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Before Starting Your First Business, Do These Things

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Business - Life often begins under less than ideal circumstances, leading to less than idea decision-making, resulting in less than ideal outcomes. If you find that you are living in one of those less than ideal outcomes, you are not alone. And it is not necessarily your fault despite everyone telling you that it is.Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter whose fault it is. Your life is yours to work out. That means finding a way to successfully navigate the obstacle course in front of you no matter how unfair it happens to be.One of the ways people are finding to help them navigate their particular situation is to start their own business and become their own boss.…The post Before Starting Your First Business, Do These Things appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Do You Need Separate Inbound and Outbound Call Centers?

Posted By ivanpw 987 days ago on Business - Have you ever called a company to get technical support or talk to their customer service team? Or received a call from a company conducting a survey or marketing campaign? Both types of calls are possible because of call centers.If you aren’t familiar with how call centers work, the main concept to understand is that there are two types of call centers, inbound and outbound. Both types of call centers serve different purposes, let’s discuss what the difference is below.Inbound Call CentersThe main thing to know about inbound call centers is that they are customer focused. The inbound call center receives calls from outside of the center from customers who need technical support, have a question, or would like a complaint resolution.…The post Do You Need Separate Inbound and Outbound Call Centers? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Book Review: The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale

Posted By LaurelLit 987 days ago on Writing - I became aware of The Ballerinas, by Rachel Kapelke Dale, in an airport bookstore, when I had six hours to kill due to a delayed flight. I was immediately intrigued by its cover, with three female forms donned in pretty pink tutus. That’s because I have spent a lot of time in my life, fromContinue Reading
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New Year, New You! 12 Resolutions You Can Actually Keep!

Posted By Paris 988 days ago on Fashion - Uh oh, we're two weeks into the New Year and what on earth happened to my resolutions?
The post New Year, New You! 12 Resolutions You Can Actually Keep! first appeared on Unhooked: a lingerie magazine.

Bored in Quarantine? 11 Fun Things to Do on a Budget

Posted By adimesaved 985 days ago on Finance - Are you bored in quarantine? Here are some things to do! Being stuck inside during quarantine and staring at your four walls can get boring very quickly! So I put together a list of quarantine activities you can do when ... Read More

Swim Challenge

Posted By LaurelLit 985 days ago on Writing - This fall, as part of my MFA program in Creative Writing at Lindenwood University I took a course in revisionist fiction. When I told them about the course, my friends and family would ask, “What’s revisionist fiction?” Revisionist fiction is when you take an original work, and riff on it. For instance, there’s the originalContinue Reading
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6 Content Marketing Goals You Should Set Today

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - Why do you need to have content marketing goals? Simple! Without goals, your content marketing is a futile exercise that will not provide you with any results. See, the reason why everyone is focusing on content marketing is that traditional advertising is credit: RawpixelPeople hardly listen to the radio or watch ads on TV. Streaming platforms do not have third-party ads. Thus, content marketing can offer businesses a way to inform people about their product and encourage them to buy it.However, this will only work when your business goals align with content marketing. If you write educational and fascinating content but it does not have any relevant business goal, it will not work.…The post 6 Content Marketing Goals You Should Set Today appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

How To Find the Stem of Any Latin Adjective

Posted By booksnbackpacks 986 days ago on Literature - Do adjective stems confuse you? Then read this helpful guide on how to find the stem of any Latin adjective! Adjective stems are important. You need to know an adjective’s stem in order to be able to decline it. Plus knowing the stem helps you to recognize the adjective when you see it in the...
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Favorite Daughters: Path to Publication

Posted By LaurelLit 986 days ago on Writing - It’s been several years since I’ve published a novel, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. I started Favorite Daughters roughly six years ago, and I went through multiple revisions and rewrites, and a long process in finding a publisher. But I am happy to announce that Black Rose Writing will release Favorite DaughtersContinue Reading
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Private Jet Hire – Your Ticket to The Best US Sporting Events in 2022

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - Attention US sports fans, in case you didn’t already know, 2022 promises to be a mega year for major sporting events right across the country. From golf and tennis to football and basketball every corner of the country will be covered, perfect for private jet charters for players, fans, media, and corporate sponsors in what promises to be a bulging US sports calendar.Outside of the USA, in case you want to spread your wings a little further, there are also major sporting events happening around the globe. In January, China will play host to the winter Olympics, while at the other end of the year, in December, Qatar in the Middle East will see the kick-off for soccer’s four-yearly highlight, the FIFA World Cup.…The post Private Jet Hire – Your Ticket to The Best US Sporting Events in 2022 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

