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Are Smartphones Good Enough to Shoot a Professional Video With?

Posted By ivanpw 787 days ago on Business - The post Are Smartphones Good Enough to Shoot a Professional Video With? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Smartphones are continuing to get better and better, with more powerful cameras and features. But are they good enough to shoot a professional video with? Are they good enough to record high-quality content for your business or next venture?

We’re focusing on this today, bringing together everything you need to know when producing video content for your business and how you invest in content marketing ventures.
What to Consider When Recording Video for Business
Let’s start with the basics.
When recording video for your business, your production quality is everything. The thing is, nowadays, high-quality video content is everywhere, and it’s important you take time to stand out from the crowd.…

Is Retail Dying in 2022? The Future of E-Commerce

Posted By ivanpw 787 days ago on Business - The post Is Retail Dying in 2022? The Future of E-Commerce appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The narrative that retail is dying is quite popular among many e-commerce players. But is the industry actually collapsing? While we hear horror stories about retail bankruptcies in the media and the horrendous aftermath of the pandemic for many businesses, in the past year, retail sales have gone up again. Experts project that by 2025, retail profit will reach at least $30 trillion globally.

Despite the slight increase in retail’s success, it’s safe to say that retail is on the verge of disruption. The high customer demands and the need for convenient, digital services force many businesses to adapt, which means switching to the electronic world.…

Business Intelligence Consulting: Unlocking the Potential of Big Data

Posted By ivanpw 788 days ago on Business - The post Business Intelligence Consulting: Unlocking the Potential of Big Data appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Data-driven decisions are critical to the success of any business. Yet, many organizations struggle to unlock the 100% potential of their data. That’s where business intelligence (BI) consulting comes in. Business intelligence consulting services help to make sense of data to make better decisions.

There are many different types of business intelligence services. Of course, it is best to get assistance with every business aspect. And here are the key business consulting services an entrepreneur might need soon.
1. Business Strategy Development
Many advisory materials will yell that you need a strategy. But where to start, and what does that vague concept mean?…

Want to Start a Business? Read This First for a Reality Check!

Posted By ivanpw 788 days ago on Blogging - Are you going to start a business and looking for some ideas and tips? Well, you are reading the right blog post, as I will tell you what you might… Read more »
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Questions to Ask Before Buying a Wall Bed for Your Rental Property

Posted By ivanpw 788 days ago on Business - The post Questions to Ask Before Buying a Wall Bed for Your Rental Property appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Buying an affordable, high-quality wall bed for your rental property can be challenging, especially if you’re first-time buyer. Lack of information on wall beds can be troublesome if you’re interested in buying one. So, if you’re planning to go to a furniture shop to buy Lori wall beds, don’t forget to ask some of the most important questions enumerated in this article. When you get the answers you need, and if you are satisfied by them, you can proceed with the purchase.

photo credit: Les Stockton / Flickr
Wall Beds
Lori wall beds, or also known as Murphy beds, are a great addition to homes or rooms with limited space.…

Measuring the Health of Your Personal Finances

Posted By ivanpw 789 days ago on Blogging - Measuring the health of your personal finances can be as simple as evaluating four simple parts about your personal finances including the way that your money is spent and the… Read more »
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5 Ways to Maximize Your Audit’s Feedback

Posted By ivanpw 789 days ago on Business - The post 5 Ways to Maximize Your Audit’s Feedback appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Getting audited can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn’t have to be. By preparing for your audit and maximizing your feedback, you can turn this process into an opportunity to improve your business.
This article will discuss five ways to make the most of your audit. Follow these tips, and you will be on your way to improving your business.

What Exactly Is An Audit?
An audit is an objective examination of your financial statements. An auditor will examine your company’s records to ensure they are accurate and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This process can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.…

Top Tips To Get Out of Debt in 2022

Posted By ivanpw 790 days ago on Business - The post Top Tips To Get Out of Debt in 2022 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
So far, 2022 has been a tricky year for many smaller businesses and individuals who have debts they need to manage.

photo credit: Toufiqu Barbhuiya / Pexels
For one thing, borrowing has become more expensive. In August, the Bank of England declared a further rise in the base lending rate, something that means all lenders have gone on to adjust their charges unless there is a pre-existing fixed-rate deal in place.
Secondly, inflation is hitting many households and enterprises. The rising cost of fuel, in particular, has meant that distributing goods and even getting to and from work has cost more in 2022 than it has ever done before.…

SAP Plant Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know

Posted By ivanpw 790 days ago on Blogging - Most plant operators today perform various duties and tackle many challenges. If not handled right, these challenges could lead to disasters, such as downtimes, production losses, and higher operational costs.… Read more »
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30 Real Estate Entrepreneurship Ideas to Earn Money

Posted By ivanpw 791 days ago on Business - The post 30 Real Estate Entrepreneurship Ideas to Earn Money appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Would you like to undertake? Do you want to have your own company quickly and with little investment? In this article, Sky Marketing will tell you 30 entrepreneurial ideas in the real estate and real estate sector that you can do with little money.

