Submitted Stories

Understanding Digital Privacy and Technologies That Help Defend It

Posted By ivanpw 1056 days ago on Business - Our privacy is being breached by the Internet of Things (IoT) products inside our own homes and entities monetizing our web browsing history. We can’t quite depend on our vendors or the ever-evolving digital privacy in the hope that our privacy is kept intact by them.The unfortunate reality is that legislators struggle to keep up with the new technologies. And, in many cases, businesses no do not have your best interests in mind.Under the circumstances, the “I have nothing to hide” stance no longer holds water. It’s high time you take control of your privacy. Here are a few steps you can take that protect your privacy from surveillance and cyber attacks.…The post Understanding Digital Privacy and Technologies That Help Defend It appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

How to Stand Out of Competition in Business: 5 Successful Tips

Posted By ivanpw 1056 days ago on Business - If you’re a business owner, I am sure you feel the whole world is turning against you. There is SO MUCH competition in the market and it is only increasing with time. To become successful, it is important to stand out and beat the competitors.Here are some successful tips to do just that:1. Recognize Your Target Market and Their NeedsYou are in the world of business to offer a solution to a particular problem. The most important thing that you need to do is to figure out who exactly is facing the problem that you are offering a solution to.…The post How to Stand Out of Competition in Business: 5 Successful Tips appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

How Will The Crypto Revolution Influence The Future Of Small Businesses?

Posted By ivanpw 1056 days ago on Business - Cryptocurrency is now one of the most lucrative industries in the world since bursting into the mainstream last year after Bitcoin’s rapid rise to nearly $20,000 per coin. This propagated a giant expansion of digital currencies and widespread interest in the blockchain-supported technologies that saw the number of Cryptocurrencies grow from just under 3000 in November 2019 to 7500 in 2021.What is so impressive is how it has done so when digital currency is still in the infancy of its existence, made even more apparent when you go back to 2013 and find out that there were just 66 digital currencies in circulation.…The post How Will The Crypto Revolution Influence The Future Of Small Businesses? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Eight Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Next Giveaway or Promotion

Posted By ivanpw 1057 days ago on Blogging - When looking to inject a little fun into your marketing efforts, what’s one creative idea you can use for a company-branded giveaway or promotional product?
These answers are provided by… Read more »
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Becoming a Successful Consultant as a Python Developer

Posted By ivanpw 1057 days ago on Business - Businesses use several employee-hiring models. There are full-time staff, consultants (also called freelancers), part-time employees, and contract credit: ThisIsEngineering / PexelsBefore you decide to embark on a career as a Python consultant, know first what it entails and clearly understand what you need to do to succeed. Explaining all this is the purpose of this article.What does a Python consultant do?A Python consultant is a Python programming language expert hired to help with a specific task or project. Employers generally expect successful Python consultants to be expert–or at least competent in–several other computer languages too.Most employers will also expect consultants to bring considerable knowledge and soft skills like Agile programming and scrum membership.…The post Becoming a Successful Consultant as a Python Developer appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Cakes and Shakes – 6 Steps to Opening a Cafe

Posted By ivanpw 1057 days ago on Business - More and more people are giving up alcohol, steering clear of bars, and opting to chill out in cafes and coffee houses. The popularity of these hangouts is on the increase.Have you always loved baking cakes, cooking, and entertaining people? Are you looking for a change of career or an opportunity to be your own boss? Why not consider opening a cafe? Here are 6 steps to doing just that.PremisesAfter you have worked out your finances, compiled a business plan and budget, you need to find premises for your cafe.Initially, you may want to rent a building until you find your feet and make some money, and then you may think that buying premises would suit you better.…The post Cakes and Shakes – 6 Steps to Opening a Cafe appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

5 Must-Know SEO Concepts You Must Follow

Posted By ivanpw 1058 days ago on Business - SEO is one of the most dynamic fields, and quite unsurprisingly, the concepts and trends in the field are ever-transforming. The importance of SEO is constantly rising and with increasing competition on the online platform, employing the best techniques is essential to get the best results from any SEO campaign.Ensuring The Success Of A Brand With The Right SEO ConceptsThat being said, to make any campaign a success, there are two very essential things that one has to follow. Firstly, hiring reliable, competent, and experienced professionals is fundamental for the success of a brand through proper SEO. This is where Red Search SEO in Australia can serve the SEO needs of a brand and help it establish itself on the online platform.…The post 5 Must-Know SEO Concepts You Must Follow appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Fiat Currencies and Bitcoin: Are They the Same Thing?

