Published Blogs Business

Deepika Padukone Net Worth And Career Highlights!

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Have you ever wondered how much a leading lady like Deepika Padukone, with her riveting performances and enchanting presence, might be worth? With each role she takes on — whether Pani Padmavati in Padmaavat or Serena Unger in ‘XXX: Return of Xander Cage', there’s more to add to Deepika Padukone net worth and success story. Let's […]

Are Solar Panels Worth It? A Friendly Guide To Weighing the Pros and Cons

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Are Solar Panels Worth It? A Friendly Guide To Weighing the Pros and Cons was written by Jenny Kim and originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks. It has been republished with permission and Please note that contributing opinions are that of the author. They are not always in strict alignment with my own opinions. –Joe. […]

Couple Money Management: 10 Must-Know Lessons for Couples Balancing Joint and Separate Finances

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Money matters can be tricky in a relationship, whether you're long-time partners or just starting your journey together. Collected from the experiences shared by folks on Reddit, here are 10 insightful couple money management tips for those looking to smartly handle their joint and personal finances. Have Your Own Separate Savings Account Having separate savings […]

Best US Cities for Retirees in 2024: Panama City Beach, FL

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

Does owning an airy, tasteful beachfront condo with a stunning view of the ocean for less than $500,000 sound like a retirement dream? And yet, it’s what dozens of retirees are discovering is within their reach, in Panama City Beach, FL. It’s no coincidence that the city is the target of over 4,600 Google searches […]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Investing for Beginners: Understanding Risk Tolerance!

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

In this investing for beginners video, I'll demystify risk tolerance and help you understand why it is KEY to understanding how to invest in the market. I define risk tolerance as “your willingness to keep working in a sharp or prolonged market downturn.” I'll take you through different investment ideas, depending on your age and […]

He Told Her They Couldn’t Afford It, But She Still Spent Their Money Anyways

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user discovered his stay-at-home wife has been paying for ballet lessons for their two-year-old daughter without telling him. But he says they are in “financial difficulty” and calls the ballet lessons a “waste of money.” Beginning To Experience Financial Difficulty The original poster (OP) says their family is experiencing financial difficulty. Their rent...

12 Must-Read Books for Intellectual Minds

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Literature has the remarkable ability to transport readers to different worlds, challenge their perspectives, and ignite their imagination. Yet, certain books have gained a reputation for being perceived as pretentious by some. These works, often characterized by complex language, intricate narratives, or profound philosophical insights, can unintentionally evoke a sense of intellectual superiority. However, it...

How To Calculate Annual Income: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - How To Calculate Annual Income: A Step-by-Step Guide was written by Madison Cates and originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks. Madison Cates is the founder of Joy and Thrill where she covers everything related to home organization, cars, money and entertainment. When she’s not browsing the news for the latest happenings, she’s hanging out with her […]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: 4 Ways To Get Your Money Invested In “The Market”

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

This “How to Invest” video gives an overview of the four main ways to get your money invested in the market: #1: Do It Yourself #2: Robo-Advisor #3: Human Advisor #4: Company-Sponsored Retirement Plan / 401(k)

Tether Price Prediction: What’s in Store for 2024?

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

What Lies Ahead for the Stablecoin Stablecoins are considered a safer bet for crypto investors, especially during times of enormous market volatility. Tether has a long reputation as the leading stablecoin pegged to USD, and has become one of the most traded cryptocurrency in the world. The tether price prediction is tied to its controversial […]

10 Things People Should Know Before Calling Themselves An Adult

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Reaching the age of 18 is a significant milestone in every young person’s life. It marks the threshold of adulthood, bringing newfound freedoms, responsibilities, and opportunities. As parents, guardians, educators, and mentors, it is our duty to ensure that these young adults are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in this new...

11 Regrets Men Having Growing Up That They Would Do Differently

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - There are multiple things men would do differently after reflecting on their life. But, as the common saying goes, “People say that hindsight is 20/20. And, if they only knew what they know now, then their life choices may have been different. So, a person asked the Reddit community what is one piece of advice...

12 Cities Are in Desperate Need of a Makeover

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - When we think of cities, we often conjure up images of breathtaking skylines, picturesque streets, and iconic landmarks that captivate our senses. However, there is a side to urban life that challenges our conventional notions of beauty. In the diverse tapestry of our world, there are cities that stand out for their unconventional aesthetics. These...

YOUTUBE VIDEO: How to Start an S Corp with Bizee (Formerly Incfile)

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

Learn how to start an s corp using Bizee (formerly Incfile) in this easy step-by-step tutorial. I'll reveal why I use Bizee, and clarify the most confusing aspects of the s corp process. I'll also cover everything from how to name your s corp to choosing a Registered Agent to the ins and outs of […]

10 Times People Spent Money To Save Their Cash In Their Long Run

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Spending your money on some activities and stuff doesn’t always have to mean that you will lose it. On the contrary, following intelligent and wise steps can even get you into a position where spending also means saving. Here are a few helpful tips from an online frugal community. 1. Preventative Maintenance The number-one-voted response...

How to Day Trade for a Living

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - For a small and select group of people, day trading is a lucrative career because their unique knowledge and industry expertise help them capitalize on the market's short-term fluctuations. However, it's not easy. In fact, 80% of new day traders lose money and quit in the first year! So, is it possible for one to […]

26 Affordable American Made Clothing Brands

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business -

26 Affordable American Made Clothing Brands was written by Tamara White and originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks. Tamara White is the founder of The Thrifty Apartment, a home decor and DIY blog that focuses on affordable and budget-friendly home decorating ideas and projects. Tamara documents her home improvement journey, love of thrifting, tips for […]

12 Ways Europe Is “Winning” Against the United States

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Europe and the United States are continents with distinct offerings and characteristics. While the U.S. has its own advantages, Europe also presents a range of useful aspects that can be beneficial in various ways. From efficient public transportation and accessible healthcare to rich cultural diversity and historical landmarks, Europe offers valuable experiences and amenities. 1....

15 Big Lies People Say To Get Away With Money

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Money remains a sensitive topic that many people avoid discussing. One of the recent studies shows that over 60% of Americans don’t regularly talk about money. This is particularly true for older generations, including millennials, Gen X, and baby boomers. The absence of these conversations has given rise to several common misconceptions or “lies” that...