Published Blogs

Thank You to Our Farmers

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - It seems to me that at this time of feasting for Thanksgiving it is a great time to be thankful for many things. Since the holiday revolves around food it is an especially great idea to be thankful for our food and notably the farmers that grow it.
If you frequent a farmers market, you likely know your farmer and this is a great way to get to know more about where your food comes from. Also stay abreast of the food issues that come up so that together we can help ensure a future where healthy food and access to it becomes the norm rather than the exception. Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance  is a great resource for this.
So all have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! And to all of our customers, we thank you so much for all your support.

Fasting: A Trusted Tool in Your Long Term Health Tool Belt

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Fasting has many benefits with regards to retraining our taste buds and appetites. If when we eat, we nourish ourselves well with the nutrients we really need, we do not tend to overeat. Combining high-quality nutrition and periodic fasting is a great recipe for success. This can also have some financial benefits in less spending if we skip eating for a day a week, which if we so choose can be passed on to those who are less fortunate. Just think of it, we can feel healthier and we can also feel better by helping others avoid the constant pain of hunger. When we look at many of the conflicts in the world, in addition to money and power at the top, when people are hungry they do not think straight and often choose badly when it comes to leaders. Few westerners have ever truly known persistent hunger. Fasting in this regard is very enlightening.From a health standpoint fasting can help our bodies greatly. When you consider that 60% of our energy goes to digesting food and the rest to repairing our bodies, it makes sense that periodic fasting can free up valuable energy to assist our bodies in healing diseases we might be experiencing. I have read of several terminal cancer patients whose doctors sent them home with a death sentence, saying that no more could be done. Some of these folks either inadvertently or in a planned manner stopped eating or chose to do mono diets of just grapes or just greens and were surprised to find themselves cancer-free in a fairly short period of time.
Fasting also frees up our minds to focus on other things. After all it is quite amazing how much energy and attention is devoted to what, when and where with regards to eating. Sometimes fasting helps us become more conscious of our real needs nutritionally because after the initial cravings have passed, fasting helps restore a healthy sense that chooses foods based upon nutritional needs rather than craving-driven wants.
A true fast involves only consuming water and this can be safely done by most people, although mono diets of one fruit, for example, can help a new faster get used to eating less and moving towards fasting gradually until they are ready to go the whole way with a one day fast. If we observe the natural world we will notice how animals stop eating when they are sick, instinctively knowing that this helps give their bodies a chance to repair themselves. All animals respect and observe this instinct. Even us humans tend to lose our appetites when we are sick. We rarely stick to this abstinence as animals though and thus prolong our sickness rather than limiting how long it lasts by fasting. We would do ourselves a lot of good were we to fast when we are sick. Try it. It might be challenging at first but with time you will get used to it and be so happy you chose to.

Growing Your Own Food

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What better way to ensure good healthy food than transforming your front and back yards into a healthy food factory?
One of the great things about growing at least some of your food is witnessing the miracle of transformation that takes place as a seed transforms itself into a plant and if taken care of, healthy food for us and our families. It is one of the best ways to ensure access to the freshest produce available. Excess harvests can be shared with friends and neighbors helping to rekindle community destroyed by our often unsustainable modern way of life.
Some of the biggest keys here are mulching and fertilization. I like to mulch with straw or hay. Just make sure it has not been sprayed with herbicides or fungicides. I mulch about 4 inches deep or more and then make a hole in the mulch to put a little compost in. I then make a well in the compost to place each of my starts in. After that, I mulch around the plant and water it well. This technique prevents the plants from becoming root-bound and instead gives plenty of room for the developing roots.
So happy gardening! Even in colder climates, you can work now to get things ready for next spring.

You Can Seed Your Future Health

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Storing seeds is becoming an almost essential practice in this world where Monsanto and other giants have bought up somewhere around 70% of all the seed companies worldwide. This is important because in order to promote biodiversity, we need more variety rather than less and often the most nutritious varieties are not the prettiest and thus not the most widely available. A friend of mine recently reminded me of a great book by Susanne Ashworth called Seed to Seed that teaches us the best ways to preserve seeds.
As far as where to buy our seeds from, here are a few of my recommendations;,, and There are other seed suppliers out there but these are ones I know and have used.

Statin Drug Dangers

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - You have seen articles and blogs from me on cholesterol and how to understand the issue better. What we also need to know more about is the dangers of the mainstream drugs used to care for this "problem", a great well-publicized problem that is money-making for big pharma. As long as we the public are convinced by drug pushing docs who often unwittingly work for the pharmaceutical suppliers, we will continue to be fear mongered into taking their poisonous pills that are slowly killing us while making record profits for big pharma. This is primarily because they are prescribed at a fairly young age and recommended to be taken for life pretty much. When you think that 1 in 3 to 1 in 4 people over 50 are on these drugs, it is amazing what these companies are making. While some of you might think I am over the top with this statement, I implore you to do your own revelatory research. Never put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to your health. After all, statins have not been shown to decrease cardiovascular-related deaths.There have been reports in major publications that statins are actually causing more deaths than our government is willing to make public. They also have plenty of side effects, one of which is reducing your levels of CoQ10, which is essential in energy production. Others include liver and kidney damage amongst others.Begin your journey to good cholesterol levels with good intestinal health. Cleanse your system, then continue taking Enerfood and the Coconut Milk Powder to keep your system nourished and cleansed as well as to feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. In addition, I highly recommend that you consume high-quality raw fermented foods such as sauerkraut, Kimchi, kefir, yogurt, etc. to reestablish good flora in your gut.Stay healthy and remember, good information makes good health decisions possible.

