
Joined March 21, 2022

Submitted Stories

You’re Doing It All Wrong: The Abs Workout You Need, According to a Physical Therapist

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Since the dawn of advertising, there has been some new trend or gimmick guaranteed to get you rock-hard abs like all the people in magazines. We all remember the ab rocker from the 90s that every stay-at-home mom had in their basement. It was an impulse buy they hoped would help redefine their waistlines. But...

What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy? How To Notice the Signs and Get Help

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. This type of pregnancy is not viable and can be life-threatening for the mother if left untreated. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent serious complications, even death. What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?...

Get Your Child to Listen: A Clear-Cut Way To Feel Heard

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - To get your child to listen the first time, you must help him develop the habit to pay attention to whatever you are saying. How you talk to your child is part of cultivating this habit. When threats, promises, and pleading do not work any longer, yelling is what parents often feel they have to resort...

40 Easy Side Hustles That Pay Well

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - If there is one financial lesson I learned from the pandemic, it has to be the importance of diversifying my income. So many lost their steady 9 to 5 full-time jobs with no other income streams. What better way to diversify your income than having a side hustle? There are many side hustles that pay...

The Best List of Jobs for People With Social Anxiety!

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Social Anxiety Social phobia or social anxiety is referred to as intimidation of public places, social interactions, and social situations. This anxiety stems from intimidation of being evaluated or judged by the people around. Social anxiety is rated as the third largest phobia in the world among other mental health problems. Irrational fear and worrying...

How to Choose the Best Wedding Registry: Secrets of The Industry

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Needless to say, finding the best wedding registry can be difficult. Whether you’re determining your wedding style, researching wedding venues, or narrowing down the flowers you would love to see throughout your arrangements on your wedding day, your wedding planning journey will be filled with plenty of learning and leaning on experts and those who...

How to Lock Your Credit in 2021 – What it Means and Why You Should Consider It

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Have you been the victim of identity theft? Do you think you were involved in a data breach online? Fraudulent claims on loans and leases are the fastest-growing kind of identity theft in the United States. Incidents of identity theft for leases and loans more than doubled in the last year. That has been one...

8 Killer Diastasis Recti Exercises for Pregnancy & Postpartum

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - A term associated with the abdominal condition of pregnant and postpartum people is known as Diastasis Recti (DRA). The term refers to a condition in which a gap is developed between the left and right walls of the abdomen. The tissues responsible for holding these muscles together become weak. Uterus size changes in pregnant women,...

How Long After Buying a Car Can I Buy a House?

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - In life, certain decisions are more significant than others. For example, purchasing a car and a house are some. Suppose you’re thinking about buying both a vehicle and a home. In that case, you’re probably wondering quite a few questions, including, “what should I know about typical interest rates on mortgages and car loans,” “should...

How to break a Fever

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - A fever causes an elevation in temperature brought on by inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and bacterial and viral infections. Hyperpyrexia differs from a fever, which occurs when a person’s temperature is 105.8 degrees F and above. The average temperature is 98.7 degrees, and a low-grade fever is 99.1 F to 100.4 F; a moderate grade is...

How To Build Your Best Vacation Packing List in 2022

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Many Americans are feeling the post-pandemic travel itch. However, because of the pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the cost of traveling has risen substantially. Finding the best vacation package your money can buy is even more important than ever. Most Americans put in hundreds of work hours during the year to pay for a vacation...

Bullet Journal Ideas To Help Get Started

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Are you lying awake at night because your brain is on overdrive thinking about your never-ending to-do list? If so, you’re in the perfect position to start a bullet journal. Some people believe that writing down all your thoughts, especially before bed, can help you get organized, manage your thoughts, and get a better night’s...

6 Healthy Food Ideas to Help You Eat Better

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Eating healthy can be challenging. Every time you turn around, a new study tells you that something you thought was good is bad for you. Don’t worry, though – we’re here to help! This post will discuss some healthy food ideas to help make smart eating easier. So read on – your health (and taste...

65 Funny Life Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Today we live at the crux of many generations. Some of these generations have lived through world wars, the space age, and the rise of computers and technology. Some are still trying to figure out life. But no matter what generation you belong to, everyone claims that they have the best formula for success and...

How to Use Credit Card Churning to Travel For Free

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Credit cards are something that people often use with caution. They can bring on unnecessary debt if you lack the discipline, and generally, people carry around one to two cards personally. Credit card churning is a method of opening and closing many credit cards to obtain points and miles to travel for free. If you...

 A Thrilling List of Hobbies: 50 Hobbies for Better Health & A Happier Life

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Research supports that regular leisure activities can reduce blood pressure, cortisol, or stress levels and even decrease your BMI. Leisure activities can include different hobbies that challenge you, excite you, and may even make you sweat a little. In addition, hobbies can help you make money, increase your home value, allow you to serve others,...

Overthinking is Messing Up Your Life: 16 Ways to Stop

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - “Between 70-75% of students surveyed reported suffering from anxiety or depression.” Overthinking can cause individuals to worry about problems and give them more attention than they should. We all know the feeling. That nagging voice in your head that won’t stop talking, dissecting every little thing you do. Second-guessing your every move. It’s called overthinking,...

Unlock the Secret on How to Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that influences energy and our sleep and wake cycle. Melatonin causes people to fall asleep and cortisol wakes them up in the morning. However when circadian rhythms are off, high levels of caffeine are consumed, vitamins are depleted, abuse occurs or even just an extensive amount of stress can cause...

12 Legit Tips On How To Be More Attractive: You Won’t Believe How Easy They Are!

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting

https://holistic-momma.com - Do you know that feeling when you’ve got your favorite outfit on, and your hair is sitting just right, but for some reason, you just don’t feel as attractive as you want to? You can’t help but notice how your friends or even that random woman on the street seems to totally slay and exude...