Published Blogs Health

Phytosterols: A Natural Aid for High Cholesterol

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Jan 06, 2024 - Nutrition - Phytosterols, a group of naturally occurring compounds found in plant cell membranes, are becoming increasingly recognized for their potential health benefits, particularly in relation to...

Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate Everyday

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Researchers Say Eating Chocolate Every Day Can Have Serious Health Benefits.
Great News: Thanks to new research by the American Heart Association, chocoholics have yet another healthy reason to justify their habit.
Researchers have found a link between daily chocolate consumption and heart health, according to recent findings presented at the association's Epidemiology/Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions. Eating chocolate on a daily basis may improve insulin levels and liver enzymes in adults, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology/Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions.
Researchers studied 1,153 adults, ages 18 to 69 years between 2007 and 2009. Of all the participants, 81.8 percent were classified as chocolate consumers. They found that consuming 100 mg of chocolate daily was associated with lower levels of insulin resistance, serum insulin and liver enzymes, markers associated with heart disease risk. The study concluded that chocolate consumers were more likely to be younger, physically active, affluent people, who had higher education levels and fewer chronic health issues.
This study is just a small part of a large growing body of evidence discovering more and more health benefits of daily chocolate consumption. Dark chocolate is packed with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. A recent study showed that cocoa and dark chocolate contained more antioxidant activity, polyphenols, and flavanols than other fruits they tested, which included blueberries and Acai berries.
In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death by a whopping 50% over a 15-year period. Another study revealed that eating chocolate 2 or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. Eating chocolate less frequently had no effect. Yet another study showed that chocolate 5+ times per week lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57%.
It’s becoming more and more clear that eating chocolate on a daily basis is not only delicious for chocolate lovers, but is so very good for our overall health and wellness.
By combining the health benefits of chocolate with the immune supporting benefit of medicinal mushrooms, Enerhealth Botanicals has created Organic Cocoa Mojo - the most delicious and healthy cocoa powder available! Made with 100% certified organic cocoa powder, lightly sweetened with low-glycemic organic coconut palm sugar, and infused with EnerHealth’s special blend of medicinal herbs, Cocoa Mojo is the ultimate healthy treat for all hardcore chocoholics!
So we say go ahead! Love your chocolate and not feel guilty about it!

Exploring the Benefits of Plant-Based Supplements

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What are Plant-based Supplements?
Plant based supplements are dietary supplements derived from natural sources like herbs, fruits, stems, seeds and other botanical ingredients. These natural supplements offer a holistic approach to health and wellness, providing various benefits as an alternative to synthetic and chemical-based supplements.  
Incorporating plant-based supplements into one's daily routine can offer numerous advantages, as they work in harmony with the body's natural processes.
What are the Benefits of Plant-based Supplements? 
1. Optimal Absorption: Plant-based supplements have a greater bioavailability and are more easily absorbed by the body, allowing for optimal nutrient absorption and utilization.
2. Increased Nutrient Intake: Plant-based supplements can provide essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals that may be missing in your diet.
3. Decreased Toxicity Rates: In some cases, too many supplements can buildup toxicity in the body. Ingesting too many synthetic supplements has a higher risk of causing toxicity than ingesting too many natural supplements. 
4. Completely Natural: Plant-based supplements are guaranteed to be natural and free of preservatives, synthetic fillers and artificial dyes. 
5. Support Immune System: Plant-based supplements contain compounds that support the immune system and help fight off infection. 
6. Improve Digestion: Plant-based supplements may help to improve digestion and reduce inflammation.
7. Promote Mental Clarity: Plant-based supplements support your body in dealing with stress and anxiety as well as may help to improve memory and focus. 
Where to Find Plant-based Supplements? 

Enerhealth Botanicals is a leading provider of plant-based supplements, designed to support healthy lifestyle habits and overall well-being. All of our products are derived primarily from responsibly, ethically and organically sourced ingredients.
One of the unique aspects of Enerhealth Botanicals is our focus on making tinctures with dried herbs. Tinctures are a concentrated liquid form of herbal extracts that are easily absorbed and utilized by the body. They are created by extracting dried herbs in a menstruum composed of solvents, such as alcohol and water or glycerin, which extracts, at low temperatures, the bioactive compounds from the plant material. This process results in a potent and convenient supplement that can be taken alone or mixed into drinks or food. Tinctures are a popular choice among those seeking a more natural approach to health, as they offer the benefits of the herbs in a highly bioavailable form.
In conclusion, Enerhealth Botanicals offers a wide array of plant-based supplements that can support and enhance various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. By focusing on organic, responsibly sourced ingredients and making tinctures with dried herbs, they provide effective and natural alternatives to chemical-based supplements. Whether seeking to improve immune function, support digestion, or promote mental clarity, Enerhealth Botanicals has a product to suit the needs of those pursuing a holistic approach to well-being.