Published Blogs

4 Essential Practices For Sustaining Employee Engagement

Posted By ivanpw 989 days ago on Business - Isn’t it interesting that engaged employees are said to be more productive and perform better compared to their unengaged peers? This calls for you, as an employer or company manager, to look at factors that could lead to your workers achieving a high level of engagement that’ll lead to your business to enjoy the benefits mentioned before and reach success.Employee Engagement: Things You Need To Know About And Different Methods You Can EmployPerhaps you don’t know whether or not your employees are comfortable with working at your company. Well, in this case, you should consider collecting data on employee engagement so that you can understand how they’re feeling and their other perceptions such as your status as a recruiter.…The post 4 Essential Practices For Sustaining Employee Engagement appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

4 Ways to Save Money in Your Small Business

Posted By ivanpw 989 days ago on Business - When starting a small business, a lot of entrepreneurs often make the mistake of overpaying for certain expenses. To be more specific, most small business owners spend more than twice their initial expected cost just within their first year of credit: PexelsThis overspending led to a large chunk of small businesses failing not long after they started simply due to the lack of funds. Statistics from the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy revealed that only 80 percent of small businesses were able to survive during the first year of operation.That might sound healthy, but after a 5-year mark, only half of those businesses survived.…The post 4 Ways to Save Money in Your Small Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Why Air Conditioning Is a Must for Schools

Posted By ivanpw 988 days ago on Business - Are you in the business of education or running schools? If so, you need to pay attention to the environment of your classrooms and the well-being of your students, as those will impact all stakeholders of you business.Schools across the nation generally start back in August or September. In some parts of the country, those months are particularly hot. This is especially so in the southern and western parts of the United States. Unfortunately, some schools in these areas still lack classrooms with an air conditioner for students.If a student sits in class all day sweating, they are not likely to concentrate very hard on their studies.…The post Why Air Conditioning Is a Must for Schools appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Common Mishaps That Could Ruin A Product Launch

Posted By ivanpw 988 days ago on Business - Introducing a new product or service can prove beneficial to businesses. The right idea can put your brand ahead of the competition, expand your reach, enhance customer experience, and boost sales. That’s why entrepreneurs invest thousands of dollars into product development. Unfortunately, not all of them yield a return, resulting in a waste of time and money.Why do product launches by existing businesses fail? As there are several aspects to developing and introducing a product to market, the reasons are plentiful. Although some factors are beyond control (i.e., changes in the economy), in many instances, product launches fall by the wayside due to unnecessary mistakes.…The post Common Mishaps That Could Ruin A Product Launch appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

7 Common Business Challenges and How Tech Can Help

Posted By ivanpw 988 days ago on Business - While 2020 presented many setbacks for business with the sudden onset of COVID-19, 2021 taught companies how to survive even in the midst of a pandemic. Many digital and technological solutions have played a prominent role in uplifting the business world and helping overcome the effects and challenges of the pandemic. However, as existing problems continue and new ones continually present themselves, many businesses continue to credit: RawpixelBelow are the seven major challenges faced by modern businesses and the technological solutions that can help.1. IT integration, Strategic Planning, and MaintenanceMany businesses that have recently embraced high-end digital solutions face IT integration issues.…The post 7 Common Business Challenges and How Tech Can Help appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

How to Grow Your Business Like a Pro

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Business - Growing your business is often compared to playing an instrument, excelling in a sport, or learning a new skill. It has specific steps, requires ongoing effort, and constant refinement.As a small business CEO, you’re the only one up at night, working weekends, or struggling to solve problems that you didn’t anticipate. This is why it helps to have a blueprint for success—so you can grow your business like a pro.Define Your WhoTalk with every successful business owner or entrepreneur. He or she will tell you that the biggest success comes from defining a precise target market.The funny thing is, many owners don’t consider their market, with this at first.…The post How to Grow Your Business Like a Pro appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

What Is the Cloud and How Can It Help Your Small Business?

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Business - Unless you are living under a rock, you must have heard about “Cloud”. It is one of the most innovative technologies of this modern world, not only it helps in reducing IT costs for businesses but also functions as a medium to grow businesses across the globe.If you are still unfamiliar with cloud, well, it refers to web-connected servers and software which users can access over the internet, freeing from running your own servers and IT hardware setups.Users don’t have to host and manage their hardware or software on their own and can access these servers from anywhere in the world with stable internet connection.…The post What Is the Cloud and How Can It Help Your Small Business? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

