Submitted Stories

5 Misconceptions to Throw Out of your Restaurant Growth Handbook

Posted By ivanpw 690 days ago on Blogging - If you want your restaurant to use its restaurant growth handbook, there are certain things you need to do. But many things could be improved about what will help your… Read more »
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Is Code Intellectual Property and How Can it be Protected?

Posted By ivanpw 690 days ago on Business - The post Is Code Intellectual Property and How Can it be Protected? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
In this article, we’ll discuss what code intellectual property is and how and why it should be protected.

photo credit: Markus Spiske / Unsplash
We have all seen stories and watched television shows where somebody has written an incredible computer program that will change the world and it’s been stolen. For many people, this is just the plot of a TV show, but for some people, it’s a very harsh reality.
So, is code considered to be an intellectual property, and can you protect it? Do you need copyright infringement lawyers? Let’s take a quick look at the basics of intellectual property and work out whether or not your code does qualify, and what you can do to protect it from theft and misuse.…

How to Keep Your Company’s Workers Safe While On a Construction Site

Posted By ivanpw 690 days ago on Business - The post How to Keep Your Company’s Workers Safe While On a Construction Site appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Construction work is a very rewarding field of expertise, but it’s also one that comes with dangers. In an industry where the use of high-powered equipment is commonplace, there is an increased risk of permanent injury or death.

As a result of these risks, managers should place safety as one of their top priorities – whether that be through the provision of PPE or safety vending equipment, a comprehensive health and safety plan, or the development and implementation of safety committees throughout the business.
Let’s review some of the different measures you can take to keep your team safe.
Provide Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
Consider the needs of your employees when deploying personal protective equipment (PPE) in the workplace.…

Tips to Grow Your Construction Business in 2023

Posted By ivanpw 690 days ago on Business - The post Tips to Grow Your Construction Business in 2023 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
2023 is going to be an exciting year for the construction industry, with new technological developments and a move towards greener living. To find out more about the latest trends, keep reading…

photo credit: Borko Manigoda / Pixabay
As we move towards an industry of eco-friendly construction and smart devices, it’s a good idea to learn about the new trends and seize the opportunity to grow your business. Below we’ll be taking a look at some of the things you can do to grow your business such as speaking to a solicitor in construction and engineering law and updating your website.…

6 Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Marketing to Professionals

Posted By ivanpw 691 days ago on Blogging - Do you find your startup sales and lead volume going down? Do you need help creating effective marketing campaigns?
If so, now is the time to partner with marketing experts… Read more »
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Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Shopify SEO Services

Posted By ivanpw 691 days ago on Business - The post Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Shopify SEO Services appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Many people may tell you that hiring Shopify SEO services is an easy task, but this is a myth because many businesses who have failed can testify that search engine optimization is not an easy job.

photo credit: Merakist / Unsplash
When you are hiring a services provider for your online business, there is a need to consider a few things that will ensure that your site is properly ranked in the search engine. Now let’s have a look at some of the critical things that you should be aware of before you hire Shopify SEO services.
1. Have a clear Picture of Competitors
Before you start optimizing your store, you should have a clear picture of your competitors.…

Making Your First Hire? 11 Questions to Ask to Ensure They’re the Right Fit

Posted By ivanpw 692 days ago on Blogging - When making your first hire, no matter the position, what’s one question you should ask during the interview to determine if they’re the right person to take on this new… Read more »
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How Decentralised Exchanges are Evolving for The Good

Posted By ivanpw 692 days ago on Business - The post How Decentralised Exchanges are Evolving for The Good appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The cryptocurrency market got DEXs, which stand for “decentralized exchanges,” in 2014. Users can trade a wide variety of assets through these exchanges.

Still, the first versions of these systems might not be accessible for people to use. But designers have worked hard to make them easier to use and simpler since they were first made.
On a decentralized exchange, users can trade with each other directly instead of going through a central platform. Smart contracts, which are used to carry out the orders that traders give, make this possible. When traders choose a decentralized exchange (DEX) instead of a centralized exchange (CEX), their money is not kept on the DEX.…

The Impact of Mentorship in 2022

Posted By ivanpw 693 days ago on Business - The post The Impact of Mentorship in 2022 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
In today’s business world, no one gets ahead without some kind of help from others in their industry or workplace. Mentorship is an important concept for high level professionals, but unfortunately it’s something that not every workplace offers.

Seeking mentorship can be a tough road for your employees who want to move up in the world, and if your company doesn’t have a focus on mentoring new employees you may end up with higher turnover and decreased employee satisfaction. Mentors like Carter Reum help startups get up and running and every company should consider mentoring their new employees, especially in 2022 as workplace dynamics have shifted over the years.…

3 Tips for Small Business Owners Trying to Attract Job-Seekers

Posted By ivanpw 693 days ago on Business - The post 3 Tips for Small Business Owners Trying to Attract Job-Seekers appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
With various job boards such as Indeed, Monster, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor, it can seem like your job ads often get lost in the endless sea of job listings. This is true to an extent, as not all job listings are seen by the right candidates. The good news is that there are other ways to let job-seekers know that your small business is hiring.

