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You Can Seed Your Future Health

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Storing seeds is becoming an almost essential practice in this world where Monsanto and other giants have bought up somewhere around 70% of all the seed companies worldwide. This is important because in order to promote biodiversity, we need more variety rather than less and often the most nutritious varieties are not the prettiest and thus not the most widely available. A friend of mine recently reminded me of a great book by Susanne Ashworth called Seed to Seed that teaches us the best ways to preserve seeds.
As far as where to buy our seeds from, here are a few of my recommendations;,, and There are other seed suppliers out there but these are ones I know and have used.

Benefits of Herbal Supplements for PMS and Menopause

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Herbal supplements have been used for centuries to alleviate various health conditions, including symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). While some herbal supplements may offer potential benefits for managing PMS symptoms, individuals do not react the same way to any herbal product. One must pay attention to o body and learn what is effective in your particular situation and what is not. We have worked with so many women dealing with painful PMS and also Menopause issues. Some of the herbs I will discuss today are effective for both issues.
Herbal Supplements for PMS and Menopause
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus): Chasteberry is often used to alleviate PMS symptoms such as breast pain, bloating, irritability, and mood swings. It may help regulate hormonal imbalances by influencing the release of certain hormones in the brain. This ingredient is used in many formulas including that of Enerhealth Botanicals, Womenopause. Some women find it very beneficial, and others do not. My wife for instance can’t take this herbal supplement in formulations. (Find this herb in our Female Hormone Balance Blend, Womenopause).
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis): Dong Quai is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to address menstrual problems and PMS symptoms. It is believed to have hormonal balancing effects and may help with mood swings, cramps, and irregular periods. This herb also has potential benefits in dealing with Menopause. (Find this herb in our Womenopause). 
Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa): Black cohosh has been used traditionally to manage menopausal symptoms, but it may also have benefits for PMS. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and might help alleviate mood swings, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances. This ingredient is used in blends specifically for women at Enerhealth Botanicals.
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): St. John's Wort is a well-known herb for its potential antidepressant properties. Some studies suggest that it may help improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression or anxiety associated with PMS. While this herb is the bane of cattle ranchers, cows can die from ingesting this one, it has the potential to calm the nerves and improve moods. It is effective as a single herb in tincture and is also incorporated into many blends that favor soothing emotional trauma. (Find this herb in our Womenopause Blend)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which may help alleviate menstrual cramps associated with PMS. It may also help with nausea and digestive issues that can occur during this time. I would say that no matter what the issue, Ginger is a great addition to one’s health regimen. It is a great digestif. (Find this herb in our Women's Daily Vitality)
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile has soothing properties and is often consumed as tea. It may help alleviate anxiety, irritability, and promote relaxation during PMS. What a great herb for relaxation in general. Many cultures promote chamomile tea before bedtime to promote relaxation and sleep.
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): Raspberry leaf tea is commonly used to support women's reproductive health. It may help regulate menstrual cycles and relieve cramps associated with PMS. This herb has a historical use for urinary tract issues and for certain women can be highly effective when used properly. (Find this herb in our Female Hormone Balance Blend)
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It may help reduce inflammation, bloating, and pain associated with PMS. Eat turmeric every day, use it as a spice or take it as a tincture. Enerhealth Botanicals makes a unique spagyric turmeric tincture.
Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus): is an herb that is commonly used to help alleviate menstrual cramps, including those associated with PMS. It is also known by other names such as guelder rose or snowball tree. Cramp bark has a long history of traditional use for various women's health issues, including menstrual cramps. 
Cramp bark contains compounds that are believed to have antispasmodic properties, meaning they can help relax smooth muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus. By promoting muscle relaxation, cramp bark may help reduce the intensity and frequency of uterine contractions, thereby alleviating cramps.
While scientific evidence on the effectiveness of cramp bark specifically for PMS is limited, it is often included in herbal formulas or consumed as a tea or tincture to help manage menstrual cramps. Some individuals find relief from their PMS-related cramps by using cramp bark, but individual responses may vary. We see many women purchase Cramp bark tincture at Enerhealth Botanicals, word must be getting out.
As always, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified herbalist before using cramp bark or any herbal supplement to ensure it is appropriate for your specific situation and to determine the correct dosage. They can provide personalized advice based on your health history and any other medications or conditions you may have.
Black Cohosh has Central Opioid Activity in Postmenopausal Women: Evidence from Naloxone Blockade and PET Neuroimaging Studies - PMC (
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms: a review of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed (
Analysis of thirteen populations of black cohosh for formononetin - PubMed (

