Published Blogs Business

Are Medical Credit Cards Hazardous to Your Financial Health?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Health scares are scary enough on their own. Yet when deteriorating health is accompanied by diminishing wealth, it can turn into a nightmare.  A new expose released by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reveals some alarming trends in the healthcare industry – “medical credit car...

A New Housing Format: The Microvillage

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

The Microvillage could save the suburbs and help cities make the most of their land. The best part is that more people can get into housing.
The post A New Housing Format: The Microvillage appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The 14 Cheap Foods That Even Millionaires Can’t Resist

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Even though they have access to the best restaurants and chefs in the world, some of the richest people on the planet still crave cheap and simple foods. Here are the 14 cheap foods that even millionaires can’t resist. 1. Barbecue Elon Musk is said to be a fan! The Times of India says that “Elon’s lunch is over meetings, and he prefers to have tasty French or barbecue food.“ Who doesn’t love the smoky and savory taste of perfectly grilled meat? 2. Burgers Some sources say that ... Read more

12 Types of Investments You Have To Know About + Consider

Posted By inthegameinvesting on Finance - The world of investing is huge, and knowing where to start isn’t always easy. Often, the advice we get is to start with low-return yet safe ETFs and bonds, but is that always the best option?  It’s always recommended to diversify your portfolio – meaning you spread your money across a range of different income-generating...

5 Website Must-Haves For Your Investment Firm

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Running an investment firm is no easy thing. Here's how to optimize your website to help your customers and keep your business moving smoothly.
The post 5 Website Must-Haves For Your Investment Firm appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Lindsay Lohan’s Pepsi Commercial Has Viewers Horrified

Posted By adimesaved on Finance -  The Lindsay Lohan Pepsi Commercial has viewers losing their minds and trying something new… The commercial has viewers horrified, intrigued, and interested all simultaneously. The ... Read More

The Most Ambitious Trends for the Education Industry

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In this helpful blog post, we're talking about some important trends in education and what the future of education might look like as we get through the pandemic.
The post The Most Ambitious Trends for the Education Industry appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Celebrating a century of Bike Week

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - Bike Week 100 is all about workplace cycling, and we want to encourage as many workplaces as possible to support their staff to ride during the week, it can be anything from organising an event ride to simply encouraging staff to choose the bike instead of the car says Cycling UK

Top 21 Low-Stress Jobs After Retirement in 2022

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - With lots of work options to choose from, we have compiled a list of the top 21 low-stress jobs after retirement that offer the perfect mix of low tension and ample benefits.  After a lifetime of work, most retirees are looking for a low-stress job that will allow them to enjoy their golden years.  Read ... Read more

Highway Code - What Do These Changes Mean For Cyclists?

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - If you're a British motorist or cyclist, chances are you've heard that the Highway Code is changing as of January 2022. Now, while most of the technical lingo is lost on most of us, these alterations have been widely condensed into 8 key points, 7 of which affect cyclists, and they're changes that all of us should be aware of.So, what do these changes mean for the UK's cyclists?

Best NFTs to Watch on the Polygon Network

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - There’s a reason Polygon is gaining a reputation as one of the most cost-effective, efficient, and scalable networks on the market. Similarly, the NFTs on the Polygon network also have promising potential that’s continued to grow this year. Created in 2017, Polygon is a Layer-2 blockchain that exists above Ethereum. You can think of Layer-2 solutions as ... Read more

The Richest Town In Every State

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Your hometown carries a lot of weight—and for the richest towns in America, these names come with a certain amount of status. Wealthy American towns come with a host of amenities, access, and offerings: from suburban communities renowned for their school districts or club soccer teams to bustling neighborhoods filled with trendy bars and restaurants....