Submitted Stories

You Might Be Holding Onto Water Because of These 5 Reasons

Posted By livingwater 571 days ago on Health - The human body is composed of a large majority of water, and in order to maintain the appropriate level of water in our bodies, we need to drink water on a regular basis. This helps to replace the water that is lost as a result of normal day-to-day bodily functions like urinating, sweating, crying, sneezing, [...]
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I Have Dry, Flaky Skin; Can Drinking More Water Really Help?

Posted By livingwater 572 days ago on Health - Your issue may be caused by dehydration if you have dry, flaky skin and are tired of spending a lot of money on moisturising products and skin creams that do not provide any relief for your symptoms. Although the most of us are aware that the human body is composed of between 60 and 70 [...]
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Should I Be Drinking Water to Keep Myself Hydrated, or Is There Another Way?

Posted By livingwater 575 days ago on Health - Keeping our body well hydrated is essential if we want it to continue to be in optimum condition both physically and functionally. To be properly hydrated means to keep the fluid balance in our body stable, which consists of between 60 and 70 percent water in adults, depending on gender and age. Because the human [...]
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The Advantages of Consuming Water Flavored with Lemon or Lime

Posted By livingwater 576 days ago on Health - Despite the fact that consuming a sufficient amount of water is essential to maintaining proper hydration and overall health, not everyone takes pleasure in drinking plain tap water. As a result, many people are at least somewhat dehydrated for the most of the time they are awake. It is essential that you consume a suitable [...]
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To Provide Your Company With Pure Drinking Water

Posted By livingwater 578 days ago on Health - The recommended daily amount of water consumption for an adult is roughly 64 ounces. Because most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work, it is necessary for them to satisfy some of their daily water needs while they are there. It is imperative for the operation of a successful company to provide [...]
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Consequences of Consuming Excessive Amounts of Water

Posted By livingwater 579 days ago on Health - The value of having access to clean water is something that is common knowledge among all of us. But contrary to the widespread perception, consuming an excessive amount of water can be harmful. Consuming an excessive amount of water can have a variety of adverse effects. It may come as a surprise to hear this, [...]
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Tips for Conserving Water Supply in the Face of Drought

Posted By livingwater 584 days ago on Health - In places where there have never been droughts or floods before, they are now being caused by global warming, changing climatic patterns, and a growing population. Communities are having a difficult time adapting to these new occurrences, particularly the droughts, because clean drinking water is necessary for all forms of life, including humans, animals, and [...]
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What Benefits Will I Gain from Consuming Cucumber Water?

Posted By livingwater 585 days ago on Health - It is imperative that you consume a large amount of water throughout the day in order to maintain proper hydration and overall health, particularly during the hot summer months; however, not everyone like the flavour of plain old tap water. Unfortunately, as a consequence of this, many people unknowingly spend a significant portion of their [...]
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What are the Most Effective Means by Which We can Supply Water to Nine Billion People?

Posted By livingwater 589 days ago on Health - The global population, which is increasing by a few million every day, is expected to reach unsustainable figures of nine million by the year 2050. This presents a significant challenge for us, as we are already dealing with a lack of water in many areas, and this expanding population will strain our existing resources to [...]
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How Do You Know If You’re Dehydrated?

Posted By livingwater 590 days ago on Health - It's shocking that so many individuals are chronically dehydrated but have no idea it. It's inexplicable that in this day and age, when so much knowledge is disseminated in so many ways, millions of people still succumb to thirst annually. There are two main reasons for this: first, millions of people around the world lack [...]
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What Dangerous Chemicals Might Be Present in My Home’s Tap Water?

Posted By livingwater 592 days ago on Health - Even though the majority of first world countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, claim that their tap water is well within all limits set down by the World Health Organization (WHO) and local authorities for tap water, it is still a good idea to be cautious about drinking tap water wherever [...]
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Why We Must Protect Our Water

Posted By livingwater 593 days ago on Health - Life requires access to clean water, yet most people in industrialised countries rarely consider the source of the water they use for drinking, cooking, and sanitation. The situation is entirely different in impoverished countries, where finding clean water to drink can be a daily emergency. Due to a lack of access to clean water and [...]
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Pineapple Water is Beneficial to Your Health, So Drink Up!

Posted By livingwater 596 days ago on Health - People who do not enjoy the taste of plain water from the tap do not need to be concerned that they will never be able to drink water at all because there are a variety of ways in which plain water can be made to taste great. This allows people to hydrate their bodies to [...]
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How Can We Make Sure That There Is Enough Water for the Increasing Population?

Posted By livingwater 598 days ago on Health - It is projected that the global population will reach approximately nine billion within the next several decades, which presents a significant challenge: how can we ensure that there will be sufficient water for the expanding population? There are already up to 7 billion people living on our planet, and the world is already having trouble [...]
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What are the Most Effective Means by Which We can Supply Water to 9 Billion People?

Posted By livingwater 599 days ago on Health - A few million more people are added to the world's population every day, and by 2050, that number is expected to reach an unsustainable nine million. This is a major concern, as many places are already experiencing water shortages, and the added demand from the growing population will put an enormous pressure on our already [...]
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How Close Are We to Meeting Our Goal of Providing Everyone with Access to Clean Water and Sanitation?

Posted By livingwater 600 days ago on Health - According to the Millennium Development Goals, a lot of work has been put in to ensuring that every person on earth has access to drinkable water and sanitation, but how far along are we in really achieving this goal? How many people still relieve themselves in the open air, and how many still do not [...]
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What are the Benefits of Purchasing a Water Cooler?

Posted By livingwater 603 days ago on Health - It is tough to know where to begin when discussing the many advantages that come along with purchasing a water cooler because there are so many. The most significant reason is, of course, that it is necessary for each and every person on the planet to consume an adequate amount of water on a daily [...]
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The Taste of Water is Really Unpleasant to Me; How can I Improve My Intake Despite This?

Posted By livingwater 604 days ago on Health - If you despise the taste of water, it is probably the flavour of tap water that you dislike, and if that is the case, you are in good company with more than 75% of people all over the world who feel the same way. Even in the best first-world countries, tap water frequently has an [...]
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How Can I Ensure that I am Getting Enough Fluids Throughout the Day?

Posted By livingwater 605 days ago on Health - Consuming water on a consistent basis is essential to maintaining a healthy body because you need to keep the proportion of water that makes up your body at roughly 70 percent at all times. If you do not drink enough water, your body will get dehydrated, which can lead to a wide range of [...]
The post How Can I Ensure that I am Getting Enough Fluids Throughout the Day? appeared first on Living-Water.

Why Should I Hydrate Myself with Warm Saltwater?

Posted By livingwater 606 days ago on Health - We are all aware that drinking water is necessary to maintain proper hydration of the body and overall wellness. Since we are also aware that drinking seawater is the worst thing that could happen to us if we were shipwrecked at sea, we are left to wonder why anyone would advocate for drinking warm salt [...]
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