The Eclectic Medical Institute

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - While herbal medicine is as old as time, here in the U.S. one can establish a timeline for the recognition of herbal medicine as a medical discipline, evidenced by the formation the ‘Eclectic Medical Institute’ in the 1830/40s, and eventually the demise of herbal remedies as ‘accepted’ medicine with the downfall of that institute in 1939.  In fact, during this period there were hundreds of ‘medical’ schools that promoted homeopathy and herbal medicines, the Eclectic School was one of the most well-known and long lasting of these schools.
In the early days, The Eclectic school was known for freedom of thought, allopathics, herbalists and homeopathic schools , were considered based on the evidence that remedies and methodologies were efficacious.  Later the allopathic way, ‘organized medicine’, became the dominant tradition.  Interestingly, ‘pharmaceutical companies’ produced many of the herbal remedies of the times.
John Uri Lloyd, one of the well-known Eclectic practitioners and professors at the Eclectic School.  He eventually, around 1870 he began developing his own company to produce herbal medicines and became the exclusive supplier to the Eclectic School.  Each herb was studied and experimented with individually to determine the most effective way to produce efficacious remedies.
He was convinced that proper way to extract the powerful constituents of an herb was to use little or no heat in the process. He designed equipment to do exactly this process.  Today, Enerhealth is dedicated to the room temperature extraction methods on those herbs that we have found respond well to this technique.  Additionally, the herbal formulations you find on the website were designed by a student of a well-known modern-day herbalist, who many consider a modern day Eclectic, Michael Moore.  We owe a debt of gratitude to Linda Whitedove who did most of the formulations we offer today.
We have modernized the techniques described by John Uri Lloyd and believe that we have indeed improved on the processes of extraction and have adopted even older techniques used for hundreds of years called Spagyrics.  This is actually an additional extraction of the herb to render the ‘mineral salts’ of appropriate plants available to reintroduce into the original herbal extraction.   This has proven to be highly efficacious in those formulations employing that technique.
We take our collective hats off to the Eclectics and hope that their traditions continue well passed our lifetimes to enrich the lives of future generations.

Food Shortages: Are They Real?

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - COVID has definitely affected the supply chain from seed to sale.  My personal experience is that food and herbal ingredients are increasingly harder to find and get delivered in a timely manner.  And, the shipping companies are charging more.
Even in my local Kroger’s (King Soopers here in CO.) the shelves are always pretty empty, depending on what you are looking for.  Not that there isn’t food, we just can’t get everything in one trip due to availability.  After multiple trips we can procure what we need.  
My question to everyone; Is this a sign of the times and will it get worse before it gets better?
Just to give you an idea of what the issues are in manufacturing of food products, there are multiple ‘choke’ points limiting our ability to buy food and herbal products.

Growing seasons for certain products has been off lately.  For example, oats had a terrible harvest this season.  We largely depend on Canadian oats to supplement our crop. This year the oat crop in Canada was terrible, something like 60% of their crop failed.  You can still get oats but at a much higher price due to supply decreasing while demand remains the same or higher.
You have or will be noticing price increases on just about everything you buy including food.  Have you noticed that many of the packaged foods are maybe just a bit more expensive but the weight and size has decreased, less for your money!
If anything is sourced overseas you can bet that there will be issues in logistics, further complicated by COVID issues causing labor shortages in the fields, trucking/shipping/ports/distribution.  Many companies source at least some ingredients overseas.  The good news here is many companies, including ours, are beginning to source as many ingredients locally as possible.  More expensive but more dependable.
Equipment sourced overseas can take 6 months or longer if you are lucky enough to find availability and at higher and higher prices.
Domestic freight is an issue these days.  What used to take a few days can now take weeks if coming from the busiest ports.
You also have the news these days focusing on the bad to increase fear. The result, among other things, is hording which leads to further supply issues. Remember toilet paper in 2020? 

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our food and herb production yet in my mind some of the most important issues.  
So are food shortages real?  I would say yes but it depends on the ingredient, some are more plentiful and accessible than others. 
What is the solution? Grow some of your own food if possible and acquire some ‘storeable foods’ if you can, such as our Survive2Thrive 40-Day Supply. The stored foods would cover any gaps in your diet plan. Decrease your consumption of processed foods, you will be better off for this decision. Our bodies want wholesome foods and processed foods are not all that healthy. Vegetables, legumes, and grains supplemented by herbs and proteins are typically the best way to go.

Osha Root, Native American herb for Respiratory Health and Immune Strength

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - If you find yourself wandering in the Rocky Mountains, in a shady clearing made by old burns, at elevations between 7,000 and 10,000 feet, you just may stumble upon a very special plant. You might think it resembles celery or parsley at first, and if you’re familiar with botany you may even mistake it as wild poison hemlock – but if you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself in the presence of osha!
It’s unlikely that you’ll be in such a scenario on accident, but many wild crafters have spent a lot of time learning about the best way to forage for this revered and sought-after plant. Lingusticum porteri is the scientific name, but osha has gone by quite a few different names, such as chuchupate, bear root, deer eye, loveroot, mountain ginseng, wild parsley, empress of the dark forest, and numerous others based on the region.
There’s a reason that this plant’s large, brown and slightly hairy roots are sought after – many traditional and holistic health communities consider osha to be a plant medicine panacea! More specifically, it is thought to be a useful agent, which may be helpful in battling respiratory conditions.  It is also used in aiding digestive disorders as it can support the gastrointestinal tract and expel toxins, phlegm and gasses from the body. It may aid menstrual cramps, nausea and toothaches, and has been used topically for minor injuries to prevent infection. Osha is even sometimes burned in a medicinal context, as the smoke is considered to clear the sinuses.
Native American people such as the Apache, Hopi, Navajo and Lakota tribes, as well as Hispanic cultures, are credited with first using osha not only for medical remedies but also for plant smudging, therapeutic purposes and as a food source. However, legend of the Navajo tribe has it that humans first learned how to use osha with the help of brown bears (hence the name “bear root” – osha is the Native American word for bear). It is one of the first things that bears seek out to dig up and munch after hibernation, likely to stimulate their sluggish digestion. Bears have also been observed to chew the roots up into a paste, drop it on the ground and roll in it to coat their fur, possibly to protect themselves from parasites and infections. Plants such as osha that have their origins as bear medicine are highly respected and considered to be strong, protective, nurturing, and healing.
Beyond medicinal purposes, osha is considered to be a sacred plant that is used for ritualistically and symbolically by North American tribes. It is believed to be a plant guardian and is associated with good luck and protection. The roots are sometimes carried as a talisman by wayfaring native people to ward off rattlesnakes and witches’ spells. Natives have been known to grind it up and sprinkle it around their house to ward off snakes and scorpions. Ritualistically, it may be used to promote love and fidelity, and it is used for cleansing prior to ceremonies. Navajo singers even suck on the root during ceremony to strengthen the voice and help with hoarseness, as they may be singing for hours or days at a time.
If you have the privilege of interacting with this glorious plant, the taste brings quite a sensational experience of bitter-pungent cold that leaves the tongue tingling and a little bit numb. Even more notably, you’ll find its odor to be like nothing you’ve ever smelled before. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise as it comes from the same family as many other culinary herbs we use: dill, anise, celery, parsley and carrots. Its pungent, fragrant, floral smell is some conglomeration of celery, butterscotch and licorice. Some people love the smell – others, not so much. We always joke that there’s no mistaking when someone is pouring it or using it in a blend, and when we’re extracting it the whole lab blossoms with its distinct aroma and our clothes smell like it for days.
While there has been some success cultivating osha in such environments, the majority that is harvested is wild crafted. Unfortunately, due to its increase in popularity and difficulty in cultivation this beautiful plant is in danger of extinction. It is extremely difficult to farm, as the plant prefers high altitudes and its growth is slow-going and highly dependent on mycorrhizal fungi networks. On the bright side, the pique in interest has prompted more research on its medicinal uses as well as its cultivation. Specialists are working on germinating osha from seed and have accomplished successful propagation from vegetative crown cuttings. In the meantime, it’s very important to source osha from wild crafters that harvest it respectfully, responsibly, and sustainably so it can be used and loved by many generations to come!

