Published Blogs

6 Ways To Get A Loan Without Good Credit (And How You Can Improve It)

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - About 16% of Americans have very poor credit, and many more have below-average credit. A low credit score limits your borrowing … 6 Ways To Get A Loan Without Good Credit (And How You Can Improve It) Read More »

How to Care for Chinese Evergreen Plants (Aglaonema commutatum)

Posted By Davin on Home - Most Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum) plants are small, low-growing, and have crowded leaves formed near the soil’s surface on short stalks. The less frequent and hence more elusive Aglaonema pseudo-bracteatum has a branching habit and is significantly less widespread. The ability of the Chinese evergreen to thrive in low light conditions makes it a popular plant. Avoid ... Read more

Globalists Don't Believe Their Own Climate Change Propaganda.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Scientists and news media sites, both of which are often controlled by wealthy globalists, tell us every day that CO2 levels are too high, resulting in rising temperatures that threaten life on Earth. But many of us think the entire climate change narrative is nothing more than a scam, part of the UN's 'Agenda 2030' and the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'. Although both claim to be working for the good of the planet and humanity, in reality they plan to radically change human society by reducing the population and severely restricting our ability to live as free people. To be more blunt, they're creating the bio-security state, a global digital prison from which they will be no escape. The climate change narrative is designed to frighten us into voluntarily giving up our property and our rights. We are being tricked into believing if we live in pods, eat bugs, and endure cold winters without heat, that our sacrifices will save the planet and all of mankind. Don't believe their scam. It's a psy-op, just like the covid pandemic, but even more dangerous. The globalists who want to impose "climate lockdowns", end the use of fossil fuels, and send civilization back to the era of feudalism don't drink the Kool-Aid they're serving to the rest of us. Even while the corrupt news media is telling us that sea levels will rise by ten feet in the next few years, billionaires are buying oceanfront mansions and developers are building multi-million dollar resorts right at the sea. Banks are financing much of it and insurance companies are writing policies to protect these properties which, according to the psy-op, will soon be destroyed by flooding. That hardly sounds like a wise business decision, does it?Even worse, we're being told that CO2 is our enemy, a toxic gas that is destroying the planet. But is it? Did anyone ask the plants, which depend on CO2 for survival? Without CO2 there is no life, including human life. Many scientists not employed by the climate change death cult have said we actually need more CO2 than we have now. But instead of working to increase our global levels, the cult is building insane machines that allegedly suck the gas out of the air to be stored in underground caverns. I don't think these machines are real but instead are elements of the psy-op to add a layer of seriousness and fear to the public consciousness.Want proof that all of this is just another rich man's trick? Just look at the massive construction projects that seem to be everywhere. Even though trees convert CO2 into oxygen, when the globalists see a chance to make money they'll cut down thousands of acres of trees and replace them with asphalt parking lots and concrete factories and distribution centers. There are abandoned buildings in every city that could be torn down to make room for new developments, but that rarely happens. They'd rather kill life-giving trees than recycle a blighted part of town because it's cheaper that way. They're not worried about climate change. They're worried about their money. Here are a few examples:Factory megasite in China.Unknown development in Albemarle NC.Office building development in Raleigh NC.Commercial site in New South Wales, Australia.Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC. (1,825 acres)Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC, alternate view. (1,825 acres)These sites alone represent thousands of acres of trees that have been destroyed to make room for developments owned by the globalists. If climate change is truly an existential threat to the planet, why are they cutting down so many trees? Why are governments allowing this to happen? Why aren't the radical Marxists of Extinction Rebellion chaining themselves to trees to keep these mega-factories from being built?Because climate change is a scam, and they all know it.

A 3 Fund Portfolio: The Simple Way To Invest

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Investing can be quite hard. It takes time, patience, and the right mindset to pick and choose what investments to go with. The easy solution is to hire someone else to do it for you. What if I had a ... Read More

What Is Dollar-Cost-Averaging? And Is It the Best Way to Invest?

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Dollar-cost-averaging (DCA) is a systematic program of investing equal sums of money at regular intervals regardless of the investment's price. It's a simple approach requiring you to determine two parameters: the fixed amount for each period and how often.

Can You Reuse Microgreen Soil? (The Perfect Solution)

Posted By Davin on Home - After cutting your tray of greens, you will have a tray of soil with many fibrous roots and stems. The microgreens will not sprout again since you chopped them below the cotyledons. Plus, you probably spent good money or lots of time getting high-quality soil.  So, you may be wondering, can you reuse microgreen soil? ... Read more

Study Shows People Need To Play Retirement Savings Catch-up in 2022

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Many Americans face a retirement savings crisis, exacerbated by almost two years of the COVID-19 crisis. The financial blowback from the pandemic continues to plague a wide cross-section of Americans, including those closest to retirement age. Unfortunately, most people are not saving enough right now. During the pandemic, Americans reduced their retirement contributions overall by...

Everything You Need To Know About Earnest Money

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - You're not alone if you're confused by real estate jargon. Technical terms like earnest money, option fee, down payment, escrow, and closing may feel intimidating to the first-time home buyer. Learning these terms helps avoid misunderstandings during the home purchase ... Read More

The Psychology of Money: 8 Ways to Improve Your Money Mindset

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Long-term growth and success rely more on our habits and behaviors than on complex knowledge and advanced strategies. Learning a few key points on the psychology of money can go a long way to building the right mindset for prosperity.

Small Holes in Lawn Overnight? (Here’s Why + Solution)

Posted By Davin on Home - After spending time and effort maintaining a lush green lawn, small holes should be the least of your worries. But unfortunately, small holes in a lawn are inevitable. These holes result from the activities of tiny critters and other animals. It can be pretty frustrating to see these holes when you wake up, and it’s ... Read more

Was The Sandy Hook School Shooting A False Flag Event?

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's been almost ten years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting happened and still there are many unanswered questions about that day. Although the government, the news media, and high-powered attorneys have tried to classify the incident as unquestionably factual, others have found elements of it that just don't make sense. One person who has worked tirelessly to expose the truth is former law enforcement officer Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig asked government officials simple questions about the Sandy Hook shooting and he was mostly ignored. Even when he filed numerous FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests, officials refused to comply. The government won't even say who ordered the portable toilets that were delivered to the crime scene only three hours into the investigation, as if they had been scheduled in advance. Which officer was in charge of the police response? No one will say. Why were the bodies taken away at night without the parents being allowed to see them? Halbig has been given no answers.Was this a Department of Homeland Security I.C.E. (Integrated Capstone Event)* training exercise? This is a possibility that Halbig suggests. Although I can't say with certainty what happened that day, I do recall seeing it unfold in the news and thinking something about it seemed very suspicious. If the government would answer some basic questions and show a few documents related to the shooting, much of the controversy could be put to rest. But since they won't do that, it's up to all of us to push for the truth.The following documentary will take you through the entire event from beginning to end. And you'll see Wolfgang Halbig attempt to get answers from people who go out of their way to hide the details of what happened in Newtown Connecticut on December 12, 2012. The film is just over one hour long but you won't be able to stop after the first five minutes. I strongly encourage you to watch it and then share it everywhere.*The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Integrated Capstone Event (ICE) program provides the opportunity for multiple disciplines to work together in a culminating, all-hazard, mass casualty incident training exercise. The ICE promotes interdisciplinary response where first responders and first receivers are challenged to conduct response operations within the Incident Command System, with students filling various roles based on their experience and course objectives. Source: FEMA website.