Treatment for the premenstrual syndrome with agnus castus fruit extract: prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study - PMC (
Traditional Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, Biological Properties, and Health Applications of Vitex sp - PubMed (
Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms - PubMed (
Evaluation of estrogenic activity of plant extracts for the potential treatment of menopausal symptoms - PubMed (
The effect of Hypericum perforatum on postmenopausal symptoms and depression: A randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect
The effect of Hypericum perforatum on postmenopausal symptoms and depression: A randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect
The effect of Matricaria chamomile on menstrual related mood disorders - ScienceDirect
The effect of Matricaria chamomile on menstrual related mood disorders - PubMed (
10 Best Teas for Menopause Hot Flashes & Other Symptoms (
Red raspberry leaf tea: Nurition, benefits, and how to use (
Botanicals and Their Bioactive Phytochemicals for Women’s Health - PMC (
Viburnum opulus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Effects of a Herbal Formulation on Premenstrual Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial - ScienceDirect

The First Area of the Brain Alcohol Affects

Posted By Wyoming on Health - Once alcohol is consumed it is quickly absorbed by the body. Doctors say that alcohol gets to the brain within 5 minutes after you drink it. Have you ever thought about how alcohol can influence your brain?...More

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting in Perimenopause: Science-Backed Evidence to Empower Your Body

Posted By dddkth on Health - Discover the powerful benefits of intermittent fasting for perimenopause. Boost energy, balance hormones, and shed excess weight.
The post Benefits of Intermittent Fasting in Perimenopause: Science-Backed Evidence to Empower Your Body appeared first on Perfect Fasting Now.

What is Gonorrhea: How to Prevent it, Symptoms, Risks and Treatment

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Sep 22, 2024 - Health - Gonorrhea, also known as blenorrhagia or blenorrhea, is a prevalent sexually transmitted disease worldwide. It is an infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which...

Benefits of Enerfood

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Enerfood is a super green drink that contains a variety of nutrient-dense ingredients, including organic spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass, and more. Here are some potential benefits of consuming Enerfood:

Provides an Abundance of Nutrients: Enerfood contains a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support overall health and wellness. These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, magnesium, and more.

Boosts Energy Levels: Enerfood can provide a natural energy boost without the use of caffeine or other stimulants. The combination of nutrient-dense ingredients can help support healthy metabolism and energy production.

Supports Immune System Function: Many of the ingredients in Enerfood have immune-boosting properties, including spirulina, chlorella, and barley grass. These ingredients can help support immune system function and may help prevent illness and infection.

Aids in Digestion: Enerfood contains digestive enzymes and probiotics that can help support healthy digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

Supports Detoxification: Enerfood contains ingredients such as chlorella and wheatgrass that are known for their detoxifying properties. These ingredients can help support the body's natural detoxification processes and eliminate toxins from the body.

It's important to note that while Enerfood may offer many potential benefits, it is not a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or supplement routine.

