especially known ... Read More -
How well are you supporting your employees? The best way to fight the Great Resignation is to support your employees so that they can do their job even better.
The post How To Support Your Employees Better appeared first on The Cameron Journal. -
In today’s consumer-driven world, it’s common for individuals to spend their money on items that provide little practicality or long-term benefits. Despite financial advice and ... Read More -
With more people working from home than ever before, its important to know how to make the perfect work-from-home space.
The post The Essentials to Have When Working from Home appeared first on The Cameron Journal. -
At E-Bikes Direct we are excited to have partnered with Klarna to be able to offer you flexible payment options when buying electric bikes from us. Spreading the cost of affordable electric bikes under £1000 has never been easier when splitting your purchase into interest-free instalments. But it doesn't stop there, we have a large range of hardtail and full suspension electric bikes at the best prices and everything in between so if you are looking for an electric folding bike or a hybrid electric bike for your commute to work, shop here and enjoy the freedom of Klarna -
Everyone loves a good joke, and flirty knock knock jokes are as old as time! Even if you don’t usually tell jokes, these cheesy jokes are short, easy to remember, and very funny. Try out these flirty knock knock jokes on your special someone and see if you can make them laugh out loud. Whether... -
This Canadian girl who’s sixteen has been working at a pet store and has loved working there. However, her 33-year-old boss has been joking with ... Read More -
Are you looking to progress in your career and are wondering what skills could help you earn more? Or perhaps you’ve taken a break to raise a family and are ready to return to the workforce? Whether you’re a student, a mom or a professional looking for a promotion, learning high-income skills has never been... -
While nothing is certain in investing, the trend of investors pouring more money into exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and pulling cash out of mutual funds continues unabated. ETFs have become the darling of financial media, with a chorus of industry pundits sounding the death knell for mutual fu... -
How Does COBRA Insurance Work When Leaving Your Job? was written by Dori Zinn and originally appeared on Young and the Invested. It has been republished with permission. Advertiser Disclosure If you’ve lost your job, you can keep your health insurance through COBRA. But even if it’s an option for you, keep in mind that […] -
There’s nothing like a crisp morning, a hot cup of coffee, and a great read. Visualizing what your life in retirement will look like is another relaxing activity—perhaps during a stressful workday! Combining the two activities can go a long way toward planning for your retirement. There are m... -
With so many mental & physical benefits, see how cycling could sooth your mindset, breed positivity and blast away those lockdown blues! -
If you are wondering how many hours constitute part-time employment, you need to read through this piece to understand everything … How Many Hours Is Part-Time? What You Need To Know Read More » -
The modern era brings its share of conveniences and advancement. However, as many things become readily available, their quality has decreased. Members of an online community share these ten things that, as time goes by, have become substandard and hard ... Read More -
If you spend much time on social media you'll see all kinds of negative posts about the human race. We're useless eaters. We're poisoning the planet. We're like a virus or parasite. We're selfish and hateful and start wars to solve petty differences. But where do these ideas come from? How have we become convinced to hate our own species? Why do some people think committing suicide is a noble act? These self-hating, destructive thoughts are not natural. I believe all this negativity comes from outside of us, likely from Wetiko consciousness. Wetiko is a chaotic, destructive, inverted consciousness that feeds off human emotions, especially the strong emotions of fear, pain, and lust. Like a battery getting a charge, Wetiko has to keep its source of energy flowing. And thus it possesses the minds of the weak, often politicians, and influences their behavior to create conditions that make us feel fear, pain, and lust. Fear is the easiest emotion to create, so we see constant upheavals in society. There's always something new to be afraid of. Wars never end. Murders never stop. We never get to feel a sense of real calm and serenity. Something always comes along to knock us off our balance if not outright terrorize us. And almost without exception, the things that frighten us and hurt us come as a result of government actions. Governments pass endless laws so they can fill prisons, they steal our money through taxation, they create housing policies that result in homelessness, they allow our food and water to be poisoned, they restrict our access to natural medicines, and they're constantly finding reasons to start wars. Governments do these things, not your friends, family members, or neighbors. I am convinced that, left alone without government interference, people could create a new peaceful society focused on the real joys of life instead of running on a virtual treadmill from birth to death feeding the Wetiko energy ghouls. Look at the image above. On the left is what we should have. On the right is what world leaders are actually creating for us. We've become convinced, again due to Wetiko influence, that we deserve the chaos because we're selfish, useless parasites with warring instincts. But that's not true. It's a magicians's trick that has fooled us far too long.But every magician has his act exposed sooner or later.Wetiko's time is running out. -
What the latest research says on this crucial question… This question is a critical one for lots of people. Perhaps you’re like me, in your early 60s, and want to retire in the next few years… Or maybe you’re an adherent of FIRE – Financial Independence, Retire Early and want to kn... -
I think, if we’re honest with ourselves, most of us think we’re smarter at many things than we are in ... Read more