EnerHealth Team Weight Loss ‘Action Plan’

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Get Your Sexy Back!

These days there is a diet on every corner so to speak.  Many of them require so much change and effort that the very task of beginning it seems daunting!
We are firm believers that weight loss or weight maintenance can be a simple combination of things that shouldn’t be terribly difficult. Here is our Action Plan to help you lose weight and feel healthy!
1. Eat as many non-processed foods as possible.  (Cut out the junk food and avoid canned/pre-packaged meals) 
2. Try to limit or completely eliminate gluten (wheat, bread etc.) and dairy products from the diet. If you crave dairy at any point, eat a plain yogurt.
3. Limit your intake of sugar. This may be the hardest one for many as sugar is the ingredient most prevalent in processed foods (see number 1 above).  Sugar really is the enemy and is the root of so much disease. It would be great to eliminate it completely, but we know that some sugar will come into your life. So, just pick your battles, but remember to fight that battle once you pick it. Limit your ‘battle losses’ and focus on winning the weight loss war! 
4. Aerobic exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week for at least one hour. Start small and work your way up to an hour. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall short. This is a journey, not a destination.   
5. Start your day off with a good smoothie! We use our organic EnerFood in a base of nut milk (Almond, Soy, Flax, etc.) or ½ apple juice and ½ water with some frozen or fresh organic fruits. Put one tablespoon of Enerfood and 2 scoops of the protein powder in your blender with 8-12 oz of water/juice/milk, add your fruit, blend it up, and enjoy! Our EnerFood/Vegan Protein Powder Combo is dense nutrition and powerfully absorbable protein to start your day off RIGHT with less hunger and more natural energy!
If our ‘Action Plan’ like this is followed for a period of a couple of months you will notice not only weight loss, but also a reduction in dress and/or pant size. You will feel better and notice more and better energy with a clearer head throughout your day. With this lifestyle plan of action, you can and you will achieve optimum health! 

Reishi Mushrooms are very popular, but what might their benefits be?

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - GOOD FOOD

 When a superfood’s called “the king of mushrooms,” you know it’s got something special going on. And while reishi mushrooms won’t turn you into the next Meghan Markle, they are known for their cell-regenerating, immune-boosting potential, which could go a long way to improving your quality of life.
Fan-shaped and orange to reddish brown in color, reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum for us science geeks) are a rare find in nature, and were typically reserved for royalty when they were first used in Asian cultures thousands of years ago. (Cue the nickname.) Today, they’re grown commercially and sold in a variety of formats, including tea, tinctures, capsules, and even hot cocoa, beauty products, and energy bars. And no, you won’t find them hanging out in the produce aisle of Whole Foods—while reishi mushrooms can be eaten fresh, their woody texture and bitter taste aren’t very palatable.
So why are they suddenly everywhere? “Reishi mushrooms are great for stimulating the immune system and liver function, producing an anti-inflammatory effect in the body,  and have even been shown to reduce tumor growth,” says Rachel Gargiulo, certified nutrition consultant at Nourishing Journey, a wellness center and organic café in Columbia, MD.
Indeed, reishi mushrooms exhibit a full array of the qualities that make medicinal ‘shrooms so buzzy—they’re adaptogenic stress-soothers and high in antioxidants, which is why they’ve long been a staple of Eastern medicine. No wonder everyone in the wellness world seems to be hailing this king right now.
The health benefits of reishi mushrooms
While reishi mushrooms are generally safe for most people to experiment with, they can cause some side effects—digestive and otherwise—so you should consult with your doctor before taking them. (That goes double if you’re pregnant, breast feeding, about to have surgery, or have any type of blood disorder or high/low blood pressure.)
Once your MD gives you the all-clear, however, there are lots of ways that reishi ‘shrooms can potentially enhance your health. Below are 10 benefits that have been uncovered by scientists—although it’s important to note that many of these studies weren’t conducted on humans (or if they were, the sample size was very small), and more research needs to happen before these theories are definitively proven.
1. Boost the immune system: Historically, reishi mushrooms have been used as an immune system enhancer—they’re even used in Asian cultures as an immunostimulant for patients with HIV and cancer. The beta glucans (complex sugars) in the mushroom are believed to stimulate the immune system to prevent infection.
2. Can alleviate fatigue: Reishi mushrooms are adaptogens, plants that help the body combat stress. In one study of 132 patients suffering from neurasthenia (a condition characterized by physical and mental exhaustion), consumption of a compound found in reishi mushrooms was shown to improve aches, pains, and feelings of irritability.
3. Relates to fighting things we cannot mention here.
4. Heart healthy: Compounds in reishi mushrooms may help keep high blood pressure at bay, according to a rat study carried out in 2014. But again, if you’re currently taking blood pressure medication, consult with your doctor before taking reishi mushrooms—the combination could lower your BP to dangerous levels.
5. Might be good for the brain: Research done on animals indicates that reishi mushrooms may be therapeutic for neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and may also be able to protect the brain from seizures. Further research still needs to be done to confirm this, however.
6. Has allergy-fighting potential: Some studies have shown that reishi mushrooms may have antihistamine effects and can improve the body’s oxygen supply, which is key to those suffering from chronic and allergic asthma.
7. Contains cholesterol-lowering compounds: Both triterpenes and beta glucans may reduce total cholesterol and LDL—commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol.”
8. Relates to potential help in controlling blood sugars
9. Could improve liver function: Reishi mushroom spores were found to promote liver cell regeneration in mice, improving the organ’s ability to shuttle toxins out of the body. A healthy liver can also be critical to supporting other health benefits mentioned above, including managing blood sugar and allergies.
10. Rich in antioxidants: Despite the fact that their other nickname is “the mushroom of immortality,” reishi mushrooms won’t, in fact, make you live forever. But they do have antioxidant properties that can reduce the risk of disease and premature aging—and we can never have too many foods like that in our diets, right?

