Published Blogs Health

Why We Should Choose Organic

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - There is much argument and opinion bantering back and forth on the validity of purchasing organically grown foods. However, there are also plain facts that we can use to help us assess why or if such a purchasing decision is really such a good idea and whether it is, as many would say, imperative for the health of ourselves, the planet, and the generations to follow.
Every year some 450 billion pounds of pesticides, many of which are highly toxic, are sprayed on our food crops playing a major role in bee colony collapse disorder, where for the past four years, bee colonies have diminished by a third in numbers every year. At this rate bees could face extinction and because of their role in pollination, our food supply would be threatened. The health of ecosystems is dependent upon an intricate balance, where if one part is destroyed the whole system begins to unravel. In extreme cases this can lead to dead zones where nothing will grow any more. Oil spills such as the one in The Gulf of Mexico and many others, have exacerbated an already dramatic decline in natural systems that if left alone might recover, but could take hundreds of years. Worldwide there are somewhere close to 500 of these dead zones. The worst thing is that none of this is necessary. Organic and biodynamic farming as well as permaculture design, and especially regenerative farming, offer a systematic approach to working with nature rather than against it and frankly collaboration in every area of life is key to a healthy future for all of us.
Going pesticide free not only benefits us with a supply of healthful produce, it also ensures freedom from poisoning for the hundreds of thousands of workers who pick our produce from the fields, workers who currently experience a much higher incidence of cancer due to pesticide exposure. Things sprayed on the fields also end up in our drinking water and then our bodies. Pesticides act as xeno-estrogens, upsetting our delicate hormonal balance and leading to increased cancer, weight loss, and other problems for ourselves and our pets. In addition, conventional agriculture strips the soil and washes away valuable topsoil that under normal circumstances can take somewhere around 500 years to regenerate just one inch of. Healthy soil is full of life on a microbial level that yields healthy plants, and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere and puts it back into the ground via roots. Pesticides kill those microbes and diminish the health of the soil. 
By choosing organic you are also choosing more nutrient dense foods, which means you stay healthier and spend less on doctors visits. This offsets the higher cost of organic produce. Our choices also send a message to our stores and farmers, that it is worth their while to grow organic.

Vigorous Activity to Boost Brain Health

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - In recent years, the link between physical activity and cognitive health has garnered significant attention in the fitness and health community. With an aging population and the prevalence of hypertension, finding effective ways to preserve cognitive function and prevent dementia has become a crucial aspect of health management. A recent...
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The Effectiveness of Yoga for Menopausal Symptoms

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Menopause brings a host of symptoms that can affect a woman’s physical and emotional wellbeing. Yoga has emerged as a valuable tool in managing these symptoms, offering both relief and improved quality of life. Recent research highlights the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges associated...
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Leveraging Wearable Activity Trackers

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Leveraging Wearable Activity Trackers In the rapidly evolving landscape of fitness technology, wearable activity trackers (WATs) have emerged as a transformative tool. Over the past decade, these devices have gained immense popularity, offering a multitude of benefits while also presenting certain privacy and security challenges. A comprehensive study titled “Wearable...
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The Power of Interval Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Interval training, characterized by alternating periods of high-intensity effort and recovery, has long been recognized for its efficiency in improving cardiovascular fitness and overall health. Recent studies have further explained the multifaceted benefits of this training approach, reinforcing its application across various levels of physical fitness and athletic needs. Proven...
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Revolutionising Nutrition Beyond BMI

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - In the field of fitness and nutrition, professionals are continuously seeking ways to better assist their clients in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. A recent study titled “Medical Nutrition Education for Health, Not Harm: BMI, Weight Stigma, Eating Disorders, and Social Determinants of Health” provides critical insights that are highly...
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