Published Blogs

The Creative Archetypes: What They Are and How to Use Them

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Creativity comes in all shapes, types, and sizes. For this reason, there are many creative archetypes; ways to classify creative personalities based on art form and creative abilities. While we all possess creative talent, we will be stronger in some areas than others. Knowing your archetype will maximize your potential and take your projects to... 
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Here Are 8 Key Questions to Ask When Buying a House

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - My college professor once said you know when you’re an adult when you have a mortgage. His comment couldn’t be farther from the truth. Although, for many people, homeownership is a significant milestone in their life. Not knowing the right questions to ask when buying a house is financially unwise. There are many factors to […]

Who doesn’t love pigs?

Posted By BusinessPlugs on Finance - A cryptocurrency called PIG went live in March 2021. The PIG token claims to be an original black hole token. This cryptocurrency operates on the Binance Smart Chain and is one of the few cryptocurrencies discovered recently that disposes massive amounts of the total supply in circulation hence the name black hole. The token also […]
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Karolina Zebrowska Takes Women’s History to Task

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

We’re sponsored by Camo Lighter. This Tesla-inspired lighter is waterproof and windproof. It’s perfect for camping, emergencies, or anytime you need a reliable source of spark. It’s 100% electric so there’s no fuel to refill. Get yours now. Modern society has a very odd view of the recent past. People think many of the Victorian […]
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What We Can Learn From the Wisest Leaders in History

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Throughout history, we’ve seen leaders who were brilliant strategists and skilled at warfare. But knowledge doesn’t always result in wise leadership. The wisest leaders are those who combine knowledge with empathy and sound judgment. These timeless pieces of wisdom from some of the wisest leaders in history will inspire you to be an effective leader... 
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6 Ways You’re Blocking Your Manifestation Abilities

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Manifestation, based on the Law of Attraction, states that people and their thoughts are made of energy and that by focusing on what we want, we can manifest it into reality. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, nothing seems to work out. When this happens, you can be sure that there’s some sort... 
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Feeling Bored and Uninspired? Make it Exciting with a New Vision.

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - We all feel bored and uninspired at some point. Sometimes changing up our routines renews our enthusiasm. If that doesn’t work, we need to probe deeper to find the cause of our lack of inspiration. The cure for boredom isn’t to numb it but to actively engage with our feelings. The next time you feel... 
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The One that Got Away: Finding Love after Loss

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - The one that got away is that special love with whom you had to part with because circumstances and timing were not favorable for the relationship to blossom. As time goes by, you wonder what you and that person could have had. While most of us find it easy to move on, a few of... 
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I Have An Invention Idea But No Money – 8 Ways To Do It

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Are you the creative and innovative type of person? Do you have an idea for an invention, but you do not have the money? You don’t have to go far. This is the right place for your ideas and your inventions. If you are the inventive type and love the thrill of ideas and inventions, ... Read more

5 Distractions That are Stopping You from Being Successful

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - With the rise of digital technology, we’re surrounded by endless sources of distraction. Giving in to distractions once in a while is normal, but if it becomes a habit, we lose the focus and drive to meet our goals. Knowing how to manage the distractions that are stopping you from being successful will set you... 
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How Structure Can Create More Freedom in Your Schedule

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Structure doesn’t mean that you must always be on the go and adhere to a rigid timetable. When done correctly, building structure can create freedom in your schedule. It allows you to fully invest and be present in what you do. By making these gradual, incremental tweaks to your lifestyle, you can liberate yourself from... 
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Why You Don’t Need to be in Power to Change the World

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - No matter how committed we are to changing the world, we can’t make progress unless we believe that we have the power to do so. You don’t need to be famous or a trailblazer to make a difference. There are many ways to contribute, no matter what profession you’re in. You’ll find inspiration in these... 
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Fixed vs. Growth Mindset: How Your Thoughts Impact Your Life

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Our mindset determines our attitude. It’s the perceptual lens through which we see everything in our lives. As adults, we’re free to shape our minds in ways that serve our growth and purpose. A growth mindset is rooted in curiosity and positive anticipation. A fixed mindset, on the other hand, is based on fear and... 
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