The Magic of Mushrooms

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Mushrooms have long been a staple in Eastern Medicine, idolized for their health benefits. Dubbed a “superfood”, they are packed with high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Mushrooms contain low calories and a high number of proteins, fiber, amino acids and healthy fatty acids. Consuming mushrooms can provide numerous health benefits, which is why we have infused our Nutricafe Coffee, Cocoa and mushroom tinctures with all the benefits of mushrooms without the actual taste of mushrooms. 
Still not convinced of their magic… read on to learn about the specific benefits of each of the eight mushrooms we use to produce our organic mushroom infused coffee and cocoa. 

The Types of Mushrooms We Use at Enerhealth: 

Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) 
The Reishi mushroom, has also been known as, “the queen of mushrooms” due to its body and mind balancing properties. Reishi mushrooms contain triterpenes which promote hormonebalance and lower cortisol levels, ensuring a deeper sleep and relaxed mind. They are also a fantastic natural immune booster.

Cordyceps Sinensis
Cordyceps mushrooms are nature’s natural energy booster. They are an adaptogen, meaning they help combat stress by stabilizing and maintaining balance within the body. As well as helping to maintain energy and stamina. Cordyceps are an athlete's dream as they boost performance and speed up recovery.

Shiitake mushrooms gained their popularity in the culinary world, but still boast a variety of health benefits that have been used in many parts of the world like China. They contain all eight essential amino acids typically found in meat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in a vegan or vegetarian diet. Shiitake mushrooms also have a rich profile of vitamin B, fiber, essential minerals, and compounds that have been used to nurture and maintain healthy skin and stronger bones.
Grifola Frondosa (Maitake)
Maitake mushrooms contain abundant amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. As well as, fibers, vitamins like vitamin B2, D, etc. and amino acids. It also has a high amount of ergothioneine, an amino acid and antioxidant that helps slow cellular damage and improve skin health.

Agaricus Blazei
The Agaricus Blazei contain various beneficial polysaccharides structured as beta-glucans said to fight physical and emotional stress and stimulate the immune system. They also contain compounds found in almonds like benzaldehyde, benzoate, and benzyl alcohol, giving them an almond like smell.

Lion’s Mane
Lion’s Mane… it’s the mushroom that’s good for your brain! This mushroom is nootropic used to enhance cognitive performance, concentration, and creativity by activating the nervous system. It has also been believed to improve mood and overall brain health. 
The Chaga mushroom is truly magical, containing one of the highest sources of antioxidants in nature, this mushroom does wonders for supporting and regulating immunity. The antioxidants also help inflammation and are believed to improve gut health. Chaga has also been known to aid in sustained energy throughout the day.
Coriolus Versicolor (Turkey Tail)
Commonly called the “Turkey Tail”, this mushroom has been shown to aid in digestion and help strengthen your immune system.

How to Protect yourself from Allergies this Spring

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Allergies Vs Cold or Fever:
While seasonal allergies and colds share similar symptoms, they have very different causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, Seasonal allergies are immune system responses triggered by exposure to allergens, while colds are caused by viruses. 
Common Types of Spring Allergies:

Spring is here…and so are the seasonal allergies. As the flowers bloom to fruition, they bring along the allergens with them. Some of the most common types of spring allergens include tree, weed and grass pollen. The pollen is released and small pieces can be easily carried by the wind and insects. 

Another common springtime allergy includes molds and mildew spores. Mold thrives in wet places like fallen leaves, grass and rain. It also thrives in warmer places such as the indoors in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Not to mention, mold can grow on plants that have grown during the winter. 
Bites from bugs like mosquitos, bees, wasps, and fleas become more common in the spring time due to the warm weather. 

Symptom Check:
Allergy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a common cold yet they vary based on location and severity. Spring allergens can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion and itchy, watery eyes. 

How to Manage Seasonal Allergies: 
Avoid coming into contact with outside allergens: Controlling your exposure to allergens is one of the best ways to manage your allergies. Using an allergy forecaster can be very helpful as certain weather conditions can increase the severity of allergies. Avoid dry and windy days, as pollen is increased.

