Published Blogs Finance

12 Things People Joke About That Aren’t Actually Funny

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - In today’s world, humor is all around us. People often use jokes to make each other laugh and lighten the mood. But there are some things that should never be the subject of jokes. These are topics that can hurt others and make them feel sad or upset. 1. Mental Health Issues Joking about mental...

12 Trends That Would Baffle the Founding Fathers

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Today’s society is a far cry from the world the founding fathers envisioned when they laid the groundwork for the United States of America. As we examine the disparities between their time and ours, it becomes apparent that there are aspects of modern society that would likely leave the founding fathers astounded, and in some...

33 Simple Summer Jobs For Teachers [Make $55+/Hour]

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Teachers have guaranteed summer break, and many teachers do not have an income during that time. However, the summer vacation … 33 Simple Summer Jobs For Teachers [Make $55+/Hour] Read More »

12 “Mind-Blowing” Things Even Tolerant People Cannot Stand

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Even the most accepting and open-minded individuals have their limits when it comes to what they find unacceptable. Very tolerant people, who embrace diversity and respect for others, have their own set of boundaries. 1. Discrimination While very tolerant people strive to embrace diversity, they find discrimination in any form to be absolutely intolerable. Whether...

11 Regrets Men Having Growing Up That They Would Do Differently

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - There are multiple things men would do differently after reflecting on their life. But, as the common saying goes, “People say that hindsight is 20/20. And, if they only knew what they know now, then their life choices may have been different. So, a person asked the Reddit community what is one piece of advice...

15 Big Lies People Say To Get Away With Money

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Money remains a sensitive topic that many people avoid discussing. One of the recent studies shows that over 60% of Americans don’t regularly talk about money. This is particularly true for older generations, including millennials, Gen X, and baby boomers. The absence of these conversations has given rise to several common misconceptions or “lies” that...

12 Things More Dangerous Than The Average Person Knows

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Every day, we navigate a world filled with hidden hazards, often oblivious to the true risks they pose. While some dangers are well-known and widely acknowledged, others lurk beneath the surface, disguised by familiarity or lack of awareness. 1. Sedentary Lifestyle A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged periods of sitting or inactivity, is alarmingly more...

10 Confessions From Men About Women Who Make More Than Them

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Recently, a woman asked an internet forum of men if it was important for them to earn more money than the woman they were dating. Sometimes I forget that some men feel threatened or don’t care for their women to make more money. So these answers were a refreshing insight. 1. They’re Just Fine With...

9 Major Red Flags That Your Marriage Is Going Down Hill

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - In a popular online thread, in-laws were asked to share the moments they realized their kids’ marriages were doomed, and their responses were eye-opening. From secret texts to infidelity and lack of communication, in-laws can see warning signs that their children may be unable or unwilling to acknowledge. 1. The Repeat Cheater “Was the sister-in-law....

She Charges $35 an Hour To Babysit Her Cousin’s Kids, Is She Right?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - This Reddit user does freelance software development and typically charges a premium per hour. And, while on a family vacation, her cousin asked if she could watch her kids and would be willing to pay her freelance rates. Her cousin went “crazy” when she heard $35 an hour. Time Is Money The original poster (OP) is...

12 Must-Read Books for Intellectual Minds

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Literature has the remarkable ability to transport readers to different worlds, challenge their perspectives, and ignite their imagination. Yet, certain books have gained a reputation for being perceived as pretentious by some. These works, often characterized by complex language, intricate narratives, or profound philosophical insights, can unintentionally evoke a sense of intellectual superiority. However, it...

Mother-In-Law Announces Their Pregnancy Without Permission, Is She Wrong?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares the story of her mother-in-law announcing their pregnancy on social media before they did. After fighting infertility for many years, she and her significant other were hoping that they’d be the ones to make this momentous announcement. Waiting For The Right Moment The original poster (OP) shares they had multiple miscarriages...

10 Best Value Investing YouTubers to Watch Immediately

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you interested in learning more about value investing and personal finance? With the rise of YouTube, more resources are available than ever to help you improve your financial literacy. We’ll introduce you to the best value investing YouTubers to help you become a more informed and successful investor. 1. Sven Carlin Sven Carlin is...

Their Romantic Getaway Became Crowded When Girlfriend Invited Her Friends

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares he has been planning a romantic trip with his girlfriend for several months because he wanted to propose to her. However, his girlfriend invited her friends over and never got quality one on one time with her. So, he left his planned romantic getaway. It Was A Trip Meant Only For...

27 Weird Ways to Make Money

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - If you’re interested in bringing in more cash, you may be happy to know there are countless weird ways to make money, from selling your hair to testing food to beekeeping. With the median weekly income hovering around $55,640 and inflation chipping away at Americans’ paychecks, many consumers seek extra income by starting part-time work or a side hustle. In fact, 40% of Americans currently have a side hustle, according to Zapier data. So, if you want to pad your wallet with extra cash, here are some odd ... Read more

10 Ways Failing Couples Can Save Their Marriage

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Making a marriage work can feel challenging, but there are many things that a man can do to improve his marriage and become a better husband. Any husband can be a great husband. If you are unhappy with your marriage, the first thing you can do is start by working on yourself. Any relationship improvement...

12 Most Wasteful Habits Human People Have Trouble Stopping

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Human beings, in their daily lives, often engage in habits that unknowingly contribute to wastefulness. From excessive food waste to the use of disposable plastic, these practices take a toll on the environment and deplete valuable resources. The consequences of these wasteful habits are far-reaching, affecting ecosystems, climate, and future generations. 1. Excessive Food Waste...

12 Cities Are in Desperate Need of a Makeover

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - When we think of cities, we often conjure up images of breathtaking skylines, picturesque streets, and iconic landmarks that captivate our senses. However, there is a side to urban life that challenges our conventional notions of beauty. In the diverse tapestry of our world, there are cities that stand out for their unconventional aesthetics. These...