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Reviews for of Yarashell Abbily And Her Very Messy Room

Posted By Sybrina 635 days ago on Writing - Yarashell Abbily is a delightful little girl who wakes up joyfully each day. She sets about getting herself dressed and ready for the day. In the process, she pulls most everything out of her dresser drawers and closet, tossing them this way and that. They all land in unique configurations about the room, creating a fantastic wonderland in her imagination. Through it all, she discusses her creations with her best friend…her doll, who encourages her handi-work to be even better. As you might imagine, when Mommy appears upon the scene, all she sees is a mess! A battle of wills ensues. Finally, in frustration Daddy arrives with a brilliant idea. To end the confrontation, he suggests a game…Yarashell’s favorite. The thought of winning is exactly what is needed to turn her attention to the task at hand…cleaning up her room. Enjoy meeting Yarashell and experiencing her delightful imagination as she gets herself ready to begin her day. This book will give you a glimpse of how a child sees things very differently from adults. Yarashell is sure to remind you of all the messy little ones in your life. With its sing-song verse, this book is a great family read. The accompanying song can be heard for free at

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