Check the pollen count outside by using an allergy forecast
Keep windows and doors closed
Stay indoor when pollen counts are high, dry and windy days, as there is likely in an increase of pollen in the air 
Wear protective clothing when outside

Keep up your hygiene: While it is impossible to completely avoid all allergens, there are many steps you can take when it comes to your personal hygiene that can protect you from allergies.  

Bathe, shower, change clothes after being outdoors
Avoid touching your face eyes and nose
Wash bedding in hot water weekly  
Use zippered allergen impermeable pillow and mattress covers

Keep your air clean: Help reduce the amount of pollen coming into your home by keeping the air clean with air conditioning and dehumidifiers. 

Keep indoor humidity below 50%
Use air conditioning instead of fresh air 
Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry 

Relieve your allergy symptoms: When the allergies do kick in, consider trying natural herbal supplements to lessen the severity of the allergy attack. If your allergy symptoms significantly hinder your daily life, seek consultation from a doctor or allergist for additional help. 

Take natural herbs from Enerhealth Botanicals

Echinosha Elderberry Syrup- A combination of nature's incredible bounty, that can give your immune system a super boost and calm down respiratory passage ways and work to eliminate excessive phlegm.

Nettles Decongesting- Nettle’s herb helps the body deal with the effects of allergens; it works by modulating the body’s inflammatory pathways to support upper respiratory health. This herb also promotes detoxification and healthy blood. 

Honey & Propolis Throat Spray- With resinous propolis and soothing honey, Honey & Propolis Throat Spray coats the throat for long-lasting relief and helps settle coughs. 

Echinacea Blend-  Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness.

2. Consult with doctor 

4 Reasons You Need a Green Powder in Your Diet

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  Surely, you’ve seen the trending green powders everyone is obsessing over but are they really worth the hype? Keep reading to learn more about what green powders are and why you should be using one.
What are Green Powders?
Green powders are dietary supplements that can be mixed into water or other liquids like smoothies or juice. They are typically a green hue and are formulated to support your body’s immune system and energy levels while providing the recommended amount of nutrients for a healthy diet. Although it varies by brand, green powders are commonly vegan, non-GMO, organic, and generally contain anywhere from 20-40 different ingredients, each containing their own array of beneficial health properties, hence the name “superfood”.
Some Common Ingredients Found in a Variety of Green Powders Include:

Leafy greens
Fruits & vegetables
Nutritional extracts and herbs
Added sweeteners

Our green powder, Enerfood, is vegan, non-GMO, and organic containing 20 ingredients and no added fillers or sweeteners (unlike many green powders), blended to support health and vitality in everyday modern life. These nutrient dense ingredients are a great source of calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals with no added sugars or sweeteners. Whether you have a poor diet, or love the convenience of a powder, Enerfood is a great and fast way to meet daily recommended nutritional goals. Enerfood can be taken with water or other liquids, such as smoothies. Check out some of our simple and delicious recipes! You can even sprinkle it or add it into your food.
As far as nutritional content, every brand’s green powder differs. Enerfood green powder comes with 50 servings per container and the nutrients can be broken down in the following:
One tablespoon of Enerfood contains:

Calories: 25
Protein: 3g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Sugars: 1g
Fiber: 7% of your daily value
Calcium: 10% of your daily value
Vitamin A: 60% of your daily value
Vitamin B12: 80% of your daily value
Vitamin B6: 40% of your daily value

Why People Use Green Powders:
There are several reasons and ways to use a green powder. Many common uses for our green powder, Enerfood, include: 

To implement healthy dietary changes
As a pre or post work out drink
As a caffeine-free energy
To improve athletic performance and recovery
To aid in digestion and immunity

Now that you have more of an understanding of what green powders are, this is four reasons why you should be implementing them into your diet.
1. You are not eating enough of the right vegetables.
Eating vegetables provides our body with vital nutrients to maintain health and wellness. American adults need four-five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. According to the CDC, only 1 in 10 Americans meet this goal. In addition, many Americans, eating fruits and vegetables are often limited in their access of nutrient dense foods and tend to eat vegetables with less health benefits like corn or bell peppers rather than something like spinach or kale. This can be due to location, time of year, price, lack of knowledge, taste, etc. Meaning, people may be eating their fruits and vegetables, but they may not be eating the ones that make the most difference for their overall health. Green powders like Enerfood, use specific ingredients, picked for their benefits, and backed by research, ensuring you get the top mix of your daily nutrients, and don’t miss out on the most needed superfoods.
2. Powders are better absorbent than vitamins or capsules.
There are approximately forty micronutrients that are essential for healthy metabolism and other vital functions. You must get those nutrients from your diet because your body is unable to make enough of them on its own. However, what we eat is different from what we digest. Even the healthiest diet has no value for our body if the nutrients cannot be absorbed and transported to the cells that need them, this is where green powder steps in. Depending on things like the soil or supply chain management, the nutrition density and biodiversity of our foods can become rather low, meaning less is being absorbed into our bodies. The same problem occurs with vitamins, pills, and capsules. Factors such as the size of the nutrient particles influence our absorption. Vitamins and capsules tend to have very large and dense particles, adding difficulty to the adsorption process. In addition, they usually have a wax like barrier surrounding the vitamin, making it harder for the body to absorb the nutrients within. Green powders like Enerfood, are finely ground into small particles making it easy for your body to absorb them into the bloodstream and cells. Also, there is no barriers with green powders, like there is with vitamins, adding to the simple absorption process.
3. Green Powders offer a caffeine-free, natural energy boost.
We all love that caffeine kick but it’s never worth the caffeine come down. Many green powders claim to provide a natural energy boost, such as Enerfood powder. Every cell in the human body relies on iron and many studies have linked low iron levels to feelings of decreased energy. Enerfood contains many ingredients high in iron such as spinach and spirulina. So, when consuming iron from a natural ingredient, it naturally makes your body feel more alert, awake, and energized. Spirulina has even been known to improve endurance and contribute to combatting muscle fatigue. Enerfood is also rich in Vitamin B-1 which helps the body generate energy from nutrients. Another reason, green powders often claim to provide energy is that they contain chlorophyll. For example, in Enerfood, we use a variety of different grasses including wheat grass. Wheat grass contains around 70% of chlorophyll which has been said to give off vibrant and uplifting energy. Because of this, Enerfood green powder makes a great caffeine free alternative to an energy drink or any type of pre or post workout beverage.
4. Green powders help to boost immunity.
One of the biggest reasons green powders have become so popular is for their ability to boost immunity. Most green powders contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are associated with maintaining a healthy immune system. Enerfood, for example, contains Vitamin A which has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as high amounts of vitamin B-12 and B6 which are important in maintaining healthy immune function. Many adults tend to be vitamin deficient as well and could benefit from a higher intake of specific vitamins, many found in green powders like Enerfood.
There are so many benefits to be had from using green powders, however there are also a lot of different brands on the market, so find one that best fits your needs. Enerfood is a supplement made for everyone including people who eat vegan and gluten-free. With 50 servings in a 14.1oz sized bag, that is a little more than $1.00 per day for powder greens, compared to many other brands that are much higher. Give it a try today and see how much you benefit from implementing a green powder like Enerfood into your diet. 