4 Reasons You Need a Green Powder in Your Diet

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  Surely, you’ve seen the trending green powders everyone is obsessing over but are they really worth the hype? Keep reading to learn more about what green powders are and why you should be using one.
What are Green Powders?
Green powders are dietary supplements that can be mixed into water or other liquids like smoothies or juice. They are typically a green hue and are formulated to support your body’s immune system and energy levels while providing the recommended amount of nutrients for a healthy diet. Although it varies by brand, green powders are commonly vegan, non-GMO, organic, and generally contain anywhere from 20-40 different ingredients, each containing their own array of beneficial health properties, hence the name “superfood”.
Some Common Ingredients Found in a Variety of Green Powders Include:

Leafy greens
Fruits & vegetables
Nutritional extracts and herbs
Added sweeteners

Our green powder, Enerfood, is vegan, non-GMO, and organic containing 20 ingredients and no added fillers or sweeteners (unlike many green powders), blended to support health and vitality in everyday modern life. These nutrient dense ingredients are a great source of calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals with no added sugars or sweeteners. Whether you have a poor diet, or love the convenience of a powder, Enerfood is a great and fast way to meet daily recommended nutritional goals. Enerfood can be taken with water or other liquids, such as smoothies. Check out some of our simple and delicious recipes! You can even sprinkle it or add it into your food.
As far as nutritional content, every brand’s green powder differs. Enerfood green powder comes with 50 servings per container and the nutrients can be broken down in the following:
One tablespoon of Enerfood contains:

Calories: 25
Protein: 3g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Sugars: 1g
Fiber: 7% of your daily value
Calcium: 10% of your daily value
Vitamin A: 60% of your daily value
Vitamin B12: 80% of your daily value
Vitamin B6: 40% of your daily value

Why People Use Green Powders:
There are several reasons and ways to use a green powder. Many common uses for our green powder, Enerfood, include: 

To implement healthy dietary changes
As a pre or post work out drink
As a caffeine-free energy
To improve athletic performance and recovery
To aid in digestion and immunity

Now that you have more of an understanding of what green powders are, this is four reasons why you should be implementing them into your diet.
1. You are not eating enough of the right vegetables.
Eating vegetables provides our body with vital nutrients to maintain health and wellness. American adults need four-five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. According to the CDC, only 1 in 10 Americans meet this goal. In addition, many Americans, eating fruits and vegetables are often limited in their access of nutrient dense foods and tend to eat vegetables with less health benefits like corn or bell peppers rather than something like spinach or kale. This can be due to location, time of year, price, lack of knowledge, taste, etc. Meaning, people may be eating their fruits and vegetables, but they may not be eating the ones that make the most difference for their overall health. Green powders like Enerfood, use specific ingredients, picked for their benefits, and backed by research, ensuring you get the top mix of your daily nutrients, and don’t miss out on the most needed superfoods.
2. Powders are better absorbent than vitamins or capsules.
There are approximately forty micronutrients that are essential for healthy metabolism and other vital functions. You must get those nutrients from your diet because your body is unable to make enough of them on its own. However, what we eat is different from what we digest. Even the healthiest diet has no value for our body if the nutrients cannot be absorbed and transported to the cells that need them, this is where green powder steps in. Depending on things like the soil or supply chain management, the nutrition density and biodiversity of our foods can become rather low, meaning less is being absorbed into our bodies. The same problem occurs with vitamins, pills, and capsules. Factors such as the size of the nutrient particles influence our absorption. Vitamins and capsules tend to have very large and dense particles, adding difficulty to the adsorption process. In addition, they usually have a wax like barrier surrounding the vitamin, making it harder for the body to absorb the nutrients within. Green powders like Enerfood, are finely ground into small particles making it easy for your body to absorb them into the bloodstream and cells. Also, there is no barriers with green powders, like there is with vitamins, adding to the simple absorption process.
3. Green Powders offer a caffeine-free, natural energy boost.
We all love that caffeine kick but it’s never worth the caffeine come down. Many green powders claim to provide a natural energy boost, such as Enerfood powder. Every cell in the human body relies on iron and many studies have linked low iron levels to feelings of decreased energy. Enerfood contains many ingredients high in iron such as spinach and spirulina. So, when consuming iron from a natural ingredient, it naturally makes your body feel more alert, awake, and energized. Spirulina has even been known to improve endurance and contribute to combatting muscle fatigue. Enerfood is also rich in Vitamin B-1 which helps the body generate energy from nutrients. Another reason, green powders often claim to provide energy is that they contain chlorophyll. For example, in Enerfood, we use a variety of different grasses including wheat grass. Wheat grass contains around 70% of chlorophyll which has been said to give off vibrant and uplifting energy. Because of this, Enerfood green powder makes a great caffeine free alternative to an energy drink or any type of pre or post workout beverage.
4. Green powders help to boost immunity.
One of the biggest reasons green powders have become so popular is for their ability to boost immunity. Most green powders contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are associated with maintaining a healthy immune system. Enerfood, for example, contains Vitamin A which has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as high amounts of vitamin B-12 and B6 which are important in maintaining healthy immune function. Many adults tend to be vitamin deficient as well and could benefit from a higher intake of specific vitamins, many found in green powders like Enerfood.
There are so many benefits to be had from using green powders, however there are also a lot of different brands on the market, so find one that best fits your needs. Enerfood is a supplement made for everyone including people who eat vegan and gluten-free. With 50 servings in a 14.1oz sized bag, that is a little more than $1.00 per day for powder greens, compared to many other brands that are much higher. Give it a try today and see how much you benefit from implementing a green powder like Enerfood into your diet. 

