Published Blogs Parenting

The Best Anxiety Treatments in Florida for Coping With Anxiety 

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Anxiety disorder is one of America’s most common mental health conditions, affecting 40 million adults. Anxiety can manifest in various ways, from mild anxiety to panic attacks and phobias.  Anxiety is a side effect of many different mental disorders, as well as there is a category of different anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder...

13 Manuka Honey Benefits That Will Blow Your Mind

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Growing up you probably knew that local honey had it’s health benfits including helping you get rid of a nasty cough or sore throat. It’s also a great sweetener that is natural and full of vitamins and minerals. However, you may not be familiar with Manuka Honey Benefits, so keep reading to learn why you...

Parenting Guide for Understanding Your Communication Style

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Parents use many different parenting styles when raising a child. While there are pros and cons to every approach, choosing the one that will work best for your family is essential. Since children do not come with manuals, new parents often read best-parenting books to research some best practices, what each entails, and which style...

The Remarkable Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - The obesity rate in America is now 41.9%, a staggering number that has caused great concern in the last few years. People are becoming more health-conscious and seeking ways to get and stay healthier. Changing up your diet, of course, is the best way to do that, but eating healthy foods can be quite costly,...

12 Anxiety Quotes to Help You Feel At Ease

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - These anxiety quotes are positive words you can say to yourself to help you get through the day with a more positive attitude. Believing that you have the ability to set the tone for the day can be empowering and help you be more relaxed. Or as I said to my mom the other day...

How to Use Credit Card Churning to Travel For Free

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Credit cards are something that people often use with caution. They can bring on unnecessary debt if you lack the discipline, and generally, people carry around one to two cards personally. Credit card churning is a method of opening and closing many credit cards to obtain points and miles to travel for free. If you...

Doubts About How To Swaddle A Baby: Supplies Needed

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - To know how to swaddle a baby is a potentially life-changing talent, especially for new mothers. However, you don’t have to be an expert in swaddling. We will help you learn about swaddling your newborn step by step in this article. If you don’t want to learn how to swaddle a baby and would like...

How to break a Fever

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - A fever causes an elevation in temperature brought on by inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and bacterial and viral infections. Hyperpyrexia differs from a fever, which occurs when a person’s temperature is 105.8 degrees F and above. The average temperature is 98.7 degrees, and a low-grade fever is 99.1 F to 100.4 F; a moderate grade is...

Resale Royalty: Top 10 Used Cars Holding Value Like Gold

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Are you in the market for a used car? Before making a hasty purchase, let’s discuss the importance of choosing a vehicle that will hold its value over time. You want to avoid ending up with a clunker worth nothing when you’re ready to upgrade. Instead, consider factors contributing to a car’s worth based on...

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss? How To Relax and Promote New Hair Growth!

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Are you feeling stressed? At this point in human history, we can all agree stress impacts our bodies. Although we might have different responses to stress, each one of us has a somatic (body) stress response. Unfortunately, for some folks, this means losing hair. Stress-related hair loss is common, but it can be incredibly upsetting....

Amazing Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition that runs an unpredictable course of changes in mood, energy, and activity levels that can make day-to-day living difficult. These mood changes include depression (low or weary lows) and manic episodes (intense and hyperactive highs). This article discusses treatments for bipolar disorder using therapy and antipsychotics, as well as some...

How to Deal with Debilitating Anxiety The Right Way

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Prolonged stress can leave our bodies and minds in a constant state of anxiety. Stress leads to anxiety, and stress is a silent killer, so to prevent this, here is what anxiety causes. Debilitating anxiety can result from prolonged stress from malnutrition, abusive relationships, poor sleep hygiene, and more. Anxiety causes our bodies to feel...

How Long After Buying a Car Can I Buy a House?

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - In life, certain decisions are more significant than others. For example, purchasing a car and a house are some. Suppose you’re thinking about buying both a vehicle and a home. In that case, you’re probably wondering quite a few questions, including, “what should I know about typical interest rates on mortgages and car loans,” “should...

Natural Cleaning Products

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Natural cleaning products can range from chemical-free sponges to homemade cleaning recipes. I have created a list of natural brands and the top-rated cleaning products to use. Lastly, this post includes ingredients to avoid and 10 all-purpose substitutes. Why do I need to use a natural product? Firstly, cleaning products include ingredients such as surfactants,...

How To Pick the Best Gifts for 9-Year-Old Girls

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Kids grow up so fast, and their interests change just as rapidly. Knowing how to pick the best gifts for 9-year-old girls requires a keen sense of balance between the playful girl she is and the near teen she’s becoming.  Having once been a nine-year-old girl, I can vaguely remember all the excitement of approaching...

What You Need To Know Before Investing in Cosmetic Surgery

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Cosmetic surgery is a $64 billion industry, with many men and women going under the knife for personal and medical reasons. Investing in it should not be do While it has many benefits, there are also a few downsides that you should consider.   What Exactly Is Cosmetic Surgery? While cosmetic surgery can fix critical health...

How to Do a Hack Squat Correctly and Effectively

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Hack squats are one of the most effective leg exercises you can do with a machine. This exercise works your glutes, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings, helping you achieve a fitter and more toned lower body. Like any exercise, if you show commitment, you will see results. Some people miss out on the benefits of hack...

Stress Management Activities for Women [That Actually Work!]

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Taking the time to invest in stress management activities for women can help lessen your days out of work from stress. This post covers stress management activities for women to do indoor, to do outdoors, to do on a budget. What is stress? It’s our body’s fight-or-flight response to thinking it is in danger. Which...

5 Remedies to Get Rid of the Cold or Flu Naturally

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting -   Many people turn to OTC medicines when they get the flu. This practice, though viewed as normal, is actually unhealthy. Not all cold/flu symptoms should be treated with cold medicine. Sometimes, you just need to do something properly so you can recover faster. Here are some cold/flu natural home remedies that only require action...