Published Blogs Business

How to Overcome Communication Barriers as a Landlord

Posted By loculogic on Property - People often lament on the unfair landlords they’ve dealt with, and it’s vice versa for property owners. However, the landlord-tenant relationship doesn’t have to bubble over with hostility. Even if you have existing communication barriers with specific renters, you can dismantle these issues by operating from an objective, empathetic perspective. Keeping tenants satisfied is your […]
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Rentec Direct Product Development Update: Made Live in February 2020

Posted By loculogic on Property - Here at Rentec Direct, your team works hard to make your job as a landlord or manager even easier. Every day, new changes are being tested and implemented to ensure that your software is perpetually adding value by creating more efficient ways to manage your daily tasks. With that priority in mind, you should know […]
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Amazon Rebrands “Twitch Prime” to “Prime Gaming” To Woo Gamers with More

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Amazon, the monolith that owns Twitch, has rebranded its gaming offerings, previously called Twitch Prime, to Prime Gaming. This move puts the gaming service on par with Amazon’s other Prime offerings, including music, reading, and the shipping services that made ... Read More

16 Affordable Locations For Retirees Who Like The Beach

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Next to your office desk, a framed photograph of a family on a beach stares back at you. Whenever you face a rough day or approach a stressful business transaction, you peer at the photo, yearning to venture back in time to that carefree, though expensive vacation. What if I told you retiring on the ... Read more

12 Great Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas That Can Save Money

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Buying presents for loved ones is one of the best parts of the holiday season, but it doesn’t mean you have to go broke doing so. You can give meaningful gifts to everyone on your list and still keep your budget intact. Just because a Christmas present doesn’t cost much money to buy or make, ... Read more

14 Ways You Can Get A Head Start on Your Savings Goals for 2025

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Saving money isn't rocket science, but it isn't always as easy as stashing some cash in a jar each month. Learning how and when to save is essential to navigating a successful savings strategy in the upcoming year.  Saving money also doesn't come naturally to a lot of folks. It takes work to know which ... Read more

How to Care for Fish While Traveling on Vacation

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Aquarium keeping can be a very fulfilling hobby, though it can be high maintenance. Fishkeepers know the stress of finding an arrangement that works if they are ever absent. But preparing can be easy if you know how to care ... Read More

Why You Want A Great Landlord-Tenant Relationship

Posted By loculogic on Property - Fostering a great relationship between landlords and tenants is not a herculean task, though it can be difficult at times. Like any relationship, it’s important for both parties to meet halfway, and finding a prospect willing to put in that effort takes extra vetting. Renters should carefully avoid a terrible rental situation, and managers should […]
The post Why You Want A Great Landlord-Tenant Relationship appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Busy Agent? Is It Time to Hire an Assistant?

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate - So, business is booming. That’s great news That likely means commissions are up and that your wallet is feeling pretty good about what’s happening.

But with increased business comes increased stress and responsibilities. No matter how good it might feel to have those extra dollars, the chances are that arise in business also means the need to spend more time helping clients, allowing you less free time to enjoy leisure activities or to cultivate other aspects of your career.

So maybe it’s time to hire an assistant.

Think about it. With the help of some new hands, you can provide yourself with 3, 4, 5 hours a day of extra time. Consider the fact that hiring an assistant for even 10-15 hours a week is like adding those hours to your week. All of a sudden, someone else is available to

Webinar Recap: PayNearMe- Electronic Rent Collection For Cash Paying Tenants

Posted By loculogic on Property - Access the webinar recording here: PayNearMe: Electronic Rent Collection For Cash Paying Tenants They may say that “Cash is king,” but for a landlord or property manager, physical cash can be a bit of a nuisance. A cash rent payment comes with its fair share of liability and additional work, but many tenants prefer to pay […]
The post Webinar Recap: PayNearMe- Electronic Rent Collection For Cash Paying Tenants appeared first on Rentec Direct.

4 Key Points to Add to Your Lease Agreement

Posted By loculogic on Property - Any landlord or property manager can tell you how important the lease agreement is to ensure a professional and legally sound rental situation. While you may know the importance of having your lease agreement reviewed with a lawyer, and you are aware of just how crucial prepping your new tenants on your expectations can be, […]
The post 4 Key Points to Add to Your Lease Agreement appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Congratulations to the 2020 Tech Mastery Scholarship Winners

Posted By loculogic on Property - Rentec Direct is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 Rentec Direct Tech Mastery Scholarship. The Tech Mastery Scholarship program from Rentec Direct offers assistance to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing an education in technology by helping them achieve their academic dreams and future goals. The 2020 Tech Mastery Scholarship has been awarded to […]
The post Congratulations to the 2020 Tech Mastery Scholarship Winners appeared first on Rentec Direct.

14 Frugal Habits That Can Cost You More Than You Will Save

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Living frugally is often seen as being cheap. However, it's not quite so simple. Living frugally is all about saving money where, when, and as often as you can. It isn't about skimping on fun or never paying for a great experience.  Being invested in a frugal lifestyle often prioritizes experiences over possessions. So, if ... Read more

7 Tips For Property Managers to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

Posted By loculogic on Property - When used correctly, email marketing can be an incredibly effective tool for reaching new clients, communicating with existing ones and promoting your business. It also makes it easier for property managers to communicate with a large number of people with very little effort and expense. Here are some tips to get the most out of […]
The post 7 Tips For Property Managers to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns appeared first on Rentec Direct.

10 Great Reads for the Successful Real Estate Agent

Posted By SpringbokRealty on Real Estate -  

Reading is essential for any professional but especially for the real estate sales person. Well-written, quality books can help you make your way to the top of your industry and can grow your real estate business by leaps and bounds. Readers are winners. Statistics prove it.  

If you’re a real estate agent, especially a new agent, it’s a good idea to establish the habit of reading at least 10-15 minutes per day. Most everyone can spare that amount of time, either first thing in the morning, before bed, or even in the middle of the way when you’ve got a little bit of idle time while perhaps waiting to pick up the kids from school, sitting in line at the drive-in fast food place, or any other spare moments you find.  

Real estate books are a dime a dozen. Some are good, others are s

New Feature- Export CSV Data for Properties, Tenants & Owners

Posted By loculogic on Property - Manage your data better than ever before with a new feature from Rentec Direct that provides landlords and property managers with an easy way to download spreadsheets containing relevant information for their properties, tenants, and owners. Your Rentec Direct software gives you convenient ways to store relevant information about your properties, tenants, and owners, beyond […]
The post New Feature- Export CSV Data for Properties, Tenants & Owners appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Cheap Eats: 15 Cheap Foods Many People Will Continue to Eat Even Without Money

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Working with a tight budget is never easy, and finding a way to eat on that tight budget can make things even harder. However, there are some staple items that people will continue to eat even when they feel like they have no money.  Whether you're eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, finding cheap meal options ... Read more

14 Non-Salary Benefits That Are Negotiable When Seeking New Jobs

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - When looking for a new job, the salary is often the deciding factor as to whether or not to accept an offer. However, money isn’t the only factor to consider in your job search. There are several non-salary benefits to be mindful of.  Why are these other benefits important? They have the potential to provide ... Read more

Should I Renew My Lease Agreement with My Tenant?

Posted By loculogic on Property - As a landlord, you always want to have a tenant in every unit. But is it better to have a bad tenant than no tenant at all? When a lease ends you have the option to renew or not to renew the rental agreement. It’s ideal to keep a good tenant, but if you’re not […]
The post Should I Renew My Lease Agreement with My Tenant? appeared first on Rentec Direct.