Why is Entrepreneurship Important?
Being an entrepreneur is the quality of starting something new to receive financial compensation. Its attraction lies in the economic growth, autonomy and constant learning that we have when we make the decision to undertake. Therefore, opening our own real estate business will always be a good idea, and although it is not the easiest path, it is very rewarding and important to take this step financially and professionally.…

Pros and Cons of Accounts Receivable Financing

Posted By ivanpw 791 days ago on Business - The post Pros and Cons of Accounts Receivable Financing appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Diverse sectors have struggled for a very long time to get their clients to pay for their orders by the due date listed on the invoice.
You’re afraid that charging excessively large late fees will discourage clients from placing future orders, yet you need the money owed to you to keep your firm thriving.
So, what is the remedy?

Cash flow issues can influence practically every size and type of organization. As the process of launching and maintaining a new firm is frequently uncertain, unstable, and fluctuating, cash flow difficulties provide a significant challenge for small enterprises. Therefore, You need to be smart while expanding your business with cash flow solutions and accounts receivable process options.…

How to Ensure Your Small Business Becomes Successful

Posted By ivanpw 791 days ago on Business - The post How to Ensure Your Small Business Becomes Successful appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Starting a small business is no easy task. There are so many things to think about – from the initial planning stages to the day-to-day tasks of running the business. Knowing where to start or even what you should do to ensure your small business succeeds can be challenging.
This article will outline some of the key steps you need to take to give your small business the best chance of success.
Form a Plan
One of the most important things you need to do when starting a small business is to ensure you have a clear idea of what your business will be about.…

You Deserve the Buzz – 6 Strategies to Attract Earned Media Mentions

Posted By ivanpw 791 days ago on Blogging - Your growing business probably relies on multiple digital marketing and advertising channels to grow its audience, drive conversions, and increase sales. You also probably spend more on these channels than… Read more »
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Bitcoin & Bond Vs. Crude Oil

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post Bitcoin & Bond Vs. Crude Oil appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The analyst of (Official trading site) is trying to find the demand-supply and performance of the oldest cryptocurrency compared to the latest commodity that has developed in the trading society, crude oil. Bitcoin is a participant that launched its position in 2009 with the increasing exchange in demand and lots of capital, among other units.

The currency also shows some recent reports about the strategies developed for the net worth of crude oil. Bitcoin valuation has decreased the fraction of oil. Last year Wall Street analyzed the experience of Bitcoin going above 50,000 dollars. The prediction on the journey and The Legacy of cryptocurrency have won people’s hearts and hit the market for over one lakh dollars.…

Which One to Choose: Bitcoin or US Dollar

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post Which One to Choose: Bitcoin or US Dollar appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
There is different trading equipment, and you need to choose one of the best out of those. Then you will be able to get some most perfect trading experience and great return as well. While talking about digital or cryptocurrencies, you need to know that these are not just the trading equipment, but you will be able to do a lot of different things with those because they have some amazing workability due to the modern technologies that they are based on.

photo credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels
There are numerous cryptocurrencies and real currencies. Despite that, people look for Bitcoin and US dollars the most.…

3 Factors to Consider When Looking for a Commercial Lease

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post 3 Factors to Consider When Looking for a Commercial Lease appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Finding the perfect commercial real estate for lease is tedious. You spend a lot of time creating an initial space survey, touring places in person, and ultimately vetting numerous locations to ensure they meet your needs, both operationally and financially.

Before anything else, you need to decide what is a must-have and what is a nice-to-have in order to make the best lease investment for your business. Here are some examples of features you might consider needs or wants when considering a commercial lease:
Be they square footage, prime location, or flexible contracts, these are must-haves for your business.…

Bitcoin or Stock: Which is More Volatile and Why

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post Bitcoin or Stock: Which is More Volatile and Why appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
When talking about the volatility of a stock or any cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, it is about the price of that particular item. Once you will trade these things, you will experience a continuous change in the piece of these things and, in investment, these price changes impact a lot in your profit-making possibilities.

photo credit: Alesia Kozik / Pexels
So, once you are going to choose between both of these, you need to know the volatility of these as well so that you can estimate the profit percentage. Then you can have the correct knowledge to choose the most perfect one for you to trade.…

What Is Artificial Intelligence – How Does AI Work

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post What Is Artificial Intelligence – How Does AI Work appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The modern field of AI saw the world in 1956. But it took time to achieve significant progress in AI systems. These days, you interact with artificial intelligence (AI) every day but you most likely don’t realize it. AI has a wide range of uses. A professional artificial intelligence consulting company can help your business benefit from AI technology.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a sector of computer science that involves creating smart machines that perform tasks using human intelligence. Advances in machine learning have made it possible for AI systems to affect almost every aspect of the tech industry.…

Know Some Differences between Bitcoin and Dogecoin

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Business - The post Know Some Differences between Bitcoin and Dogecoin appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
While talking about cryptocurrencies, you will be getting a lot of those, and also, there will be other factors that are related to them as well. Different cryptocurrencies will have different bases, and also, there will be some other differences as well.
You need to know all those factors and the differences between those cryptocurrencies. The same goes for Bitcoin and Dogecoin as well.

photo credit: RODNAE Productions / Pexels
Though both of these are cryptocurrencies, you will find some dissimilarities too. You need to know those dissimilarities, as those will help you to decide which one is better for you to trade.…

Why Real-Time Tracking is Essential for Efficient Supply Chain Management

Posted By ivanpw 793 days ago on Blogging - With the massive increase of online shops and shoppers in the digital marketplace, the number of shipping and delivery options also grows. Online consumers enjoy being able to track their… Read more »
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