Why We Get Sick During Winter and How to Prevent It

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - There are many factors that affect how we get sick, when we get sick, how badly we get sick, and for how long. Some of these factors we have a say in, and some not so much.
Colds are caused by bacteria and viruses, however each year when the temperature outside drops, there is a surge in respiratory infections. We often associate these symptoms with the weather around us, such as being in cold rain with no jacket, but this may not be the case. According to Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at the Vanderbilt University of Tennessee, “Respiratory infections are transferred more readily in the winter”. This is for a few reasons, none of them being cold rain or wet clothes.
Number One: Viruses and bacteria thrive in cold conditions. The lack of humidity and moisture in the air evaporates faster, allowing the virus to remain in the air for a significantly longer time than if it was in humidity.
Number Two: We tend to spend a lot more time indoors in the winter season, inevitably prolonging our face-to face contact, as well as our germ exposure.
The best way to reduce your risk of getting sick is by strengthening your immune system. Things like washing your hands with soapy water, getting good amounts of sleep, staying hydrated, eating a good diet, and adding immune boosting herbs to your daily regimen, are all things that will help boost immunity.
Below we’ve compiled a list of our most recommended herbs to help prepare your immune system for the “cold” season as well as some of our best products containing those herbs. These products help to prevent sickness by boosting immunity but can also be used to help alleviate cold symptoms for those times you do catch a bug!
Top Herbs/ Products for Flu Season: 
1. Echinacea
Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness. Echinacea may even prevent infection by revving up your immune system, as Echinacea may increase the bodies ability to fight germs.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Echinacea:
-Echinacea Blend Herbal Extract: A combination of three types of Echinacea in one blend.
-Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry: All the benefits of Echinacea with the soothing power and sweet taste of Elderberry.
-Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray: Coat your throat with long lasting relief and a yummy honey taste.
2. Elderberry
Many people consider the Elderberry plant to be one of the most powerful for preventing and treating colds. Elderberry fruit and flowers have been used for centuries in folk medicine, commonly made into syrups or lozenges to relieve coughs. Some researchers even claim Elderberry syrups can help shorten the duration of some illnesses and make them less severe.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Elderberry:
Elderberry Extract: An extract to keep you feeling balanced and provide positive effects to the immune system.
Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry: All the benefits of Echinacea with the soothing power and sweet taste of Elderberry in a convenient syrup.
3. Mullein Leaf
The Mullein plant has been around for thousands of years and has a reputation as a respiratory remedy. The most commonly used part of the plant is the leaf and it's been used historically to help treat cough, congestion and pain. The velvety leaves are soothing to the respiratory tract and mucous membranes and said to promote healthy lungs.  
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Mullein Leaf:
-Mullein Leaf Extract: All the benefits of Mullein Leaf in one bottle
-Lung Renewal: A cleansing formula targeting the lungs and respiratory system
-Bronchial Strength: Supports bronchial passageways and lung health
4. Yerba Mansa Root
Yerba Mansa Root is an herb used commonly for treating cold symptoms, it has been used historically by the Southwest and Native Americans for a variety of ailments, specifically referring to systems in the body that have become stagnant, interrupting the flow of fluids in our body. This herb is very popular for dealing with thick phlegm and reducing mucus. In addition to supporting our natural immune responses, this herb can break up congestion allowing our body to recover quicker.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Yerba Mansa Root:
-Nettles Decongestant: Designed to clear our congestion and promote a proper inflammatory response.
-Echinosha Herbal Extract: A combination of potent herbs for supporting immune health.
-Lung Renewal: A cleansing formula targeting the lungs and respiratory system.
5. Osha root
Many traditional and holistic health communities consider Osha to be a plant medicine panacea, it has been used for centuries by Native Americans and thought to be a useful agent in combatting respiratory conditions. Osha root contains several antioxidants and antimicrobial properties that may reduce inflammation and protect lungs from viruses and infections. It has even been used as a decongestant to help treat the flu and common cold. When taken regularly, this root can do wonders for strengthening immunity and battling respiratory ailments.

 Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Osha Root:

-Echinosha Herbal Extract: A combination of potent herbs for supporting immune health.
-Cough Calming Blend: A combination of expectorant herbs designed to calm a cough fast and effectively.
-Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray: Coat your throat with long lasting relief and a yummy honey taste.
6. Astragalus Root
Astragalus Root has been a highly valued herb used primarily in Chinese and other Asian cultures for a very long time due to its value in supporting a healthy immune system and its many rejuvenation properties. Astragalus Root is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body react to and recover from mental and physical stress by supporting normal adrenal function. Regular intake of this herb can be a wonderful preventive measure for maintaining overall health and building stronger immunity in times of sickness.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Astragalus Root:
 -Astragalus Root Extract: All the benefits of the Astragalus Root bottled up for your convenience.
-Daily Immune Complex Herbal Extract: All the benefits of Astragalus Root combined with a blend of immune supporting mushrooms.
Ready to stock up on some herbal products? Buy now and save 10% on select herbs for a limited time! 
Lung Renewal
Nettles Decongestant
Daily Immune Complex Herbal Extract
Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry
Echinacea Blend Herbal Extract
Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray

Hibiscus Popsicle Recipe

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Hibiscus Popsicle Recipe:
Prep: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes or until frozen*
Servings:  4 servings
 You Will Need:
Shaker Bottle
Ice Cube Tray or Mini Dixie Cups
Saran Wrap
Popsicle sticks or Spoons
1 Cup brewed Reishi Coffee
1 Tbsp Coconut Milk Powder
1 Dropperful Hibiscus Extract Tincture

Add all the ingredients together into a shaker bottle
Shake until Coconut Milk Powder clumps dissolve.
Pour into desired mini cups or ice tray
Place sticks in pops and saran wrap over them
Freeze until frozen solid and enjoy!

Fun Tip: Add dried roses for extra flavor and appearance!
Share your creations of this recipe and any other recipes you may have created using our Enerfood! Tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals

Cocoa Mojo Super Chocolate Chip Cookies

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Looking for a low sugar sweet, a gluten-free indulgence or simply just some yummy chocolate chip cookies? This is the simple and delicious recipe you've been searching for. 
This recipe uses our Cocoa Mojo powder, a low glycemic, vegan and gluten free coco powder infused with organic mushroom extracts designed to provide health benefits, boost immunity, and taste delicious. 
*Recipe makes about 2 dozen cookies

1 Cup Organic Spelt Flour
1 Cup Organic Oat Flour 
1/2 Cup Cocoa Mojo
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon 
1 Teaspoon Double-strength Vanilla
3 Tablespoons of Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Agave Syrup
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil (Room Temp)
1 Cup Grain-Sweetened Chocolate Chips 

*This recipe is not 100% vegan, but the ingredients can be easily interchanged to adhere to any dietary guidelines!

Preheat the oven to 350°F
Do NOT grease cookie sheet (use a stainless-steel cookie sheet). You can put parchment paper on it if you like.
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass or stainless-steel bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended. 
Place cookie dough in refrigerator for 15 minutes. It should partly solidify. 
Spoon refrigerated dough, about 1 tablespoon size onto cookie sheet leaving enough room between spoonfuls as the cookies will spread.
Bake for 12 minutes - remove from oven but leave on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack.

Then enjoy these delicious, healthy, and super chocolate chip COCOA MOJO cookies!

Herbs with Spooky-Good Benefits

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Halloween Inspired Herbal Extracts with Scary-Good Benefits 
At Enerhealth Botanicals we have a wide variety of herbal blends, over 100 in fact. Each has their own unique set of properties and benefits and in some cases, their own spooky sounding name. Read on to learn about five of our herbs with spooky names and even spookier benefits. 
Skullcap Extract

Why are graveyards so noisy? Because of all the coffin. Having trouble getting to sleep, try skullcap extract. We aren’t all perfectly skull-pted human beings, we lead very busy lives and may struggle to find the balance between work and rest. Skullcap Herb is a member of the mint family that promotes relaxation and may provide a calming effect and support healthy sleep. We source our skullcap from the eastern United States, taking the dry herb and activating its properties through our extraction process.
Cleavers Herb Extract

Meet the Cleavers Herb…we promise the only thing that will disappear is your low vitamin C. Unlike the knife most popularly used in gruesome horror movies or the creepy family, the Cleaver Herb will leave your body feeling renewed and refreshed. This herb does wonders in supporting the lymphatic system and supporting normal functioning liver, kidneys, and urinary tract, as well as being a great source of Vitamin C.
Garlic Bulb Extract

As the light fades from day, the fang-toothed vampires come out to play, and there is nothing better for keeping vampires away…than Garlic Bulb. Garlic has been used for centuries, whether it be to fight off vampires or to help maintain healthy blood, circulation, heart, and intestinal health, it is scary how spectacular this herb is.
Catnip Extract

A tale as old as time is that of the cursed black cat on Halloween night. Rumor has it, consuming Catnip may spare you from its evil intentions. And when Halloween is over, it is sure to make you many new feline friends. Although commonly used for cats, catnip is an herb that contains many medical benefits for humans as well. It aids in soothing digestion and promotes relaxation and a calm mind.
Licorice Root Extract

Licorice root is one of the most widely used herbs in the world, basically it is giving out health benefits like its candy on Halloween. This herb is no trick, it provides support for your liver, respiratory system, and maintains balance in the digestive tract. It is often used in cough calming herbal blends and if you’re looking for a treat, this extract has a strong licorice flavor.
Found a new herb to try? Get 15% off all products until October 31st! Save today!!! Organic Mushroom Coffee, Cocoa Superfoods, Coconut Milk Powder – EnerHealth Botanicals 

Benefits of Dandelion Leaf & Root

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  

Dandelion is a plant that is commonly used for medicinal purposes. Both the leaves and roots of the dandelion plant have potential health benefits, including:

Rich in Nutrients: Dandelion leaves are a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, and potassium.
Liver Health: Dandelion root has traditionally been used to support liver health. It has been shown to stimulate the production of bile, which helps to detoxify the liver.
Digestive Health: Dandelion root has been used as a natural laxative and may help to improve digestion. It can also help to reduce bloating and gas.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Dandelion leaves and roots contain anti-inflammatory compounds that may help to reduce inflammation in the body.
Diuretic Properties: Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic, which means it can help to increase urine production and promote the elimination of excess fluids from the body.
Antioxidant Properties: Dandelion leaves and roots contain antioxidants that help to protect the body from oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Blood Sugar Control: Dandelion root may help to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it a potential natural treatment for diabetes.
Immune System Support: Dandelion leaves and roots contain compounds that have been shown to support the immune system and may help to protect against infections.

