Voted News

Safety Standards Your Business Should Be Following

Posted By inpeaks 1438 days ago on Blogging - Whether you are an employer or the employee, it is your responsibility to prioritize the safety of those you work with and those who consume your product. There are several safety standards already in place to stay safer. By following these standards, you not only keep everyone safe, but you will not get in trouble […]

Why Video Games Can Be Great For Your Mental Health

Posted By ScribblingGeek 1439 days ago on Entertainment - The post Why Video Games Can Be Great For Your Mental Health appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.Video games can improve your mental health in more ways than one. Who’d have thought gaming could be so beneficial during a global health crisis?The post Why Video Games Can Be Great For Your Mental Health appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.

How Restaurants and Consumers Benefit from a Mobile Ordering App

Posted By inpeaks 1439 days ago on Blogging - The COVID-19 pandemic is having a particular toll on global businesses. The catering industry, in particular, has already been strongly affected and the COVID19 shows no signs of abating. With physical distancing and overall alertness in public places, people eat at home more often than they used to. American restaurants, for example, experienced a 46.1% […]

Why Bringing Your Employees Back to the Office Could Be Premature

Posted By inpeaks 1439 days ago on Blogging - As a business owner, you are probably dying to get your employees back to the office. COVID-19 has changed the way people interact and do business with one another. However, there may be some reasons you do not want to bring your employees back right now. Here is why: Winter is Coming Epidemiologists are unsure […]

How to Create an Anxiety-Reducing strategy

Posted By inpeaks 1436 days ago on Blogging - Reaching a worry less state of mind is quite a feat these days when we live in constant uncertainty. Even if it sounds like your own mission impossible, it is possible to live without worry and reduce anxiety. All of us are anxious in one way or another because we have so much on our […]

4 Ways To Achieve Extraordinary Results (The One Thing Summary)

Posted By SkyeFWP 1436 days ago on Business - I wrote this The One Thing Summary because the book made a profound difference in my and I know it can do the same in yours. The One Thing is such an underrated book, and whilst there’s a lot of gems, there’s a single question that has the power to change your life. Read this
The post 4 Ways To Achieve Extraordinary Results (The One Thing Summary) appeared first on Free The Wage Slave.

How to Make the Best of Fall Harvest

Posted By inpeaks 1436 days ago on Blogging - Summer has gone and the fall harvest is on its way. Now is the time to ready your garden in preparation for the coming months. Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to make the most of this upcoming fall harvest. Proper Timing In order to have a fruitful fall harvest, […]

How to Make Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Posted By inpeaks 1437 days ago on Blogging - Our homes are full of electrical devices. From the cellphone charger to the kitchen hood, all these devices are pretty safe to use but the danger of an electrical shock is always present. From exposed wires to handling devices different from the instruction manual. You need to do regular inspections and be aware of all […]

7 Advantages of Setting up Business in Dubai

Posted By inpeaks 1435 days ago on Blogging - The United Arab Emirates has been a place of choice for starting or growing businesses for years now. Most investors find its economic stability, steady growth, larger markets, investor-friendly processes and a tax-free regime too attractive to pass up. Established as an unassuming fishing village, Dubai began transforming into the desert metropolis that it's known […]

Movie Review – The Empty Man

Posted By ScribblingGeek 1435 days ago on Entertainment - The post Movie Review – The Empty Man appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.The Empty Man movie review. Feels and looks promising with its opening chapter, but eventually as hollow as its name.The post Movie Review – The Empty Man appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.

How To Achieve More By Doing Less (The 80/20 Principle)

Posted By SkyeFWP 1435 days ago on Business - Want to achieve more? This is the book you need. The 80/20 Principle is one of the most important books of this century. In fact, the principle comes from an economist called Vilfred Pareto who wanted to understand why 80% of Italy’s land was owned by 20% of the population. What he discovered became known
The post How To Achieve More By Doing Less (The 80/20 Principle) appeared first on Free The Wage Slave.

Your Business Will Still Need a (New) Website

Posted By inpeaks 1432 days ago on Blogging - Consumer behavior drastically changed over the years, especially with the influence of technology in commerce. The evolution of the internet and mobile devices drove the industry to develop new methods, such as deploying business websites, to meet consumer demand. As of 2020, the United States ranks as the third-largest online market globally, with more than 313 million […]