Dieting with Superfoods (Eat These Food Groups)

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Dieting with superfoods, such as Enerfood, can be a healthy and effective way to support weight loss and overall health. Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that can help promote weight loss, reduce inflammation, and support overall health.
Superfood Groups You Should Be Eating:

1. Berries
Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support weight loss.

2. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and antioxidants. They can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support weight loss.

3. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve satiety, and support weight loss.

4. Whole Grains
Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread are rich in fiber and nutrients, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support weight loss.

5. Legumes
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are rich in protein, fiber, and nutrients, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support weight loss.
When incorporating superfoods into your diet, it's important to focus on whole, unprocessed foods rather than processed foods that are marketed as "superfoods." Also, be sure to balance your intake of superfoods with other healthy foods and ensure that you're consuming a variety of nutrients for optimal health.
Share your favorite superfoods and healthy recipes with us! Tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals 

Fasting: A Trusted Tool in Your Long Term Health Tool Belt

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Fasting has many benefits with regards to retraining our taste buds and appetites. If when we eat, we nourish ourselves well with the nutrients we really need, we do not tend to overeat. Combining high-quality nutrition and periodic fasting is a great recipe for success. This can also have some financial benefits in less spending if we skip eating for a day a week, which if we so choose can be passed on to those who are less fortunate. Just think of it, we can feel healthier and we can also feel better by helping others avoid the constant pain of hunger. When we look at many of the conflicts in the world, in addition to money and power at the top, when people are hungry they do not think straight and often choose badly when it comes to leaders. Few westerners have ever truly known persistent hunger. Fasting in this regard is very enlightening.From a health standpoint fasting can help our bodies greatly. When you consider that 60% of our energy goes to digesting food and the rest to repairing our bodies, it makes sense that periodic fasting can free up valuable energy to assist our bodies in healing diseases we might be experiencing. I have read of several terminal cancer patients whose doctors sent them home with a death sentence, saying that no more could be done. Some of these folks either inadvertently or in a planned manner stopped eating or chose to do mono diets of just grapes or just greens and were surprised to find themselves cancer-free in a fairly short period of time.
Fasting also frees up our minds to focus on other things. After all it is quite amazing how much energy and attention is devoted to what, when and where with regards to eating. Sometimes fasting helps us become more conscious of our real needs nutritionally because after the initial cravings have passed, fasting helps restore a healthy sense that chooses foods based upon nutritional needs rather than craving-driven wants.
A true fast involves only consuming water and this can be safely done by most people, although mono diets of one fruit, for example, can help a new faster get used to eating less and moving towards fasting gradually until they are ready to go the whole way with a one day fast. If we observe the natural world we will notice how animals stop eating when they are sick, instinctively knowing that this helps give their bodies a chance to repair themselves. All animals respect and observe this instinct. Even us humans tend to lose our appetites when we are sick. We rarely stick to this abstinence as animals though and thus prolong our sickness rather than limiting how long it lasts by fasting. We would do ourselves a lot of good were we to fast when we are sick. Try it. It might be challenging at first but with time you will get used to it and be so happy you chose to.