Check out the Extractions of Dandelion Leaf and Dandelion Root.
It is important to note that while dandelion is generally considered safe for consumption, it may interact with certain medications and should be used with caution in people with certain medical conditions. As with any herbal supplement, it is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before using dandelion for medicinal purposes.

All About Adaptogens: What Are Adaptogens and What Do They Do

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - “Adaptogen” is a term that is popping up all around us in protein drinks, supplements, food items and so on, but what does it even mean? When can something be deemed adaptogenic, and what good does it do for our bodies? Most people I talk to about them have heard the word and may have a vague understanding of what they are, but still don’t completely understand what role they can play in daily health. 
 Let’s start by breaking down the word itself. Coined by the Russian scientist N. V. Lazarev, this term is made of two key components: adapt- and -gen. Most of us are familiar with the word adapt, it is generally used to describe a situation where someone or something is altered or changed to better fit a specific environment, particularly a new one. When someone moves to another country, they learn to speak the language, become familiar with the culture and traditions and change their wardrobe to be more suitable for the climate. -Gen is a suffix that indicates the term is “an agent in the production of something”. String it together, and we find that an adaptogen is an agent that is used to help someone, or something, adapt to its environment. 

 If you have a bit of understanding of biology, you may be familiar with the term “homeostasis”. This is a term used to explain that the human body is at its best when it is operating under specific parameters, and it will make necessary changes to return to that state. Body temperature is pretty consistent, and when it falls out of the normal range, we find ourselves with a fever or hypothermia. This is also applicable to pH levels, blood oxygen, and regular function of many different organs.  However, the weather outside changes, the food we eat varies, and we’re exposed to many stressors and toxins in our day-to-day lives. Our bodies recognize that, so we have a myriad of amazing processes in place that are responsible for considering these environmental changes and making adjustments to account for those changes.
 The body systems most important for maintaining homeostasis are the endocrine system (which is our network of glands and organs that produce regulatory hormones) and the nervous system (which produces a variety of chemicals responsible for living processes to take place). These systems do a pretty darn good job of keeping everything in order, but sometimes the stressors our bodies experience can be a bit more than they can handle. When the endocrine system starts to fail, certain problems arise such as adrenal burnout, weight gain or fatigue. The nervous system not being able to do its job can contribute to weakness, brain fog, anxiety and so on. Nobody wants to deal with these issues, and sometimes they are only subtle differences that we may not be able to pinpoint but they just make us feel like garbage.

 This is where adaptogens come in! Think of them as our army of backup fighters when our body feels overwhelmed. They work at the molecular level by acting in a similar way to the endocrine and nervous systems, and essentially “hack” the stress response in the body to chill it out. When regularly taking adaptogens, they won’t disturb the routine actions of homeostasis when the body is functioning properly, but they are there to jump in and help when the body goes out of whack. That’s why adaptogens have a building effect and are most effective when taken regularly in small doses.
 Many herbs are considered adaptogens because a lot of them include adaptogenic constituents such as polysaccharides, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds. Some of the most popular adaptogenic herbs include ashwagandha, ginseng, rhodiola and astragalus.

 Medicinal mushrooms are also gaining a lot of popularity for their adaptogenic abilities. We all are constantly under many different stresses in our lives, so these plant allies are an invaluable tool to add to anyone’s self-care routine. Plus, adaptogenic herbs are often considered some of the safest supplements to work with, so if you’ve never dipped your toes in using herbal medicine to your benefit, this is a great place to start!

Easy Green Powder Smoothie with Enerfood

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Let’s face it, when simply making breakfast and getting out the door on time every morning feels challenging, trying to make a nutrient dense, energy optimizing breakfast can seem nearly impossible. Life can be demanding, and that’s why this simple and speedy five ingredient smoothie is the perfect breakfast boost to leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day.
This green powder smoothie features our product: Enerfood Powdered Drink Mix. Enerfood's blend of nutrient-dense ingredients helps support the body's ability to cleanse toxins, provides natural energy, and keeps you performing at an optimal level all day long.

What is in Our Greens Powder?
This superfood powder is made of over 20 nutrient dense ingredients designed to give you immediate energy and all the greens you need to tackle the day.
It is made with blends of fruits and veggies like spinach, orange peel, beet root, and white asparagus root as well as high iron algae’s such as Spirulina and Chlorella and chlorophyll-rich grasses including Kelp, Wheat Grass, and Barley Grass. It also contains nutritional yeast, which is a great source of high-quality plant-based protein.
 Check out the full ingredient list here
Enerfood Smoothie Recipe:
Prep: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1 serving
1 Cup water
1 scoop Enerfood Powder
Fruit of choice- Strawberries, banana, blueberries
1 scoop of ice
1-2 Tb Coconut Milk Powder for sweetness (optional)

Add all the ingredients into a blender.
Blend on high power for 1 minute or until desired smoothness
Sip! Adjust to taste if needed and enjoy!

Recipe FAQ’s:
To make it a little sweeter: Make the smoothie sweeter by replacing the 1 cup of water with 1 cup of apple juice or even ½ cup water and ½ cup apple juice. 
To pack on the protein: Replace the 1 cup of water with 1 cup of milk or Coconut Milk Powder. Add 1 scoop of protein powder. 
To make it thicker/ thinner: Use more ice to make it thicker and add more water to make it thinner. You can also add pieces of fresh fruit in the smoothie after it is blended for a thicker consistency. 
To make it creamier: Try adding ¼ of an avocado to give your smoothie that creamy texture, plus the added benefits of the high amounts of monosaturated fats and fibers in avocado are a perfect addition to this guilt free smoothie.
Frozen or not frozen fruit: According to the Cleveland Clinic, “The sooner you eat produce after it’s harvested, the better its nutrient profile.” However, frozen fruit may sometimes contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals as it was frozen at its peak ripeness. Overall, there is not one option better than the other, so it comes down to price, availability, and personal preference!
Share your creations of this recipe and any other recipes you may have created using our Enerfood! Tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals or email us your photo and/ or recipe to [email protected]