Published Blogs Parenting

Stress Management Activities for Women [That Actually Work!]

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Taking the time to invest in stress management activities for women can help lessen your days out of work from stress. This post covers stress management activities for women to do indoor, to do outdoors, to do on a budget. What is stress? It’s our body’s fight-or-flight response to thinking it is in danger. Which...

How to Deal with Debilitating Anxiety The Right Way

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Prolonged stress can leave our bodies and minds in a constant state of anxiety. Stress leads to anxiety, and stress is a silent killer, so to prevent this, here is what anxiety causes. Debilitating anxiety can result from prolonged stress from malnutrition, abusive relationships, poor sleep hygiene, and more. Anxiety causes our bodies to feel...

12 Anxiety Quotes to Help You Feel At Ease

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - These anxiety quotes are positive words you can say to yourself to help you get through the day with a more positive attitude. Believing that you have the ability to set the tone for the day can be empowering and help you be more relaxed. Or as I said to my mom the other day...

Healthy Cheap Dinner Ideas That Can Save Your Budget! 

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Has your grocery store bill increased lately? Prices keep rising in stores across the United States. According to the Consumer Price Index, food at home costs increased by 6.5% last year. The most significant category increases included meats, poultry, fish, and eggs. These increases have significantly impacted the average household grocery budget and meal planning...

Signs You Might Be Living with Crippling Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Over 40 million Americans including 25% of children ages 13-18 suffer from anxiety and they are often living with crippling anxiety. Heart racing, palms sweating, shallow breathing, and more can all be anxiety attack symptoms. The fast-paced lifestyle, with the Standard American Diet, sitting and staring at a screen hunched over all day. Then you...

The Best Comprehensive Method to Learn Baby Sign Language

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - If you want to have better communication with your baby, then baby sign language is essential. Your baby is likely to develop such important skills for saying their first word as they reach the age of 8 to 12 months. Until then, it is considered that a very helpful tool is baby sign language.  What...

10 Effective At-Home Workouts To Build Strength (With Limited Time)

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - The first year of the pandemic was a revolutionary year for the at-home workout industry. According to a recent article in The Washington Post, health and fitness equipment sales more than doubled, to $2.3 billion, starting in March 2020. The good news is you don’t need any fancy equipment or a lot of time to...

7 Practical Ways To Teach Your Toddler About Jesus

Posted By riderambler on Parenting - One of our biggest callings as Christian mamas is to raise our children up in Christ. With that being said, how the heck are we supposed to teach our toddlers something so important at such a young age?
The post 7 Practical Ways To Teach Your Toddler About Jesus appeared first on Hey She Thrives.

How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Without Messing It Up

Posted By riderambler on Parenting - Ever wondered how to clean a cast iron skillet without turning it into a rusty mess? All you have to do is scrub it down in some hot water - no soap involved. Dry it super well, and you're ready to go!
The post How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet Without Messing It Up appeared first on Hey She Thrives.

How to Clean Your Dishwasher (Fast!)

Posted By riderambler on Parenting - Wondering why your dishes aren’t sparkling? Your dishwasher might just need a good cleaning. Thankfully, it's a lot easier than you might be thinking.
The post How to Clean Your Dishwasher (Fast!) appeared first on Hey She Thrives.

Natural Cleaning Products

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Natural cleaning products can range from chemical-free sponges to homemade cleaning recipes. I have created a list of natural brands and the top-rated cleaning products to use. Lastly, this post includes ingredients to avoid and 10 all-purpose substitutes. Why do I need to use a natural product? Firstly, cleaning products include ingredients such as surfactants,...

13 Manuka Honey Benefits That Will Blow Your Mind

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Growing up you probably knew that local honey had it’s health benfits including helping you get rid of a nasty cough or sore throat. It’s also a great sweetener that is natural and full of vitamins and minerals. However, you may not be familiar with Manuka Honey Benefits, so keep reading to learn why you...

41 Awe-inspiring Encouraging Words to Boost Your Mood

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Powerlessness causes an individual to believe they do not have control over their outcomes and that those around them have control by being able to award or withhold resources. When individuals find out that they can withhold a lot more of that power within themselves then they begin to live life a little bit differently....

How TMS Therapy Improves Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Anxiety disorders are prevalent in our world today. Statista reports that around 27% of American adults had anxiety disorder symptoms between April 27 and May 9, 2022. And the National Alliance of Mental Illness says over 40 million U.S adults have an anxiety disorder.  As the number of anxiety patients increases, scientific research to discover...

The Ultimate Guide to Supercharge Your Memory and Banish Brain Fog with These Remarkable Supplements

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Our brain function declines as we age, and we may experience memory problems and brain fog. Fortunately, there are a variety of supplements that can help improve memory and cognitive function. These supplements and dietary and lifestyle changes improve your memory and reduce brain fog. Supplements for Memory and Brain Fog With supplements, there are...

22 Best Places To Get Cheap Clothes: No Matter Your Budget

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Are you looking for the best places to get cheap clothes? We got you. Whether you’re looking to shop in-store or online, here are the best places to get cheap clothes. Buying new clothes is expensive, whether you’re buying clothes for yourself or an entire family. Buying clothes is something many enjoy, but it’s something...

Date Night Ideas: Fun And Romantic Ideas

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Whether you’re in a long-term relationship and looking to rekindle some romance or a budding new couple planning your first date, finding new and exciting things to do together can be challenging. Most couples are usually content to Netflix and chill every Friday night, but for those looking for something a little more sophisticated, we’ve … Read more

10 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu for a Speedy Recovery

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Getting the cold or flu can get in the way of life, but you don’t want to deal with the symptoms and be out of work longer than you have to. There are natural products and things you have at home that can help you fight off a cold or flu. So when you’re down with the … Read more