Cocoa Mojo Recipes

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Cocoa Mojo Recipes 
Cocoa Mojo Super Chocolate Chip Cookies 


1 Cup Organic Spelt Flour
1 Cup Organic Oat Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Mojo
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Double-Strength Vanilla
3 Tablespoons of Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Agave Syrup
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil (Room Temp)
1 Cup Grain-Sweetened Chocolate Chips


Preheat oven to 350°F
Do NOT grease cookie sheet (use a stainless steel cookie sheet). You can put parchment paper on it if you like.
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass or stainless steel bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.  Then place cookie dough in refrigerator for 15 minutes.  (It should partly solidify).
Spoon refrigerated dough, about 1 tablespoon size onto cookie sheet leaving enough room between spoonfuls, as the cookies will spread.
Replace cookie dough in refrigerator to wait for next batch.
Bake for 12 minutes - remove from oven but leave on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack.
Then enjoy these delicious, healthy, and super chocolate chip COCOA MOJO cookies!

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Cocoa Mojo Frappuccino

Adult “Wake Me Up” Version

4 oz. Brewed NutriCafe Coffee (Immune or Performance)
4 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk

 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo

2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder
Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups Crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 

Healthy “I’m Already Awake” Version

8 oz.  Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Handful of Spinach
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo
2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder
Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 



1 Cup Milk
1 Medium Frozen Banana cut into about 6 pieces
1 Capful of Vanilla Extract  
1 Tablespoon of Coconut oil  

1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Mojo (Add more if you want a stronger chocolate taste) 


Place all ingredients in a blender.  Blend until smooth - this will be very thick.  If you want it thinner add a little bit more milk.   



1 Cup Unbleached White Flour
1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1/8 Teaspoon Sea Salt 
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda 
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar 
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder 
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil (must be room temperature!) 
1 Cup Coconut Milk (must be room temperature!)


Preheat oven to 350°F
Generously grease one round 8-inch baking pan with coconut spread (do not flour).
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.
Pour mixture into baking pan. 
Bake for 25 minutes.

Cocoa Mojo Chia Pudding

For one serving:
(all measurements approximate)

1 cup almond milk
2 Tbs organic chia seed
1-2 tsp Cocoa Mojo
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
3-4 drops Medicine Flower* Vanilla extract


Put all ingredients in a bowl, stir together. Cover.

Re-stir after about 45 minutes to blend the chia "clumps".

Refrigerate for at least a few hours.
Stir again before serving.

Sometimes I add hemp hearts just before eating it. (Optional)

Healthy Non-Gluten Cocoa Mojo Cookie


2 cups of well cooked quinoa, cooled (rinsed 4 times prior to cooking)
1/3 cup nut butter  
4 tbs maple syrup or brown sugar.
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup old fashioned organic rolled oats
1/3 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup coco mojo
1/2 cup buttermilk or nut milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/2 tsp soda .

Note:  egg can be substituted by using 1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 2 Tablespoons water for 10 minutes.

Mix together quinoa, nut butter, maple syrup, salt, rolled oats, coconut, and chocolate chips.
Whisk coco mojo and soda together. Add egg and stir in buttermilk.  
Next,  stir the liquid mixture  into dry ingredients.
If too dry, add a bit more liquid.  Batter  should be  very thick.
Place on baking sheet using small ice cream scoop.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes

Five-Minute Chocolate Frosting


2 cups Cocoa Mojo

2 cups Coconut Milk Powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
About 2/3 cup (add slowly to achieve desired consistency) of your favorite nut or seed milk, even Rice Dream from a box


Blend in a high-speed blender until creamy.
Let it sit on a counter at room temperature for about 30 minutes, so it gets a bit firmer 
Spread on your treats and enjoy!



