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Taking Care of Yourself and the Water You Drink

Posted By livingwater 742 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Drinking water is essential for human survival and optimal performance, so your health and the health of your drinking water are inextricably linked. Keeping hydrated is essential because every cell in the human body contains water and relies on it to function properly. We need to ensure that the water we drink is pure and [...]
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Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Posted By livingwater 745 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - How much water do you drink every day? The human body can only function without water for a maximum of three days before becoming severely dehydrated. Keeping the body hydrated at all times is essential for it to perform at its best, so drinking enough water each day is essential. Is Your Water intake adequate? [...]
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The Health Benefits of Cold Water Drinking

Posted By livingwater 748 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Drinking enough water is essential for good health; the human body becomes dehydrated when it isn't getting enough. Continuing to avoid or consume insufficient amounts of water will cause you to become more dehydrated, which could lead to a state of unconsciousness or death. Many people wonder if it's better to drink ice water instead [...]
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Invest in a Water Cooler For Your London Office

Posted By livingwater 750 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Long hours in an office can be gruelling and confining, according to anyone who has worked in one. When people are dejected, it affects their performance and their outlook on life as a whole. Creating a better work environment can go a long way toward alleviating these feelings. Improving a London office should begin with [...]
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Water Boilers vs. Water Coolers: Which is Better?

Posted By livingwater 752 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - There is nothing better than a steaming cup of coffee or tea to get us through the gloomy days ahead, especially now that summer is over. Water boilers or water coolers, which provide both cold and hot water, are the two most common ways to heat your office. When deciding between these two options, what [...]
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What are the Benefits of Using a Water Cooler Connected to the Mains?

Posted By livingwater 755 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Water coolers are a common sight in modern offices, keeping workers properly hydrated throughout the course of the workday. Water coolers aren't just for the workplace any more; sales of water coolers for the average consumer's home use have increased dramatically in recent years. Despite the variety of water coolers on the market, a mains [...]
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Water Dispenser Suppliers for the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Posted By livingwater 756 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Choosing the right supplier The following considerations should be made before even considering Living-Water as your water at work supplier: Your drinking water provider should be able to answer these questions for you: Does this person belong to a professional organisation like the EIMBCA? Are they able to supply both bottled and POU water cooler [...]
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Buying a Water Cooler for Your Home Has Many Benefits

Posted By livingwater 758 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Like a car, the human body relies on water to lubricate its moving parts as well as to move it. food for energy and growth but can go longer without water than food. The human body cannot store water, so we must drink water every day to replace the fluids lost through sweating, breathing, urinating, [...]
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Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Posted By livingwater 759 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Even though most people don't realise that they've become dehydrated, it is a common misconception that people who are lost at sea or in the desert can become dehydrated. If you don't drink enough water throughout the day, you will become dehydrated. Most people, especially the elderly, are unaware of the warning signs of dehydration, [...]
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Memory and Attention Impairment Even at Moderate Dehydration Levels

Posted By livingwater 761 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Because most people don't drink enough water throughout the day, dehydration is a common problem. This is largely because most people believe they don't need to drink as much water when it's not particularly warm outside or they aren't particularly active. Because they drink other liquids and sit at a desk all day, most people [...]
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It’s Critical to Keep Your Body Hydrated at All Times!

Posted By livingwater 764 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - For optimal health, the body's fluid balance, which comprises about 70 percent water, must be maintained at a consistent level. Water is found in every cell of the human body, which is why it is so critical to stay hydrated. For optimal blood flow and delivery of life-giving nutrients and oxygen to all of your [...]
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Why Do I Have a Thirst All the Time?

Posted By livingwater 765 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - The sensation of thirst is the brain's way of alerting you that your body is becoming dehydrated because it does not have enough water. After drinking one or two glasses of water, you ought to be able to satisfy your thirst and bring the fluid level in your body back to its normal level. Read [...]
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Water: What, Why, and How to Consume It

Posted By livingwater 766 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Every cell in your body, as well as your existence, depends on water. If we don't drink enough water, we won't be able to perform at our best and will eventually die. Too little water consumption can lead to dehydration, whereas too much water consumption can lead to hyponatraemia, or water-intoxication. Diluting blood by drinking [...]
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Which Is Better: Water Dispensers or Water Bottles?

Posted By livingwater 769 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Although water dispensers are far superior to water bottles for a variety of reasons, many people still prefer water bottles because of the convenience they provide. Water bottles are convenient to carry and use on the go. Apart from the convenience, however, there are other disadvantages, including the fact that most water bottles are made [...]
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Why Adopt a Basking Shark?

Posted By livingwater 770 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - It has been common knowledge for years now, that one is allowed and even encouraged to adopt an animal of some sort. This initiative has always primarily been focused on big wild cats, such as lions, tigers, leopards, as well as other animals in conservation parks. However, adopting a marine animal is something that is [...]
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Marine Life Under Threat from COVID-19

Posted By livingwater 772 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Every day, there is an increased demand for disposable face masks and gloves to stop the spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus has completely disrupted the operations of the world. It has reached a point where most individuals can't go to work, and children especially can't go to their schools. Just like the virus is affecting [...]
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A Pandemic-Highlighted Water Crisis

Posted By livingwater 821 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - The water crisis has been looming in countries all around the world for decades, worsening with time. It’s literally been the elephant in the room that kept getting bigger and bigger. However, now it’s filled nearly the entire room, and for some, there’s barely space to keep moving forward. Without water, the risk of infections [...]
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What’s in the Water Can Make You Sick?

Posted By livingwater 890 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Opening a tap and expecting clean water to run through it, without even giving contamination a second thought, is something to be 100% thankful for. To all developing and developed countries, along with some third world countries, it is considered a basic human right. Although all humans are equal and deserve the courtesy of having [...]
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How Much Do You Really Know About the Bottled Water You are Drinking?

Posted By livingwater 1067 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Are you one of the millions of citizens of Planet Earth that drink litres of bottled water every month? If so, what kind of bottled water are you drinking - Spring water, Artesian water, Mineral water, Carbonated water, pH-balanced water, or perhaps vitamin-enriched water? With so many types of bottled water to choose from, the [...]
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Bottled Does Not Necessarily Mean Better

Posted By livingwater 1122 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Bottled water sales across the globe have continued to rise, with many individuals feeling that just because the label says that the water comes from some remote place and says that it is healthy that this is true, but do not be fooled. Bottled water is not necessarily better than your tap water - in [...]
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