5 Essential Office Products

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Business - Over the last two years, things have changed and fluctuated. Whether you are going back into the office or have created your own work office at home, one thing has become clear about our work environments. It’s pivotal to be comfortable and content to get as much work as you can get credit: RawpixelYour comfort is actually very important. When people around the country stayed home in the comfort of their houses, productivity did not go down. In fact, it went up. So, if you are still creating your perfect office, there are some things you should have in your office.…The post 5 Essential Office Products appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Selecting the Right Answering Service for Your Business

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Blogging - An answering service is a prime and affordable option for many business owners looking forward to expanding their small operations. For this owners require to have quality customer service with… Read more »
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Benefits of Settling in the Sacramento Suburbs

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Blogging - Perhaps you work in downtown Sacramento, CA. It’s an exciting, if not beautiful and historical place to build a career. But what if you don’t want to actually live in… Read more »
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Top Tips On Cutting Down Everyday Costs

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Blogging - Now we have entered the New Year, it is only natural to seek out new ways of cutting down everyday costs. December can be one of the most expensive months… Read more »
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How Do Small Businesses Develop a Unique Selling Proposition?

Posted By ivanpw 985 days ago on Blogging - Entrepreneurs starting a small business need a unique selling proposition for their startups.
What is a unique selling proposition? A unique selling proposition, often abbreviated as USP, is the reason… Read more »
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New Year, New You! 12 Resolutions You Can Actually Keep!

Posted By Paris 984 days ago on Fashion - Uh oh, we're two weeks into the New Year and what on earth happened to my resolutions?
The post New Year, New You! 12 Resolutions You Can Actually Keep! first appeared on Unhooked: a lingerie magazine.

Book Review: The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale

Posted By LaurelLit 983 days ago on Writing - I became aware of The Ballerinas, by Rachel Kapelke Dale, in an airport bookstore, when I had six hours to kill due to a delayed flight. I was immediately intrigued by its cover, with three female forms donned in pretty pink tutus. That’s because I have spent a lot of time in my life, fromContinue Reading
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Do You Need Separate Inbound and Outbound Call Centers?

Posted By ivanpw 983 days ago on Business - Have you ever called a company to get technical support or talk to their customer service team? Or received a call from a company conducting a survey or marketing campaign? Both types of calls are possible because of call centers.If you aren’t familiar with how call centers work, the main concept to understand is that there are two types of call centers, inbound and outbound. Both types of call centers serve different purposes, let’s discuss what the difference is below.Inbound Call CentersThe main thing to know about inbound call centers is that they are customer focused. The inbound call center receives calls from outside of the center from customers who need technical support, have a question, or would like a complaint resolution.…The post Do You Need Separate Inbound and Outbound Call Centers? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Before Starting Your First Business, Do These Things

Posted By ivanpw 983 days ago on Business - Life often begins under less than ideal circumstances, leading to less than idea decision-making, resulting in less than ideal outcomes. If you find that you are living in one of those less than ideal outcomes, you are not alone. And it is not necessarily your fault despite everyone telling you that it is.Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter whose fault it is. Your life is yours to work out. That means finding a way to successfully navigate the obstacle course in front of you no matter how unfair it happens to be.One of the ways people are finding to help them navigate their particular situation is to start their own business and become their own boss.…The post Before Starting Your First Business, Do These Things appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

KYC and Online Banking: How KYC Has Become Fintech’s Biggest Achievement

Posted By ivanpw 983 days ago on Business - KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations have revolutionized the online banking space and the scope of the fintech industry. In verifying…
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9 Reasons Why You Should Learn Latin

Posted By booksnbackpacks 983 days ago on Literature - Trying to decide whether or not Latin is for you? Here are 9 reasons why you should learn Latin! My study of Latin has enriched my life in so many ways. But learning a language – any language – is a challenge, so you need to be committed. Do I think Latin is still worth...
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How to Refinance Your Property Development Project

Posted By ivanpw 982 days ago on Business - Property developers can encounter several challenges that can hinder their projects in various ways. Even the well-planned and managed projects can experience issues. Therefore, you need a great backup plan as a property developer just in case your project experiences any challenges.
Many developers have their projects delayed for various reasons, like bad weather or a supplier not delivering on time. Additionally, preferred construction professionals can be unavailable when building time draws close. However, the combined effects of the pandemic and Brexit are largely to blame for the widespread construction delays in the UK currently.…
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Broadcast News in the #MeToo Era

Posted By LaurelLit 982 days ago on Writing - Broadcast News has always been one of my top ten favorite films, ever since I saw it in the theater as a teenager. When I was young, I enjoyed it for its witty banter and the depiction of its feminist yet feminine protagonist, Holly Hunter’s Jane. At one point, Jane’s boss says to her sarcastically,Continue Reading
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