2 cups almonds
water to soak almonds & 4 cups for blending
6 dates pitted
6 tablespoons enerhealth cocoa mojo
4 tablespoons enerhealth coconut milk powder
milk bag or cheese cloth

1)  Soak almonds overnight or 8 hrs.
2)  In a high-speed large blender add soaked almonds, 4 cups water, dates, mojo, and coconut milk.
3)  Blend on high until smooth and turned into liquid about 2 min.
4)  Run liquid through milk bag or cheese cloth squeezing out all liquids.
5)  Poor over ice and serve:)  Refrigerate leftovers. 
Morning MOJO! 


2 tbsp of Cocoa Mojo
1 tbsp Coconut Milk Powder
1 tbsp Dry Milk or Powdered Milk
1 tbsp Palm Sugar
A pinch of Cinnamon.


 I put all the ingredients in a thermos in the morning and at work I add hot water, shake well and it's Hot Cocoa Time!

How to Ease Menopause Hot Flashes

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What are hot flashes and why do they occur?
Hot flashes are a common symptom experienced by women going through menopause. They are characterized by sudden feelings of intense heat, often accompanied by sweating and flushing of the face and neck. Hot flashes occur due to hormonal changes in the body, specifically a decrease in estrogen levels. These hormonal fluctuations disrupt the body's temperature regulation, leading to the sensation of heat.
How can you relieve hot flashes?
1. Dress in layers: Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing allows you to easily adjust your body temperature as needed. Opt for natural fibers like cotton or linen.
2. Stay cool: Keep your living environment cool by using fans or air conditioning. Lowering the room temperature can help alleviate hot flashes.
3. Manage stress: Stress can trigger hot flashes, so it's important to find effective stress management techniques. Try relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga.
4. Avoid triggers: Certain foods and drinks, such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, can trigger hot flashes. Identify your triggers and limit their consumption.
5. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. This can help regulate body temperature and reduce the frequency of hot flashes.
Are there any natural remedies for hot flashes?
1. Herbal Extracts: There are many herbs that have been used for centuries to relieve menopause symptoms, including hot flashes such as Blue Cohosh and Motherwort herb. You can find synergistic blends of these herbs from Enerhealth Botanicals. Our Womenopause is a formula designed for women, to support balance in the intricate hormonal system while offering support to the nervous and circulatory systems, the liver, and the kidneys. All of these systems need a little extra support during menopause.
2. Soy products: Some studies suggest that soy-based foods, like tofu and soy milk, may help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. Incorporate these into your diet.
3. Flaxseed: Flaxseed contains lignans, which have estrogen-like effects in the body. Adding flaxseed to your meals or taking a flaxseed supplement may provide relief.
When should you seek medical help?
If hot flashes are significantly impacting your quality of life or if they persist for an extended period, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on hormone replacement therapy or other medical interventions that may be necessary.
Hot flashes can be a challenging symptom to manage during menopause, but with the right strategies, relief is possible. By following these expert tips, including dressing in layers, staying cool, managing stress, avoiding triggers, and considering natural remedies, you can effectively reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Remember, if hot flashes persist or significantly affect your daily life, don't hesitate to seek medical advice.

Ankle pain: sprained ankle, heel pain, or tendonitis?

Posted By invigormedical on Health - Ankle sprains are the most prevalent injury of the musculoskeletal system, with an estimated one ankle sprain per 10,000 people each day. The ankles and feet support the weight of the body and are prone to overuse injuries leading to tendonitis and sprains and causing heel and ankle pain. The ankle allows you to run, […]The post Ankle pain: sprained ankle, heel pain, or tendonitis? appeared first on Invigor Medical.