1. Focus on Your Target Audience
Not your target consumer audience, but your target job-seeking audience. As with your consumers, determining your target job-seeking audience is going to take some research to determine who exactly they are.…

The Ten Most Expensive NFTs That are Currently on The Market

Posted By ivanpw 694 days ago on Blogging - NFT or Non-Fungible tokens are unique digital assets that cannot be duplicated. They are stored on a blockchain, which is a decentralized ledger that records all transactions. The blockchain serves… Read more »
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Expert’s Tips for Storing Your Data on Your Laptop

Posted By ivanpw 695 days ago on Blogging - Data storage is one of the most important aspects of keeping all your files safe and sound on the laptop. Not only does it save the file from getting into… Read more »
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How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth?

Posted By ivanpw 695 days ago on Business - The post How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Imagine you are on a crucial Skype, video, or Zoom call with your boss or a client when the call unexpectedly ends and you receive a notification stating that you have used up all of your allotted bandwidth for the day.

Naturally, you will feel awful about embarrassing yourself in front of them. Or, let’s say you and your gaming mates are online and you run out of data in the middle of a game. Wouldn’t that break your heart?
Consider all the reasons you and others in your home or apartment would want to use your broadband connection to connect to the internet before making your decision on the best internet provider service.…

5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as an Entrepreneur

Posted By ivanpw 696 days ago on Blogging - When you spend your days working on something that you’re passionate about, it almost feels like it can’t get any better. But as with anything in life, there are going… Read more »
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A Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs

Posted By ivanpw 696 days ago on Business - The post A Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Recognizing and rewarding performers and encouraging good future efforts is a long-term strategy for gaining loyalty and keeping a valuable workforce. Most startups fear going through this route because they may perceive it to be expensive and this would hamper their growth objectives. The good news is that non-financial benefits are just as important as financial incentives. In fact, many employees specifically prefer them.

Source: Adobe Pictures
Acknowledging work pays off in the long run, and the time spent recognizing it will probably lead to a more thoughtful and personal approach. So it’s an effective way to motivate your employees. Here is a guide to employee rewards and recognition program.…

Is Professional Window Cleaning Worth It for Small Businesses?

Posted By ivanpw 696 days ago on Business - The post Is Professional Window Cleaning Worth It for Small Businesses? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Investing in professional services may initially seem redundant if you are a small business owner. Each investment has to be worth it and payout in the future. However, professional window cleaning is one of the best fields in which you can put your money. Hiring a professional window cleaning company can offer many benefits you may need to be aware of.

photo credit: Nathan Cowley / Pexels
According to, professional window cleaning can help you save money simply by preventing wear and spotting damage before it worsens. In an office building, clean windows can improve the quality of life for employees by maintaining clean air and heat efficiency.…

Optima Tax Relief Advises How to Prepare for Student Loan Forgiveness 

Posted By ivanpw 696 days ago on Blogging - The U.S. Department of Education has officially released its application for student loan forgiveness. The short, straightforward application allows borrowers to apply for student loan forgiveness up to $20,000. Optima… Read more »
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9 Ways to Manage Small Business Accounting

Posted By ivanpw 697 days ago on Business - The post 9 Ways to Manage Small Business Accounting appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Accounting is one of those necessary business evils. It’s not the most glamorous task, but it is crucial to the success of your small business. Poorly managed finances can lead to cash flow problems, late payments, and bankruptcy.

photo credit: Pixabay
The good news is that there are some easy ways to manage your accounting and keep on top of your finances. Here are nine tips:
1.   Use Accounting Software
In today’s business world, accounting software is a must-have for any company that wants to stay competitive. Not only does it save time and money, but it also provides a more accurate record of transactions.…

5 Estate Planning Tips To Protect Your Family And Assets

Posted By ivanpw 697 days ago on Business - The post 5 Estate Planning Tips To Protect Your Family And Assets appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Most people don’t like talking about end-of-life topics like estate planning. While it may be uncomfortable to talk or think of the ‘ifs’ of not being around someday, estate planning is critical for your overall financial plan. After all, an estate plan is all about making sure that your investments, assets, and wealth are handed down to your family in the most effective way possible.

Creating an estate plan can be complicated and comes with numerous considerations. To help you get started, here are five estate planning tips to protect your assets and family when you pass away:
1. Assemble Your A-Team
Estate planning is a complex process.…

Blog Topic Ideas: Types of Blog Posts That Get Traffic

Posted By ivanpw 697 days ago on Blogging - Are you looking for blog topic ideas that will help you get more traffic? If so, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll share with you five… Read more »
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