5 Tips For Choosing A Precious Metals Company

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - When you decide to build your retirement portfolio, you will need to think about the assets that you want to add to it. For a long time, people have relied solely on the traditional options, i.e. the options of investing in stocks and bonds. While those solutions are still quite good and while you definitely shouldn’t ignore them, the truth is that you now have a few more options to consider.In simple words, you can now add precious metals to this portfolio. The fact that this option is now available has led to the emergence of Noble Gold and many other companies that are there to be your partners in this investment process.…The post 5 Tips For Choosing A Precious Metals Company appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Cooling Your House – Air Conditioner or Swamp Cooler?

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - We all know, a human being who is warm in their house can open a window. Unless that person lives and work where the climate is warm or even hot, it usually doesn’t help. Opening a window can allow humidity to come into the home space – including your home office space – and stimulate dry (green) mould growth. Pretty much nothing a homeowner credit: Jonathan Borba / PexelsHow to Prevent This OutcomeOf course, a homeowner would select some home-wide cooling system. These can vary based on climate. The most selected choices are either a swamp cooler or HVAC.…The post Cooling Your House – Air Conditioner or Swamp Cooler? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

6 Big Expenses to Help Your Café Dream Come to Life

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - Owning a business is a dream come true for many people. But knowing what you need to make your dream a reality is often vague and takes some research.How will you know how much money to ask for from investors? How will you know if the business loan you’re approved for will be enough? When it comes to owning a café or other restaurant business, there are a lot of things you’ll need depending on the kinds of food and products you want to create.Here are 6 big expenses to consider to help your café dream come alive.Espresso MachineYou don’t want a tiny Keurig or other home espresso maker.…The post 6 Big Expenses to Help Your Café Dream Come to Life appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Finding Funds for Your New Business

Posted By ivanpw 986 days ago on Business - Entrepreneurs face quite a few challenges. However, the largest one seems to be finding the funds you’ll need for your new business. From hiring staff to renting office space and buying materials, every single thing required to start a business costs money.If you haven’t inherited quite a hefty sum from a relative or are independently wealthy, you’ll need to find that money somewhere. Here’s a look at a few places to start.CrowdfundingThis option is growing in popularity rapidly. Crowdfunding investment sites allow entrepreneurs to sign up and try to raise funds on them. You’ll set a monetary goal for the amount you want to raise and a time limit in which you want to raise it.…The post Finding Funds for Your New Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Broadcast News in the #MeToo Era

Posted By LaurelLit 987 days ago on Writing - Broadcast News has always been one of my top ten favorite films, ever since I saw it in the theater as a teenager. When I was young, I enjoyed it for its witty banter and the depiction of its feminist yet feminine protagonist, Holly Hunter’s Jane. At one point, Jane’s boss says to her sarcastically,Continue Reading
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Optimizing Data Architecture for Your Business

Posted By ivanpw 985 days ago on Business - Data is vital to the modern business ecosystem. Hence, data architecture has become a critical sector to maximize. No business should joke about having an optimized and effective data architecture. Well-managed data leads to proper decision-making across every aspect of a business.Data architecture, as a discipline, involves the documentation of a company’s data infrastructure, standardizing the data collection, storage, transformation, distribution, and usage processes. Data is useless if it doesn’t meet needs. Hence, data architecture aims to bring timely data to those who need, it in an understandable format.Before studying business data architecture optimization, let’s dig deeper into structured data infrastructures’ influence on your business.…The post Optimizing Data Architecture for Your Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Listening to Your Customers to Improve Your Business

Posted By ivanpw 985 days ago on Business - If you’ve just started your business and are wondering how to ensure its success, you’ll know there’s no certain solution. Yet, you can significantly improve the chances of getting your business off the ground by listening to your customers.PaymentsBeing flexible with payments and offering more options will always appeal to more potential customers. PAX SDK helps you accept credit card payments and other payment options, whether your business is retail, hospitality or creative. If you’re unsure about using this, you can access full support on how to use the equipment and ask any questions you have about processed transactions.…The post Listening to Your Customers to Improve Your Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.