Published Blogs Business

5 Ways to Get More Media Coverage For Your Fitness Business

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - ​If you’re a personal trainer offering in-person or online training sessions to people in your local area you may want to consider advertising your service in a local news outlet. Advertising through formal media channels tends to be overlooked as they can sometimes involve a small upfront investment. But if you’re able to offer a valuable and useful personal training service that people will appreciate, the investment usually pays for itself in a short time! T [...]

How to Choose the Right Cooling System for Your Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property - As the summer heats up, you may find yourself with the task of choosing a cooling system for your rental property. Whether you are selecting a cooling system for a newly built property or replacing the system in an existing property, it is important to know your options and pick the one that best fits […]
The post How to Choose the Right Cooling System for Your Rental Property appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to List Your Prices on Your Personal Trainer Website

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - ​Charging for personal training services is a confusing element of having your own fitness business. If you ask an expert how to price your services you'll always get "it depends" as an answer, which leaves you plucking a number out of thin air. Then how to display your prices on your personal trainer website is even more complex. Before we dig in to how to price your services and then display them on your website, we'll need to cover what is one of the most controversial [...]

How To Start A Fitness Blog

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - If you're trying to position yourself as an expert within the fitness industry or within your local area, you need to start a fitness blog. Fitness articles are the best way to showcase your knowledge, attract new website visitors and grow your audience.This article will outline how to start a fitness blog, what to write about, and how to promote it. It will write from the assumption that you already have a fitness website, but if you need help to set one up, we can help with th [...]

8 Metrics To Track To Get More Visitors & Leads From Your Fitness Website

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - Understanding the information that your personal trainer website gives you is a powerful way to measure the success of your website. A successful website extends the potential reach of your personal training business and could bring you more business. Having a good grasp on these metrics will allow you to maximise the performance of your site and help you ensure you’re putting your time and effort into the places so you can have the best fitness website. For the purpose of [...]

A Personal Trainer’s Guide to Optimising Conversion Rates

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - If you have a website for your personal training business, it’s likely that you prioritise getting traffic to that site. Promoting your website so that new people can visit and learn about your personal training services. ​Yet, many trainers neglect a simple strategy to improve the long term sustainable growth of their businesses: getting the most out of the traffic they already have. This is what Conversion Rate Optimisation is all about. What Is Conversion Rate? If [...]

Simplified Owner Contributions for Owners with Multiple Properties

Posted By loculogic on Property - A new update to your Rentec Direct property management software now provides a streamlined system for providing owner contributions to properties with a negative balance as you process your standard owner distributions. You will have the option to automatically bring a property to a positive balance with an owner contribution as you process owner disbursements. […]
The post Simplified Owner Contributions for Owners with Multiple Properties appeared first on Rentec Direct.

5 Ways To Use Your Blog to Promote Your Personal Training Services

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - The goal of maintaining a fitness blog is to create regular content which your potential clients find valuable. Your blog can only be a method of generating leads if what you write is useful to your audience. This will lead to them sharing the articles with their peers thus helping to increase the traffic to your website. With more people reading your tips and advice, the opportunity to create leads from your website improves. Publishing articles regularly on your personal trainer we [...]

Easy Rental Real Estate Marketing Ideas for the Busy Landlord

Posted By loculogic on Property - You’re a busy landlord and now more than ever your time is a precious commodity. The good news is that you don’t need to draft a complex and expensive marketing plan to incorporate a few good strategies quickly. Before running out to interview real estate marketing companies or spend too much time and money on […]
The post Easy Rental Real Estate Marketing Ideas for the Busy Landlord appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Set Up an Email Marketing Campaign on Your Fitness Website

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - ​Email marketing is a powerful way to stay in touch with potential personal training clients who are on your mailing list. Once they subscribed, you can reach out to them directly, unlike via social media campaigns. ​​On social media, you’re subject to their algorithm to have your content seen by your list, but on email, you’re in control How do you start building your subscriber list so your future email marketing campaigns can be successful? Like [...]

Rental Listing Syndication Updates Give More Control Over Syndicated Listings

Posted By loculogic on Property - Rentec Direct is pleased to release a new marketing feature to give you more control over where your vacant rental property listings are syndicated. This new update allows you to specify which rental listing websites you’d like to publish your listing to via Rentec Direct’s syndication tool.  What is syndication? To help you get even […]
The post Rental Listing Syndication Updates Give More Control Over Syndicated Listings appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Convert Leads Into Paying Personal Training Clients

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - ​Your personal trainer website visitors, especially those on the Services pages, are potential leads. Using a layout that encourages them to get in touch is a fantastic way to convert people who are already interested in your services to paying clients.  Once they have made contact with you, perhaps left a comment, downloaded a lead magnet, or filled out a form, you must act quickly to build a meaningful relationship with that prospect. In this article, we'll discuss 4 eas [...]

Webinar Recap: Managing Recurring Transactions

Posted By loculogic on Property - Access the webinar recording here: Managing Recurring Transactions Landlords and property managers know that addressing recurring charges is a pivotal task out of the many duties within the rental industry. The most common recurring charge, of course, being monthly rent. Great accounting practices lie at the heart of any healthy business, and businesses within the […]
The post Webinar Recap: Managing Recurring Transactions appeared first on Rentec Direct.

The Ultimate Guide to Local Marketing for Personal Trainers

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - Statistics suggest 97% of people will Google a local business before using it. If you’re a personal trainer who sees clients face to face in a physical location, local marketing could be a critical element in getting leads into your business. ​88% of online searches for a local personal training business result in an in-person visit or a phone call within 24 hours.  What Is Local Marketing? Local marketing is a strategy which targets potential clients within [...]

Responsive Fitness Website Design in 5 Simple Steps

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - Did you know that Google now prioritises “mobile-first indexing”. This means that websites that work well when viewed on a mobile device, responsive fitness website designs, will appear higher in the search results than websites which weren’t optimised for being used on mobile devices.  The reason behind this is that more people now search Google on their phones and tablets than on their desktop computers. Statista shows that over 52% of internet traffic comes [...]

5 Steps to Getting Personal Training Clients via Inbound Marketing

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - Inbound marketing is a way to attract personal training clients to your business by creating valuable content that speaks directly to them. It helps them to solve problems that they know they’ve got with their health and fitness when they are ready to make a change. In other words, inbound marketing aims to set-up your funnels in a way that it will be your ideal clients who will look for you and find you when they need you.Outbound marketing, like ads, cold calls and leaflet dr [...]

Should I Turn My Home Into a Rental Property?

Posted By loculogic on Property - Moving is always stressful, regardless of the reason you must do it. Whether you are facing a layoff and are in search of a new job opportunity, wish to move closer to family, or are simply in need of a new adventure, there is a lot to consider before moving. This is especially true if […]
The post Should I Turn My Home Into a Rental Property? appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Write Content That Gets New Leads

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - As a personal trainer, your clients will likely see a lot of your content before they make a decision to invest in your services. Your content is everywhere you post; your website, your social media, even the comments you leave and the emails you send to your mailing list. This exposure is called a sales funnel.  People in your audience will be at different stages of their own buyer journey. The job of your content is to encourage your potential clients at whichever stage they a [...]

Property Management Tips for Returning to Work

Posted By loculogic on Property - What a confusing time as states and counties seem to be in flux between reopening and reclosing and all the phases in between. In this uncertainty, many businesses are beginning to reengage with the public and people are being asked to return to work.  How to transition safely and fluidly between working from home and […]
The post Property Management Tips for Returning to Work appeared first on Rentec Direct.