
Joined September 17, 2020

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Submitted Stories

My fast food consumption in the past five years and its effects on health metrics

Posted By Ilmostromberg 970 days ago on Health - What if I connect my five-year fast food consumption data with all the health metrics? What do I learn? Will I change anything in my life?
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I had low HRV for a few months – What happened, and how did I bounce back?

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1005 days ago on Health - Introduction Sudden long-term decrease in HRV is a popular topic in various health forums; it’s interesting to read about it, but you don’t want to see that trend in your own HRV graph.  My monthly HRV went down like it was a waterslide. I have to admit that I was a little bit worried in […]
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What do you get out of genetic testing? 23andme, StrateGene, DNAfit, and Promethease review

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1005 days ago on Health - The year 2003 was significant for science: the whole human genome was sequenced. Knowing our internal source code led to many new medical insights like understanding inherited disorders and developing better treatments for them.  This also changed the consumer landscape as companies like 23andme and Ancestry were born. They offered direct-to-consumer genetic testing, which created […]
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August productivity challenge (Recap)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1015 days ago on Health - As August is over and we are now moving towards autumn, it’s time to recap the challenge. If you are reading this without knowing what challenge I’m talking about, I encourage you to read this. 31 days and 16 daily habits – It was a long interesting month! (Most of the habits were based on […]
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Why you should hang upside down? (Incredible benefits of inversion therapy)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1035 days ago on Health - This summer, I had some on-off pain in my upper back. Somedays, I felt pain even when breathing.  One day, I was in the outdoor gym, lightly stretching. I wasn’t in shape to do a proper workout.  Out of nowhere, I felt this urge to hang upside down. Like my body tried to tell me […]
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August productivity challenge (Science-based habits to increase my productivity)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1050 days ago on Health - Summer holidays are over, so it’s back to the grind. I will start August with a challenge – The idea is to incorporate different habits to ensure a productive and healthy month.  I got the idea from listening to Huberman lab podcast episode 28. Many of the listed habits here are from that episode, but […]
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What happened to my blood sugar levels with bad night of sleep? (Veristable experiment)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1080 days ago on Health - The importance of quality sleep has been widely discussed. We all know the difference in energy levels when we are well-rested versus a bad night of sleep.  However, from an individual’s perspective, it has been hard to quantify bad sleep based on biomarkers. How does a bad night of sleep affect your internal system? Thanks […]
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Top 5 health podcast to follow

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1137 days ago on Health - Different podcasts have inspired, influenced, and motivated me to start the self-experiment & blogging journey. I feel obligated to list the biggest influencers for me in the health optimization field. (these are not in a particular order of rank) 1. Huberman Lab (by Dr. Andrew Huberman) Huberman lab is barely 4 months old, but it’s […]
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Blood tests – My results with Puhti

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1174 days ago on Health - If you want to know how you are doing health-wise, one of the best ways is to do a blood test. There’s so much information in our blood.  I was happy to do a collaboration with Puhti, a Finnish company offering laboratory tests without a doctor’s referral. In this blogpost, I touch following topics: 1. Why should […]
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Sleeping in the city versus countryside

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1181 days ago on Health - Last year I spent 125 nights in the countryside. That got me thinking; How do I sleep in the countryside compared to the city? I feel like my sleep quality is better in the countryside, but is it so? And why do I think like that? Before we search for answers to these questions, let’s […]
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State of the blog #1

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1200 days ago on Health - This will be new series focusing on the state of my blog. Every 3 months, I will write a blog post to cover the following topics: How successful is my blog in terms of visitors? Successes and challenges in the past 3 months Upcoming blog posts State of the blog #1 timeframe will be mid-October […]
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14 days of Continuous blood sugar monitoring – What did I learn? (Veristable)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1239 days ago on Health - A new health landscape has opened in front of my eyes - Blood sugar monitoring isn't just for people with diabetes. Find out what I learned!
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Stress & Anxiety – How does it affect sleep and recovery (Oura-experiment)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1260 days ago on all - It's commonly known not to exercise late evening because that will affect sleep quality. What about a stressful and exciting event without physical exertion?

I regularly had this kind of event on Tuesdays. I participated in Improv classes for a few years (class ends at 21.15 or 21.45).

My body reacts strongly when performing in front of an audience. We can see that from the Garmin watch that measures daily stress, I'm on the same level as after one hour run.

I begin to investigate this with the following hypothesis:

1) Big stress spike in the evening will affect my sleep quality and recovery
2) On the second day, I will see good numbers on readiness (HRV & Heart rate)

Stress & Anxiety – How does it affect sleep and recovery (Oura-experiment)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1261 days ago on Health - What happens to my sleep and recovery when I’m under heavy stress and anxiety? This is an important topic as stress and anxiety are common problems in modern society. One particular and recurrent event spiked my stress levels. It was Tuesdays; I had an improv class in the evenings. I have been practicing improv for […]
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Recap of 2020 & my goals for 2021

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1262 days ago on all - This is personal post but perhaps this will give extra motivation for you or you can even pick same goal!

In this blog post I will answer following questions:
What were my goals for 2020 and did I achieve them?
What are my goals for 2021?

Recap of 2020 & my goals for 2021

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1263 days ago on Health - Looking previous year retrospective and defining goals for new year is something that I have done for few years, but now first time publicly.  ”What a year” feels simultaneously cliche and understatement. This have been exceptional year, both in outer world and in my personal life.  First lets go through my personal 2020 goals and […]
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How does your HRV rank against other Oura users?

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1287 days ago on Health - Introduction My article “1000 days with Oura ring – My revelations with HRV” was well received in the Oura community but it also left some unanswered questions to my readers. In this blog post I’m going to tackle these questions: 1. How does your HRV rank against other Oura users when age and gender are […]

Top 3 most interesting health gadgets for 2021

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1300 days ago on Health - As the year is coming to an end, it’s time look the most interesting health gadgets for 2021. I have chosen gadgets that bring something new to the table. Most likely I’m going to buy all of them. I have no affiliation to the companies that produces these gadgets. Table of Contents 1. Bisu – […]

1000 days with Oura ring – My revelations with HRV

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1345 days ago on Health - Key objective As long time oura ring user it’s time to take deep dive into world of heart rate variability (HRV). In this blogpost I’m going to explain what I have learned in 1000 days with Oura and how to interpret different night time HRV results based on my own experiences, and most importantly: how […]

Book review: Breath – The new science of a lost art by James Nestor

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1368 days ago on Health - Why Did I read this book? If you have already read this book or maybe just heard about it, its most likely because of Joe Rogan experience #1506. Breathing as a subject is interesting for me as long time meditator, so I was hooked immediately when podcast started. I had to read the book, so […]