Posted By ivanpw 1058 days ago on Blogging - “We invented money and we use it, yet we cannot…understand its laws or control its actions. It has a life of its own.” – Lionel Trilling.
The answer to the… Read more »
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How to Elevate Your Resource Planning

Posted By ivanpw 1058 days ago on Business - We’ve all heard the saying, “Prior planning prevents poor performance.” However, there is “planning” and then there’s Planning. The latter entails careful consideration of the resources needed to complete a project and ensuring that they’re exactly where they need to be — in the exact quantities required — to deliver the desired result.With that in mind, here’s how to elevate your resource planning to increase productivity, enhance morale, eliminate delays, ensure quality, keep costs minimal and benefit from every opportunity.Identify Your Needs At The OnsetRather than getting halfway in only to discover a key element is missing, spend some time at the very beginning figuring out exactly what you’ll need.…The post How to Elevate Your Resource Planning appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Easy Way to Master The Chart Pattern Trading Technique

Posted By ivanpw 1059 days ago on Business - The novice traders always look for the loophole to make a quick profit. They keep on using different kinds of…
The post Easy Way to Master The Chart Pattern Trading Technique appeared first on Biz Epic.

Why Data Protection Is Crucial for Businesses, Now More than Ever

Posted By ivanpw 1059 days ago on Blogging - As the years pass and technology evolves, our access to and exchange of data is skyrocketing. We are currently in the era of IoT — the internet of things. Each… Read more »
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Will the Estate Agent of the Future be Completely Remote?

Posted By ivanpw 1059 days ago on Business - In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses within the property industry made significant and decisive moves towards remote working. This was, of course, in order to successfully implement social distancing wherever possible.While steps had been taken in this direction throughout previous years, the outbreak of the coronavirus saw a major change in the way in which estate agencies operated.But , what is next for the remote aspects of property sales and lettings now that society is “re-opening” to a significant degree? In this article, we look at the possible extent to which the “estate agent of the future” will function remotely, and how much will be undertaken in-person.…The post Will the Estate Agent of the Future be Completely Remote? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Why Is Bitcoin So Important For The Travelling Industry?

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Business - The tourism industry has faced a lot of difficulties and challenges during a pandemic. Not only this, people find it very much difficult to book accommodation and flight. Moreover, sometimes it becomes even more expensive to hire someone to pay for the expenses on our behalf. Therefore, searching for an additional way to handle all the payments and provide you with a great idea to stay is difficult. However, with the help of virtual currency, you can control every system and manage your travel.The establishment of Bitcoin is a fantastic source for the travel industry. It delivers all the services and makes the entire process simple.…The post Why Is Bitcoin So Important For The Travelling Industry? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Five Ways Breweries Are Advancing

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Business - If you like beer, you’ve probably noticed that there are many new breweries popping up around the country, all of which have their own style and preferences. This is due not only to the fact that beer has become more popular, new technologies are enhancing the brewing process to help brewers make better, more interesting beers.Whether you are interested in the process or simply like to drink beer, the industry and range of beers that breweries can produce is growing. Here are five ways that breweries are advancing.MicobrewingOne huge advancement for the beer industry is the ability to brew small batches of beer in-house.…The post Five Ways Breweries Are Advancing appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

How to Choose Custom Booklet Printing Services in LA

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Business - When it’s time to print a booklet about your business or create a portfolio of your work, choosing an exemplary printing service is crucial. Quality, experience, and customizability with a printing service will help you create a custom booklet you love. But how do you choose?Photo credit: Rich Tervet / UnsplashKeep these things in mind when you are searching for custom booklet printing services in LA.Evaluate Custom Booklet Printing PriceThe price and value of any printing service should be communicated on their website. If the price is not listed, the company should provide an option to give you a quote.…The post How to Choose Custom Booklet Printing Services in LA appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

Tips for Local Businesses to Take Advantage of Pent-up Demand from the Pandemic

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Blogging - The pandemic has upended life for almost everybody all over the world. Over 5 million people all over the world died of COVID-19 between January 2020 and November 2021. As… Read more »
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Two Major Revealing Advantages Of Bitcoin – Relief For People

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Business - Most people are aware of the term Bitcoin but do not have any clue what it is? In simple language, Bitcoin is a system developed so that it does not come under the control of anyone and has a virtual transmission. The digital value or the exchange unit is called Bitcoin. The system was first created in 2008 but was recognized worldwide in 2009. The person behind the development of creative cryptocurrency is Satoshi Nakamoto.He is Japanese and, by profession, a scientist. The man recognized the importance of developing a system that can become an alternative for the most powerful currencies.…The post Two Major Revealing Advantages Of Bitcoin – Relief For People appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

5 Basic Questions to Ask about Cryptocurrency

Posted By ivanpw 1061 days ago on Business - We have seen a good growth of the digital currency, and it seemed to have piqued everyone. The past few years have attracted one and all towards digital currencies. If you look at digital currencies like Bitcoin, it has emerged as one of the world’s oldest and biggest virtual currencies.It seemed to have gone up 65K USD despite the dip seen in the midst. Soon the digital coin returns with a big bang again, giving the owners all the confidence and enjoyment with the same.Similarly, there are other digital currencies, including Ether, that have huge fan following and investors.…The post 5 Basic Questions to Ask about Cryptocurrency appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.