Published Blogs Business

5 Ways Rookie Real Estate Investors Can Avoid Buying a Flop

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - The housing market is a bit chaotic at the moment. With inflation still running higher than average, it’s much more a seller’s market than a buyer’s. However, when looking for a great option, sometimes the market isn’t all you must consider. With the massive surge in house flipping in the last decade, many buyers are...

10 Biggest Signs You’re Not Financially Prepared for the Future

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Financial planning is crucial for securing a stable future, yet many people neglect this aspect of their lives. Being financially … 10 Biggest Signs You’re Not Financially Prepared for the Future Read More »

Why I’m in Favor of Voter ID

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Bear with me here, voter ID laws can save everyone's right to vote if we create a federal system of voter ID that gets the power of voter registration out of the states.
The post Why I’m in Favor of Voter ID appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Money-Saving Hacks for Parents: 8 Ways to Save Money on Kids

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Raising children can be expensive, but it doesn't have to break the bank. With a little creativity and some savvy shopping skills, you can save much money on your kids' needs. From food to clothing to entertainment, there are plenty ... Read More

What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Eve Online is an interesting experiment in economics and what can go wrong when things are too easy and there's bad central planning.
The post What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

His Parents Can’t Afford to Help: He Saved ‘Too Much’ For Parents to Match to Help Buy a Car

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Two parents shared their story recently on an online platform of promising to match whatever their son saved to help him buy a car and ... Read More

DealDash Review – Is it Really A Scam?

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Are you a bargain hunter? Do you love to auction things, bid on saleable items, or trade? If yes, then DealDash is your site. In this DealDash review, we’ll go into exactly how to use this kind of online auction website to get the best deals. Auctions have been around for ages. They continue to ... Read more

How Much Money Do You Really Need to Save for Retirement?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Simple Rules, False Comfort – How Much Do You Really Need? We all love simple rules, don’t we? They help us feel more control in a complex world where we have so little control over our circumstances. Go to college, get a degree, get a job, work hard for several decades, then retir...

He Thought It Was Odd He Was Invited to His Niece’s Wedding but After Driving for 600 Miles He Found Out Why

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user shared a story about how he was invited to his niece’s rehearsal dinner 600 miles away, which he thought was a bit weird, but he was about to find out why he was invited. Mom Needs a ... Read More

Coinbase vs Gemini vs vs Kucoin: Comparing 4 of the Top Crypto Exchanges.

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - With cryptocurrency investing taking off, you're likely wondering how you can buy and sell certain coins. The platforms you're looking for are called crypto exchanges, and they allow you to convert your fiat currency into crypto assets effortlessly. Along with that, you can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies with ease, potentially earning yourself some money […]

10 Critical Things Parents Should Start Teachings Their Kids Now

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - As parents, we play a vital role in shaping our children’s lives and preparing them for the future. From their earliest years, it is crucial to impart valuable life lessons that will lay a strong foundation for their personal and interpersonal growth. By teaching important skills and instilling essential values early on, parents can empower...

23 Realistic Income-Generating Assets You Need To Consider To Diversify Your Portfolio

Posted By inthegameinvesting on Finance - Saving and working hard will not generate wealth. You have to put your money to work. Cutting expenses to keep money stored away in your savings account will cost you more in the long run. The best place to put extra cash is in income-generating assets. These assets build value and produce income.  Investing your...

Maximizing the Benefits: What To Do When Your Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) Vest

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) are a key part of many compensation packages, especially in startups and tech companies. As they … Maximizing the Benefits: What To Do When Your Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) Vest Read More »